I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 335 - Humanoid Monster

After the Explosion Bug back into the deep forest, Fosa and Borkins immediately contact Jacob about the new fifth-grade Explosion Bug through a communication device.

"A new upgraded fifth-grade monster?!!" exclaimed Jacob through the communication.

Currently, Jacob is having a rough breath while the surrounding area is burning by fire. If the Dark Forest's plantation is not quite sturdy and resistant to fire, the fire may spread in a larger area.

In front of Jacob, there is a gigantic Steel Broodmother fighting against Anne and her subordinate. They are also in rough breath and quite exhausted after fighting the Steel Broodmother for a while.

On the contrary, the Steel Broodmother itself only has a few burning marks on its body. Besides that, there isn't any notable wound on its body. Still, like Jacob and the others, it also became slower and more sluggish than before.

Looking at the Steel Broodmother's condition, "This is bad. I don't think we could kill the Steel Broodmother in a short time. Borkins, I authorize you to gather some team and stale the new upgraded monster until I finish this monster." said Jacob through communication.

"Alright. That's what I am going to do." said Borkin's before cutting off the communication.

"Fosa, I am going to handle that red bug. I leave these monsters and the Fortress to you." said Borkins.

"Sure, we can handle these monsters on our own." said Fosa while fighting the climbing monster.

Then, Borkins immediately gathered a few fourth-grade combatants who could still fight.

At this moment, "General Borkins, bring me with you. I know some information about that new upgraded red bug." said Angus.

"Young master!! That's too dangerous!!" said the nearby bodyguard after hearing Angus' sentences.

Hearing this, Angus only stares at the bodyguard before looking back at Borkins. Borkins didn't reply immediately and looked at Angus for a moment.

"Alright, but you need to heed my order. If things go south, you need to escape on your own." said Borkins.

"Sure, I am quite proud of my escaping skill." said Angus.

Just as Angus and Borkins want to depart, Jayna and Anna approach them.

"Angus, are you going to fight that new upgraded fifth-grade monster?" asked Jayna.

"Yeah." said Angus.

"Take me with.." said Jayna.

Before she could finish her sentence, "No, I need you here to take care of these monsters. Your power and strength are more effective against these kinds of monsters." said Angus.

"B-But…" said Jayna.

"No but. Don't worry. There will be a time when I will bring you along to the battle. But it is not now. Wait here with Anna and help the others." said Angus before following Borkins and his team.

They couldn't leave the new fifth-grade Explosion Bug for a long time. They didn't know what it would do when left alone in the forest. Looking at Angus's figure going into the forest, Jayna couldn't help but worry.

After a while, she shakes her head and turns into her usual cold expression. Then, she looks at the nearby monster like something insignificant before enveloping her sword with fire.

"Anna, let's go all out. We need to kill all these monsters as soon as possible, then help Angus." said Jayna.

In her experience inside the Endless Battlefield dimension, Jayna knows how dangerous a fifth-grade monster can be. If it is not because of the help of Jade and Angus's domain, they may already get annihilated a few times each time they encounter many fifth-grade monsters.

Hearing Jayna's comment, Anna immediately put on her Power Arm. After returning to the Firuman, Vigo upgraded everyone's Power Arm and modified them based on everyone's preference.

Among the others, Anna's Power Arm is the only one that could be called a weapon. Unlike everyone, Anna uses her own fist and feet to launch an attack. Combined with the weight manipulation in the Power Arm, her attack is many times destructive.

A single powerful punch of hers could easily destroy a thick Rodent Alloy, one of the most sturdy materials in Firuman. Her attack is equivalent to a full-powered fourth-grade combatant's attack. The ridiculous thing is Anna is still in grade one and keeps getting stronger each day.

Although her current physical power is not the same as Angus, it has already surpassed the human limit. In summary, the Power Arm in Anna's hand could become a very deadly weapon.

Because of this matter, Jayna and Angus reminded Anna to only use Power Arm in an emergency or serious situations like now. While Anna is wearing her Power Arm, Jayna already equipped her Power Arm from the start of the battle.

If Anna's Power Arm is customized more towards its weight manipulation, Jayna's Power Arm can withstand her fire and store it. It could also release an intense burst of fire after storing her fire for a while.

Although this Power Arm ability is not too useful for Jayna's combat style, it still could increase her combat capability. Since Jayna's fire is very hot and destructive, a burst of fire from it could easily kill any ordinary monster.

Wielding the Power Arm, both of them immediately begin massacring the climbed monster on the top of the wall. Using the Power Arm, Anna becomes like a demon harvesting the monster's life.

Whether it is a high-grade or low-grade monster, all of them immediately face death after they meet her fist. On the other hand, Jayna's fire sword also reaped all the nearby monsters and cut them like thin paper.

Since the Power Arm could store her fire mana, Jayna could keep fighting without wasting too much mana. While Jayna and Anna begin butchering the monster on the Fortress Wall, Angus and Borkins arrive at the Explosion Bug location.

After being fully upgraded, the current Explosion Bug appearance drastically changed. Its huge house size body turned into only three-meter tall. However, the most drastic change is that the explosion bug is transformed into something similar to a humanoid form.

Although it's similar to the humanoid form, it is still quite bulky. The Explosion Bug still has its bulky red back with some white dots pattern. It also has six arms and its previous bug face, even though it is much smaller than before.

Moreover, unlike before, it didn't release any stinky pheromone towards the surrounding area. If it is not because of the familiar pressure it keeps releasing, no one will believe it is the same monster as before.

Looking at the Explosion Bug in humanoid form, Borkins and Angus are immediately on guard. Humanoid monsters may cause less destruction towards the surrounding area. However, they are better at combat than the colossus monster type.

At this moment, Borkins and Angus immediately surrounded the humanoid Explosion Bug. In the meantime, the explosion bug ignores the others while keeping looking at its body and arms.

"It seems it still hasn't gotten used to its new body. Everyone, attack from a distance!!" said Borkins.

Hearing Borkins's order, everyone immediately releases an attack or spells from a distance. Angus also didn't fall behind and cast many ice spells at once [2nd Circle - Ice Spike].

On the way, Angus already told everyone about the Explosion Bug's characteristics. Since its pheromone is highly combustible, they cannot use fire-based attacks recklessly.

Although it will reduce everyone's combat capability since most of them have fire affinity, it is better than dying under its explosion.

*Bam* All the attack hits the humanoid explosion bug directly. After the view cleared, the humanoid monster looked at the surrounding combatant before screaming loudly. *PIIKKKK*

The piercing scream is deafening and hurts everyone's ears. Some combatants even get a headache and bleeding on their ears despite already protecting their ears with mana. After the scream, the explosion bug appeared in front of the wounded combatant and swung its two arms.

At this moment, Borkins reacted fast and appeared in front of the explosion bug. He swung his Warhammer and clashed with the Explosion Bug's two arms.

"Haaa!!" shouted Borkins while exerting all his strength.

The explosion bug immediately threw back far away and hit many trees.

While the explosion bug is thrown away, "Get a hold of yourself. This is a fifth-grade monster. Don't underestimate it even if it is just upgraded." said Borkins towards the others.

Suddenly, a strong miasma came out from the explosion bug direction. Then, the explosion bug looked with hatred towards Borkins before charging madly at it. Just as the Borkins wanted to confront it, a solid thick wooden spike appeared in front of it [3rd circle - Wood Spike].

Although the humanoid fifth-grade monster is strong at the battle, Angus notices that the current explosion bug is a novice at the frontal fight and is still not used to its body.

Otherwise, it will not be thrown back by Borkins easily. Therefore, Angus could easily predict its movement and create some countermeasures to it.

The wooden spike easily hits the explosion bug and stops its momentum. Unfortunately, it didn't get any injuries from the wooden spike besides some scratch on its exoskeleton.

"Everyone, It is still not used to its body and has no battle experience. It is easier to predict its attack." informed Angus to everyone.

Hearing this, everyone immediately gets hopeful at this battle.

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