Chapter 313: Explosion Squad

After having their meal, everyone separates and goes to their respective places. Jason and Cecilia are going back to work to manage the territory and the family business. This leaves Angus and Vergil alone. They will go towards the Explosion Squad base tomorrow.

Leaving without anything to do, "Angus, what will you teach to the squad?" asked Vergil.

"Hm… curious, huh?" teased Angus.

"Well, I hear from father you will teach a complicated and hard skill to master." said Vergil.

"True, it is hard. However, as long as you have a little bit of fire mastery and hard work everyone could use this skill." said Angus.

"Really?? Even in my current power?" asked Vergil.

"Of course. However, you will have a harder start than others who have already gained fire elemental mastery. I suggest you train your fire mastery first before learning this skill." said Angus.

"Haa.. As I thought. Still, what is this skill actually?" asked Vergil.

"It is called the Explosion skill. Skill to create an explosion using your fire mana outside your body. This skill actually required a very high fire mastery, but I managed to modify it and lowered its requirement." said Angus.

"Explosion skill??" said Vergil.

"Yeah, actually, this is an accidental skill that I created during my Firecast training." said Angus.

"Wait, Firecast?? Isn't that father's special technique?!!" said Vergil.

"Yeah, thought Father could only use it partially and not a true Firecast." said Angus.

"True Firecast?" asked Vergil.

"Yeah, the True Firecast is…" as Angus explained about natural fire manipulation.

After hearing Angus's explanation, "I see… I never knew you could manipulate any fire. Then, did you manage to master it?" asked Vergil.

"Just a little bit. Anyway, this is the book that I created for you. There are some of my insights about fire mastery inside of it. Breaking through your grade may take some time, but you could still learn and practice your fire mastery." replied Angus while giving a book to Vergil.

"Is this really for me??" said Vergil while taking the book.

"Yeah, there is also another one for Jason." said Angus.

"I see… Thanks, brother. I will make sure to keep it." said Vergil.

Then, the two brothers start to talk more about various things. The next day, both Angus and Vergil go towards the Explosion Squad base with the carriage. The Explosion squad base is located near Freyspire City.

It didn't take a long time for them to arrive at the base after leaving the city. Both of them could see the base that resembled a fortress from far away. On the fortress wall hung a banner of the sun with an explosion symbol in its middle.

This is the emblem of the explosion squad, which is expertise at explosion and demolition jobs. After getting a strict check, the carriage they ride enters the fortress and arrives at the inner building.

Although the building looks like a fortress, the inside is spacious. There is even a vast training ground inside. While looking at the surroundings through the carriage, Angus suddenly hears an explosion sound. *Bom* *Bom* *Bom*

A series of explosions could be heard through the forest. Some of it comes from the mages who are training fireball spells. Some come from the weapon testing area. Others come from the sparring and training ground.

Looking at the startled Angus, "Hahaha… I also had that kind of reaction when I first arrived here." said Vergil.

"It sure is loud." said Angus.

"Well, what did you expect?! This is the explosion squad. Of course, there will be a lot of explosions." said Vergil.

"True, ahh… It seems we are arriving." said Angus as the carriage stopped.

Getting out of the carriage, Angus and Vergil find two people already waiting for them. Both of them stand straight like a spear towards the sky.

The first one is a mature woman with crimson hair. The second one is a burly, muscular man with many scars on his body. Both of them are using a uniform with the Explosion squad emblem on the back.

Looking at the two people, Vergil immediately saluted the two people.

"Soldier Vergil, reporting for duty." said Vergil in anxiety.

"At ease, Vergil. Go back to the training ground first." said the muscular man.

"Yes, vice leader Burges. Then, Angus, I will leave first." said Vergil.

"Sure, see ya later." said Angus nonchalantly.

After Vergil went away, "You must be Angus Victory. I hear you are going to teach us a newly developed skill." said the Vice leader Burges.

Hearing this, Angus only looks at the woman before looking at the Burges with a smile.

"Yes, is there anything wrong?" said Angus nonchalantly.

"Is there anything wrong?? Hahahaha… You are even younger than Vergil. What are you going to teach us? I don't care if you are the son of Duke Victory, but we don't need a weak teacher as you teach us." said Burges with a taunting face.

Hearing this, Angus frowns slightly before looking at the silent, cold-faced woman.

"You must have a hard time handling this monkey." said Angus towards the woman.

Hearing Angus's sentence, "What did you say, kid?" yelled Burges.

At the same time, the woman is only smiling at Angus' reply. Suddenly, Angus turned around towards the carriage.

"Alright, since you don't want me to be here, I will go back and tell father that you all don't need my teaching." said Angus while walking towards the carriage.

"Y-You!! Damn, Brat. Don't think you could get away from here." said Burges.

Couldn't stand Angus' attitude any longer, Burges charges at Angus.

"Wait, Burges!!" said the woman trying to stop Burges.

However, Burges had already arrived behind Angus. Before Burges touched Angus, Angus disappeared from the spot [Rodeo Maneuver].

Instantly, Angus appeared in front of Burges while holding his head with his hand. Using his enormous physical strength, Angus slam Burges to the ground *Blam*. The ground cracked and Burges embedded deep into the ground unconscious.

"Is that all? What a weakling." said Angus.

This kind of show of power surprised the woman and every soldier nearby. Everyone here knows as the peak of fourth-grade combatant, Burges strength is unbeatable in the base. However, in front of Angus, his strength is like a child's play.

"Ahh… come to think of it. You dare to sneak attack me from behind. Does that mean you are trying to assassinate me? Then, don't blame me for killing you now." said Angus while raising his hand.

At this moment, "Please stop. I apologize for the lack of manners of my subordinate, young master Angus." said the woman while bowing her head.

Hearing this, Angus could only smile.

"Sure… Sure… Besides, you are your father's personal squad. It will be terrible if the vice leader needs to die here. Still, to think that the vice leader is this weak, no wonder father is quite busy taking care of you." said Angus while walking away from Burges.

"Gather all the soldiers that I should teach now. I need to test them to see if they are worthy of my skill or not." said Angus in a commanding tone to the woman.

"*Grrttt* Y-Yes, young master Angus." replied the woman while gritting her teeth.

Then the crimson-haired woman begins to relay orders to the nearby soldier to take care of the unconscious Burges and gather all of Angus's students.

Before the woman could go away, "Ahh yeah, I don't know much about this base yet. So, can you show me the way to the canteen?" said Angus.

"Sure, my subordinate will guide you through the base." said the woman before leaving from the spot.

"Tch… she ran fast. She didn't even introduce herself. Maybe I need to beat her some sense later." said Angus.

"Y-Young master Angus, please this way." said one of the nearby soldiers.

"Sure, lead the way." said Angus.

Then, Angus begins to walk around the base with the soldier's guide. The explosion squad base is enormous and vast. There are also many facilities like research facilities, smithing facilities, libraries, training facilities, and many other things.

After walking around the base, Angus goes to the canteen and orders some food. Apparently, the canteen is free of charge. People could order the food as much as they wanted as long as they could finish all their food.

Knowing this, Angus takes his luxury time and enjoys his food. Despite being inside the military fortress, the canteen's food is not as bad as Angus thought. On the contrary, the food in the canteen is quite delicious.

Therefore, Angus began to order a lot of food and enjoyed his time eating all of them. At the same time, in the middle of the training ground, many soldiers gathered under the bright sun. These soldiers are the people that Angus will teach.

Currently, they are waiting for the arrival of Angus. Fortunately, most of them are trained third-grade combatants, with few being fourth-grade combatants. Otherwise, with the bright sun on top of them, some of them may get heatstroke and fall unconscious.

Still, some of them begin to discontent to keep standing under the hot sun, especially the fourth-grade combatant. As elite soldiers, they usually get a lot of privileges inside the base. None of them dare to complain despite this condition as there is a strict order inside this base.

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