Chapter 298: Regeneration

After Lily and Angus prepare themself, "Alright, Let's begin this test combat. Start!!" said Valeron.

Hearing Valeron's signal, both Angus and Lily unexpectedly didn't charge each other but slowly walked while flexing their bodies. Both of them keep calm and look at each other silently.

After around half a meter distance, Angus began to launch some sword attacks. *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* Lily didn't stay idle either and started parrying.

Since she was ordered to use the same amount of speed and strength as Angus, she couldn't overpower him like before. However, her vast battle experience let her adapt to the situation quickly. *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

Both of them exchanged countless blows in a matter of seconds. While Angus and Lily fight, the others monitor Lily's condition through some device.

"Her body seems to work 100%." said Gilford.

"There is also nothing wrong with the power core." said Vigo.

"Yeah, her brain also copes with her new body perfectly." said Benjamin.

After one full minute of exchanging blows, "It seems you managed to adapt to your body fully. Let's increase the pace. [Twin Sword Art - Chain Star]" said Angus.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* Angus' attack begins more aggressive than before and makes Lily take a few steps back. Still, none of the attacks managed to hit her as she could easily parry Angus's attack.

After a while, Lily realizes Angus's attack has become heavier that even with all her strength, she couldn't deflect and parry him. She noticed each time they clash, Angus imbues more mana into his arm and sword.

Suddenly, Lily dodges towards the side at incredible speed while Angus hits her previous spot. *BAM* the reinforced testing ground cracked under Angus's attack. It even creates a small shockwave to the surroundings.

This is the true capability of Chain Star skill. Each time Angus's attack clashes with something, it will be two times stronger than the last. After clashing hundreds of times with Lily, his power attack has become enormous.

Normally, Angus couldn't unleash this kind of power with his current body and mana capacity. However, his monstrous regeneration keeps supplying him with mana and heals any recoil his body receives.

In the meantime, Lily also did not get unscathed despite her incredible speed. She lost her entire right arm.

"Haa… Haa.. As I thought, you could disobey my command at the last moment. Alright, Don't hold back, Lily. Let's fight with everything we got." said Angus with an excited grin while in a rough breath.

Lily didn't reply and immediately charged at Angus with maximum speed. At this moment, Angus employs a domain [Domain - Yin Yang Stance]. In the blink of an eye, Lily's dull dagger was already in front of Angus's eyes.

At this moment, Angus's hand moves mysteriously, parrying Lily's left hand. *Clang* Angus managed to deflect her attack in time. But, Lily is not stopping there and keeps attacking Angus using her left hand.

Still, Angus managed to keep all her attacks using his domain. Suddenly, her destroyed right arm slowly regenerated at a visible speed. As Angus's chi depleted at a fast rate, Lily's managed to hit Angus with her new regenerated arm. *BAM*

Fortunately, Angus managed to cross his arm and defend against the punch. However, Angus still threw back because of the strength contained in the punch. Before knowing it, Angus was already embedded in the testing wall dozens of meters away.

"Angus!!" called everyone.

"Stop the match!!" said Benjamin while everyone came towards Angus.

*Cough* *Cough* "Damn it, to think you also make her body regenerate." said Angus while coughing some blood.

Angus's both arms were already mangled with a fist shape on them. Despite this severe wound, Angus's body is healing at a fast rate.

"Angus, are you alright?" said Gilford.

"Don't worry. I also have monstrous regeneration. Still, to think you employ your metallic regeneration enchantment. We really create something dangerous." replied Angus.

Looking that Angus is healing up at a visible rate, everyone couldn't help but surprise but also a relief. Still, they didn't think Lily would be this powerful. If any ordinary fifth-grade warrior fights Lily, they will be dead without knowing.

"Well, I thought it would be a waste of a lot of resources if we keep repairing her. Still, I also never thought her regeneration was this fast." said Gilford.

"Though it is fast, her energy is depleted more than half." added Vigo while looking at the tablet in his hand.

"Yes, but with your power source, she could recover her energy after some time. Guess this is her only current weakness." said Valeron.

"Guess with this, our project could be said to be half successful." said Benjamin.

"Yeah, All we need to do is teach her magic, and it will be done." said Angus.

"Alright, you rest up first. Leave everything to us." said Gilford.

"Sure, I am pretty exhausted now." said Angus while lying on the ground.

Even though Angus only fights for a few minutes, he is pretty fatigued as he is fully concentrated during this fight. Unlike fighting other people, Angus couldn't make a single mistake when fighting Lily as it would immediately lead to his defeat.

With Lily's monstrous thinking speed and battle experience, she could exploit any kind of small mistake Angus made. This capability is why Lily is very dangerous.

Her thousand years of battle experience and fighting capability are why this project Homunculus started in the first place. With this capability, she is already on par with ordinary sixth-grade combatants.

While everyone checks Lily's condition, Angus decides to rest up a little bit and check his status panel.

Host: Angus Victory

Age: 16 Years Old

MP: 235/559

Chi: 157

Heritage chi: ???

Strength: 46

Dexterity: 46

Intelligence: 48

Vitality: 46

Soul Point: 227

Soul Reserve: 211

During these past few months, Angus has refined his chi and increased his intelligence. As he is still in the middle of Firecast research, he thought intelligence would help him rather than other attributes.

However, the one that develops him further is his regeneration from the Soul Reserve. Currently, his regeneration is around 21 times stronger than an ordinary person.

If it is not because of this ridiculous regeneration, Angus will never execute Chain Star skill hundreds of times.

Looking at his remaining chi, "Haa.. I think I need to recultivate my chi again. I used the domain too many times lately." said Angus.

In his previous life, Angus didn't use the domain too much since this is the ultimate skill. However, this world has proved to be more dangerous than he thought. He keeps using the domain one after another every occasion.

Still, he didn't feel discouraged and even felt more excited. He feels that he could even reach greater heights than before. Even though he is still longing for a peaceful life, he still has pride and wants to reach the pinnacle once again.

After resting for a few hours, Angus and the others decide to test Lily's capability in learning magic. All this time, there was no other artificial intelligence that could learn magic. Even Titan could only wield elemental and not learn magic.

Titan could only use the magic that was already inscribed inside their body. However, Lily's case is different. Inside her body, there are no runes of magic spells. To use magic, she needs to calculate and make the magic circle like ordinary people.

First, they decide to teach Lily the most basic magic, Mana Ball. This spell is often used to practice drawing magic diagrams and casting the spell for beginners. After a few hours of trial and error, Lily finally created a mana ball on her hand.

Looking at this, everyone is excited and decides to teach Lily some basic elemental magic such as Firebolt, Mana Arrow, Spark, Aqua Ball, etc. In the end, Angus spends his entire break teaching Lily basic elemental magic.

Among the others, Angus is the only one that fully understands wielding different elemental magic besides his affinity. He was also the only one that could use a transmutation magic spell.

Unfortunately, Lily needs some time to grasp the transmutation magic spell. Angus needs to extend his break from the royal academy to teach Lily. However, he knows that the royal academy doesn't have anything left to teach him.

The only reason he keeps coming to the royal academy is to meet with Jayna. After a few weeks of teaching, Lily finally grasped the transmutation magic. Angus could leave the magic teaching to others while he is back at the Royal Academy.

When Lily manages to grasp the magic to a certain degree, she will present her capability in front of others and King Leon.

According to Benjamin, they will demonstrate Lily's capability at the end of the year. Therefore, they have less than three months to improve Lily's capability and teach her magic. Like ordinary people, Lily also needs to practice to improve her capability in casting spells.

Since her body is different from ordinary people's, she needs more time adjusting the circulating mana and calculating the magic diagram. However, her body spec and her monstrous calculating speed make her learn all of this in a matter of days.

Benjamin even thought that if she could grasp the true principle of magic, she may copy any kind of spell just with a single look. However, it takes a lot of time to reach this level.

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