I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 282: Deep Hollow Dungeon

Chapter 282: Deep Hollow Dungeon

After around an hour of journey, Angus and the others arrive at the Deep Hollow Dungeon. Since it is an ancient and famous dungeon, the dungeon outside is quite packed with a lot of merchants.

It could even be called a small town. If it is not because of the periodic monster break and the high tax imposed in this place, everyone will try to make a city in it.

Furthermore, just the entry to this place already costs 10 gold coins per person which deterrent many people from entering this place.

For Angus and the other 10 gold coins is nothing. However, for ordinary people, it is a lot of money just for entry. Consider that 1 gold coin is enough for a family of four in a month. This is also one of the reasons why dungeons are a profitable gold mine for the country.

After passing the entry check, everyone immediately arrives in front of the Deep Hollow Dungeon. The dungeon's entrance is like a dark giant cave. There are a lot of people coming in and out wearing various kinds of enchanted items.

Seeing the dungeon entrance, Angus and his friends feel like looking into the abyss. Their sharp instinct is telling them this is not an ordinary place.

After Angus and the others wear their protective armor, all of them begin to venture into the dungeon with the help of the United guild's members. The Deep Hollow Dungeon is an underground dungeon with multiple levels.

Moreover, the dungeon layout is somehow changed in random intervals. This is also the major reason why this dungeon could not be fully explored.

After entering the dungeon, they didn't find any monsters as there were a lot of people. Any monster that spawns here will immediately get killed by these people.

According to the guide, the first floor is relatively safe since it is crowded with people. To hunt monsters effectively, they need to go deeper into the lower floor.

"Alright, Let's move to the second floor." said Raul as they arrived at the big circular stairs towards the second floor.

Entering the second level, they still find many people near the stairs but fewer than the upstairs. These places usually become a resting place for the adventurer. Ignoring the stares of everyone, Angus and the others keep venturing the dungeon with the help of the guide.

After walking for a while, they finally start to find the monsters. The monsters consist of first-grade monsters such as imp, mandible, and brown wolf. Seeing it is only a first-grade monster, the adult decides to leave them for the student.

However, Angus feels it is just a waste of energy for everyone. In the end, Angus ends all of them with his spell before they approach. This surprises the adventurer and the teacher as Angus's casting speed is very fast, especially his fire-based spell.

"Tch… Angus, stop trying to kill all of them!! Leave some for us." said Ian.

"Well, they are dying after getting hit once from my spell. So, don't blame me. Blame them for being weak." replied Angus.

"Urghh..." as Ian became speechless.

At the same time, 'Since when was the first-grade monster weak?!' thought the others.

After a while, everyone didn't find any more monsters that posed a threat to them as Angus one-shot every one of them from far away. Then, decide to enter the third floor. The lower the level, the more high grade the monster, and they are also stronger.

On the third floor, there are fewer people as the monster spawn here is quite strong and not suitable for resting. After walking for a while, they begin to find a second-grade monster Flaming bear. It is a big muscular bear with a fire attribute.

'Hmm.. This will be good for everyone's target.' thought Angus.

Looking at the monster, Ian and Mia immediately charge at it while the others decide to leave it to them. Usually, Anna will also charge at it.

But she was sleepy from playing with soap bubbles at the hotel yesterday night and decided to ignore everything with a weary face. In the end, the Flaming bear ends up getting half-frozen and beaten up by Ian easily.

Then, they decide to venture deeper as this is not enough to test Angus group's strength, especially after seeing one of its members ignoring everything while in a sleepy face.

After a while, they decide to enter the fourth floor. Starting from this floor, they rarely meet any people. Not only is the fourth floor quite huge, but it is also dangerous.

This is the floor of the Deep Hollow dungeon called Unending Maze. The floor is like a living maze that will change randomly at random intervals. At first, they didn't want to enter this floor, but Angus and the others proved to be stronger than they thought.

They could handle any kind of second-grade monster easily while working together. Furthermore, Angus, Jayna, and Anna never participate in this battle. All of them said that if Angus, Jayna or Anna join in the battle it will end before everyone knows it.

In the end, they reluctantly enter the fourth floor of the unending maze. There is no other floor after the fourth one, but it is unbelievably huge and it feels like it consists of hundreds of floors.

The floor is also riddled with many dark holes, be it small or big. This hole may be connected to the ground below them, but since the layout is quite a maze, many people could get lost after entering the hole.

Just after venturing the fourth floor for a bit, they find a third-grade monster minotaur. Angus and the others become serious and decide to attack the monster together.

The third-grade monster is quite strong and comparable to the fourth-grade combatant. Basically, they are elite monsters. Like in the previous battle, Ian and Mia start to charge at the minotaur. Suddenly, the minotaur also charged at them at great speed.

Still, it does not escape from Angus' perception and gets its leg bound from the [Entangle]. Using this opportunity, Ian and Mia launch their attack on the Minotaur [Lightning Strike] [Cold Blue].

However, the minotaur already defends itself with the great axe in his hand. *MOOO* as the minotaur got out from the entangle and charged at Mia.

At this time, a large wind blade appeared from Axel [Wind Cutter]. The Wind blade hit the minotaur and stopped its advance, but it still could withstand the attack.

"Jayna, I think this time you could participate." said Angus as he cast a binding chain to restrict the minotaur.

"Alright, I leave Anna to you." said Jayna shortly.

Then, Jayna uses [Fiery Burst] and instantly arrives in front of the minotaur. Before it could react, Jayna already used [Crimson Slash] to slash the minotaur. *Wishh*

"Hmm.. What a thick skin." commented Jayna shortly.

Then, from the minotaur wound appeared a fire that enveloped its entire body. The fire is so hot that it could completely roast the Minotaur's whole corpse.

"Haa.. No matter how many times I see it, I will never get used to it." said Ian.

"Yeah, such a hot flame. It could even beat my blue phoenix flame." said Mia.

In the meantime, everyone is surprised at Jayna's attack. Even any high-grade combatant will be dead if getting hit by such an attack. Yet, she is already able to use it at the age of 16.

'As expected of the royalty, she is really different.' thought everyone.

"Good Job. Your fire is as beautiful as always." praising Angus.

Hearing this, Jayna blushed like a tomato but still maintained herself. Since she is back at the Heart Kingdom, she needs to keep her prestige as the princess in public.

"T-Thank you." replied Jayna shortly before playing back, taking care of the sleepy Anna.

Looking at Jayna's embarrassed face, Angus couldn't help but want to tease her again. At this moment, the sleepy Anna wakes up and looks at the surroundings seriously. Before anyone could react, the whole place was shaking.

"Earthquake?!!" said one of the adventurers.

"No way, we are in a dungeon." replied another adventurer.

Then, they feel like the whole place is moving. After a while, the shaking stops, and Angus finds the entire layout in the surroundings has changed.

"Raul, What happened?" asked the vice principal Ellen.

"I think the dungeon is just making a major change in its layout. As everyone knows, the dungeon often changes its layout in random intervals. However, it is rare to change at a major scale like this." said Raul.

"Then, it means…" said Vice Principal Ellen.

"Yes, we need to search the way to the upper floor, or we will get lost here for a long time." said Raul.

During this time, everyone heard a roar from nearby. *ROOARR* Soon, they find a group of brown wolves.

"Damn a group of brown wolves. Everyone prepares to fight!!" said Raul as he led his member fighting the Brown Wolves.

At the same time, Angus noticed there were a dozen monsters nearby attracted to them.

"Let's help them!! There are a dozen monsters nearby." said Angus.

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