Chapter 287: Project H

Another month passed by since Benjamin joined the Heart Kingdom and worked at the Heart kingdom research center. Currently, the most restricted area and guarded area in the Heart Kingdom could be said to be the research center.

There is even a sixth-grade general and a few fifth-grade combatants oversee it, not to mention hundreds of elite fourth-grade combatants.

Since the sale of the Miasma Curing potion one year ago, there have been many assaults towards the research center in an attempt to steal the formula.

Currently, inside the deepest part of the research center, few people gather and look at the hologram in front of them.

"Unbelievable.. So, this is the schematic of the homunculus." said Vigo.

"Certainly, it is fascinating. However, it seems quite rigid." said Gilford, who could pinpoint the weakness after a single glance with the help of [Analyze].

"That is the reason we are here, master Gilford. We need to improve it. Is that right, master Benjamin." said master Valeron, the head of the research center.

"Yes, truthfully, this schematic is still far from complete. I couldn't research further because of the technical limitation at that time." said Benjamin.

"Still, it is excellent you could create something like this during the ancient times." said Vigo.

"Alright, now let us discuss how to improve it further. The research facility will supply any resources and facilities to help." said master Valeron.

"Haha.. Not even try creating Titan and strike to the Homunculus. Alright, let's get started." said Gilford.

Unbeknown to everyone, the project Homunculus of the Heart kingdom has officially started.

After joining the Heart Kingdom, Gilford and Vigo immediately joined the research center and created many things. Both of their talents are blooming with the help of the research center's facility and resources.

While the homunculus project starts, Angus himself is inside the basement under the smithing area. Currently, he is sparring with Balrug to temper his body. *Bam* *Bam*

"Brat, are you sure you are not the son of a monster? Ha… Ha... " said Balrug in a rough breath.

At the same time, Angus is also in rough shape, but his wound is starting to heal up. Moreover, he didn't feel exhausted like Balrug, even after sparring for hours.

This happens not because of his high endurance but because of his regenerative power from the soul artifact inside his body.

'What a horrible power?! Normally I need to rest for hours. But, now I only need a few minutes of rest to restore my stamina completely.' thought Angus.

"Hahaha… Old man, it seems your days of beating me up are over." said Angus.

"Tch.. Cheeky brat." as Balrug knew, he could not do anything to Angus's monstrous body.

"Anyway, how is the improvement of the Sky Thorn?" asked Angus.

After having a battle with Lily, the homunculus, he knows Sky Thorn needs further improvement.

"That's going to be difficult. Sky Thorn itself is already a unique weapon. However, I think I could think of something with the material you gave me last time. Where did you get those kinds of materials?" asked Balrug.

"As I said, there is a city that is full of weapon crafters and martial artists called Porros in that dimension. They even sell a piece of dragon scale there." said Angus while changing his clothes.

"Dragon Scale??! Damn, why don't you buy it?" said Balrug.

"Do you think dragon scale is cheap?! Not only that, its quantity is so small that even you could barely make small pieces of equipment out of it." said Angus.

"Tch.. Fine. Anyway, I am going to take a leave for a while from the royal academy after this break." said Balrug.

"Huh?? Why so suddenly?" asked Angus.

"I can't tell you the details, but the kingdom is hiring me to make something." said Balrug.

'Make something?!! It seems war is really unavoidable.' thought Angus.

"Alright, good luck out there." said Angus.

"Hahaha… I bet you will also get called by them soon." said Balrug.

"Me?? What do you need me for?" said Angus.

"You will know when the time comes. But I am certain you will also get called. I could feel it in my belly. Hahahaha..." said Balrug.

"Tch… That means you are getting fatass, old man." said Angus.

Then, Angus leaves the basement and goes towards the Academy entrance. Today is the start of the mid-term break, and he will go back to his manor.

"Angus, here!!" called a handsome young man in front of a carriage.

"Vergil!!" called Angus back while approaching him.

"Good to see you, brother." said Vergil.

"Good to see you too." said Angus while both of them entered the carriage.

Inside the carriage, "I don't know you will be free enough even to pick me up." said Angus.

"Well, I got permission to take a leave." said Vergil.

"Emm.. I don't think you could easily take a leave from that special squad." said Angus.

"Let's just say the perk of being the son of a duke. Besides, no one could beat me in my age group." said Vergil.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. said that after you reach second grade." said Angus.

"Hey.. you are a different case. Don't lump me with you. Besides, I am still confused about how you could break through so fast. Even my brother Jason is still in the first grade and still has no idea how to break through." said Vergil.

'Err… If he knows that I breakthrough because of eating monster meat, he will be more down now.' thought Angus inwardly.

"Anyway, how is the academy? I hear you get into the dungeon for the first time." said Vergil.

"Ahh.. Yeah, I almost died in the dungeon." said Angus nonchalantly.

"I see.. Wait.. what?!! Die?? What do you mean?? Tell me everything?" said Vergil fervently.

"Yeah, I almost died. This happens when…" said Angus while telling Vergil about the homunculus and stuff.

After a while, "Hee… To think that my freak brother could be lost in terms of close combat fighting." said Vergil.

"Oiii… what do you think of me? I could still often lose." said Angus.

"Yeah.. yeah.." said Vergil, not believing him.

"Anyway, we have already arrived. Let's get down." said Vergil.

Then, the two brothers begin to enter the manor house. Angus detected some familiar mana behind the entrance door.

The moment they enter the manor house, "Surprise!!" said everyone.

"Ohh.. Yeah, hello everyone." said Angus as he responded lazily.

"Urgghh… Angus!! My baby boy!!" said aunt Hersha while hugging Angus with superhuman speed.

'I am dying!! I am dying!! Damn, stupid cow, release me!!' thought Angus as he began suffocating from the huge mountain.

"Grr… Sister!! Release Angus, now!!" said Cecilia, Angus's mother, while trying to snatch Angus.

"Ahh.. Don't be like that, little Cecil. It's been a long time since I met Angus." said Aunt Hersha while tightening her hug.

The two mature women immediately argue with each other.

"Err.. I think both of you should calm down first." said Duke Jacob trying to appease the two women.

"Shut up!! Mind your own business!!" said both Aunt Hersha and Cecilia before arguing again.

In the meantime, "May you rest in peace, brother." said Vergil and Jason with a praying pose.

After that, all of them had lunch together while talking about various things. At this time, Cecilia notices Angus's clothes are already too small for his current body.

"Angus, it seems you need to buy some new clothes. Alright, let's go together this afternoon." said Cecilia.

Hearing this, Angus feels like hearing a death sentence.

"Err… Don't worry about it, mother. I will go with Vergil later. You don't need to bother yourself." said Angus.

"Hic.. Hic.. Angus, my baby boy, is now grown up and doesn't want to be his mother again." Cecilia starts to cry.

Hearing this, "Alright.. Alright.. mother. It's not like that. I will go with you." said Angus in a hurry.

"Yey.. We should go towards this store…" said Cecilia cheerily while mumbling about various stores in the capital.

'What the..' as Angus cursed inside.

"No way, little Cecil. Angus should go towards.." as Aunt Hersha begins to argue with Cecilia over the store.

'May God bless you, brother.' thought Vergil and Jason.

On this day, Angus begins to know how to get killed and tortured by accompanying two women shopping without any hope of escaping. Only later in the late evening, Angus finally released from the grip of the two monstrous women.

'Haa.. I prefer fighting against countless monsters than going through this once more.' thought while slumping on the bed lifelessly.

Just as he wanted to rest, someone knocked on his door. *Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." said Angus while keep slumping on the bed.

"I am sorry young master Angus for disturbing your rest. But, there is an important letter from the research facility." said Pavlon, the manor butler.

"Research Facility?" said Angus while receiving the letter.

After Pavlon leaves his room, Angus opens the letter and finds an invitation to come to the Research center along with a letter.

"Greetings, Young Master Angus. I am sorry to bother you during your break. But, we need your help with project H. Please come to the research center as soon as possible."

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