I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 280: Returning to Firuman

Chapter 280: Returning to Firuman

The Heart Kingdom, one of the major kingdoms in Firuman. Inside one of its cities is called Lisben City, resides a dark bluish portal. Since the opening of the portal one year ago, the surrounding area has been guarded strictly.

Not only is it to prevent any people from entering the portal, but it is to notify them about the return of Angus and the others.

Although the news about Angus and the others entering the Endless Battlefield dimension is a secret, the majority of the nobles have already heard about it.

Since ancient times, everyone who came back from the Endless Battlefield dimension has been a special person with great fate. The return of them is important news for everyone, be it low noble or high noble.

At this moment, the dark bluish portal suddenly wavered and became larger. The nearby guard captain immediately noticed this change.

"Sir, What is happening? The portal suddenly became larger." asked one of the soldiers.

"I am not sure. Hurry, notify the Duke Victory!! Everyone gathers around the portal!" command the guard captain.

The nearby guard immediately surrounded the portal nervously. Unlike regular soldiers, most of the guard here consists only of grade three below combatant.

Guarding the portal may be important, but the kingdom will not spare a lot of manpower to guard such a thing for a long time. While everyone is nervous about the portal, which keeps getting bigger, a roar is suddenly heard from the sky.

"That's Duke Fire Dragon!!" said one of the soldiers.

Knowing the arrival of the duke, everyone becomes calm and feels a little bit at ease.

After landing from his fire dragon, "What's the situation?" asked Duke Jacob towards the guard captain.

Since the defeat of the Monster Overlord, his job in protecting the border of Dark Forest has lessened a lot. Therefore, Jacob decides to volunteer himself to take care of the portal security in Lisben city.

"Sir, the portal has been suddenly getting bigger since a while ago. Even now, it keeps expanding." explained the guard captain.

"Hmm… I see. Call the portal expert and.. Wait… Clear the surrounding area and secure the perimeter!! Asked for help from the nearby city guard!! Also, notify the capital city!!" command Duke Jacob as he notices a tremendous amount of mana coming from the portal.

"Yes, sir." replied the guard captain shortly as he knew this was a serious situation.

Soon the surrounding guard retreated dozens of meters back from the portal while more soldiers came to help secure and evacuate the surrounding area. After a while, the portal became so big that it could cover a three-story house easily.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound was heard from the portal. *BZZZTT* An enormous metallic vehicle appeared from the portal. Because of its momentum and lack of control, the Alkin immediately crashed into a nearby abandoned house. *Bam*

"What's that?" asked the nearby soldier.

At this moment, Duke Jacob also notices inside the Alkin, there are many strong combatants. Just as he wanted to give an order, another buzzing sound was heard from the portal. *BZZZTT* Another Alkin appeared and crashed into another house.

Following that, three more Alkin appeared from the Portal. Then, the portal gets smaller and releases a massive amount of mana. Before Duke Jacob could respond, two people came out from the portal before it closed.

At the same time, everyone worldwide also notices the newcomer from the Endless Battlefield dimension around the world, especially the seventh-grade combatant.

*Urgghh* *Vomit* *Vomit* as the Sur villager trying to get out from the Alkin while vomiting because of the side effect of the teleportation.

Just as the soldier wants to approach the Sur Villager, Jacob feels an amount of danger from one of the red-skinned people coming from the portal. But, he also notices the other person and immediately feels relief.

"*Sigh* What a truly troublesome son." muttered Duke Jacob.

At the same time, a person appeared in front of Angus and Jade. Currently, Angus is still feeling nauseous from the teleportation. He was also exhausted after using all his strength to stop the portal guardian. Therefore, he ignores the person in front of him.

"H-His majesty!!" said one of the nearby soldiers as he recognized the person in front of Angus.

At this moment, Jade and King Leon look at each other, trying to measure each other and release a certain pressure on the surroundings.

"You are late." said King Leon.

"Better late than nothing at all, My King." replied Jade while saluting in Heart kingdom gesture.

"Hahahaha… It's been a long time, my old friend." said King Leon while hugging Jade.

"Yeah.. It's been a long time." said Jade as he was relieved that he finally made it back.

While Jade and King Leon interact with each other, "Son, Are you okay?" said Duke Jacob to Angus, who is slumping on the ground.

"Yeah, I just feel... tired." said Angus.

"*Chuckle* then you are fine. Anyway, welcome back." said Jacob.

"Yeah, it is good to be back." said Angus while closing his eyes and sleeping on the spot.

"Urrggh… Angus!!" said Jayna while still not steady and approached Angus.

"Don't worry, my lady. He is only tired." said Jacob, reassuring the princess.

However, Jayna is still coming to Angus. Looking at the intimate relationship between his daughter and Angus, King Leon couldn't help but glare at Angus.

"It seems there are many things to be explained." said King Leon.

"Yeah, there are many things." replied Jade beside King Leon.

Soon, all the Sur group is getting medical attention from the nearby soldier. Fortunately, no one is getting a significant injury from the crash. Most of them only get light wounds and bump along with massive headaches, the side effect of teleportation.

As time went by, one month had passed since Angus returned from the Endless Battlefield dimension. During this one month, Angus and the others are doing nothing but resting while Jade and Jacob are busy taking care of the new Sur village group.

The news about his return spread around quite fast. However, this time its focus is not on him but Jade. Every person on the surrounding portal during that day they return could feel Jade's suppressive aura.

Although there is no confirmation, everyone knows Jade is at least a sixth-grade combatant. Therefore the power scale inside the Heart Kingdom has changed a lot.

The Victory family becomes more powerful than before as it also gets many high-grade combatants in their ranks.

With the increase of such power, the nearby kingdom couldn't help pay more attention to the Heart Kingdom. The rumor about Jade, a seventh-grade combatant, also makes it worse.

So far, there is no kingdom or territory with two active seventh-grade combatants besides the elf or demon kingdom. Therefore, many domains are beginning to pay more attention to the Heart Kingdom.

In Firuman, a seventh-grade combatant is the same as a weapon of mass destruction. For a country to have more than one means it gains a significant advantage over the other country.

Furthermore, the Heart Kingdom is advancing at ridiculous speed in terms of weapons and technology. All of this is because of the abundant resources they get from the sale of Miasma Curing Potion.

Unexpectedly, the Miasma Curing potion price does not go down after one year and even rises higher. Some experts predicted it will keep growing until a few more years. This also means Angus and his family are getting more money from it.

Because of this, The Victory family became the most prominent family in the Heart Kingdom after the royal family. While the business is flourishing, Angus and everyone are back at their dorm academy.

Although Angus and the others spent roughly two years inside the Endless Battlefield dimension, only one year passed on the Firuman side.

Still, they couldn't be compared to other students at the royal academy since they had already reached second grade, which none of the other students achieved. Therefore, Angus and the others enter a special class that consists of only seven people.

Angus also managed to bring Anna with him. After guaranteeing that Anna is harmless but a little troublemaker to King Leon, Anna can live with Angus. At first, he wanted to send Anna to a class that matched her age.

However, in just one day, Anna managed to break a few bones of all her classmates, even the teacher itself. Therefore, Angus decides to make Anna enter the special class and keep her around him with the headmaster's permission.

Moreover, no other students at the royal academy could match Anna in terms of raw power. Currently, Angus is resting at his favorite spot near the tree while ignoring the duel between Axel and Ian.

Since he is back at the academy, Angus has returned to his previous lazy bum lifestyle. Despite this, no one ever underestimates him as everyone knows that Angus is strongest among the others.

Still, despite his laziness, he attended many side courses like his previous one. He knows the importance of this side course after his journey in the Endless Battlefield."

While Angus is sleeping and enjoying the scenery, "So, what do you think, Angus?" said Jayna beside Angus.

"Err.. About what?" replied Angus as he ignored everyone's conversation.

"*Sigh* We are talking about the dungeon we will go to next week." said Jayna.

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