Chapter 275: Reunion

After a short farewell with the old man Draught, Angus and the others immediately leave Porros. The journey getting out from the Porros is easier than when they get in.

The majority reason for this is because most of the surrounding monsters were already being killed during the battle a few days ago.

Therefore this is the most suitable time to get out of the Porros. Not only Angus and his group, but a few other groups are also trying to get out of the Porros. This also deterrents any high-grade monster or beast from attacking them.

Despite the lack of obstacles, the journey is slower than when they come to Porros. Since their group is bigger than before, they couldn't run at top speed while sneaking around. Fortunately, Gilford still has an Alkin.

Although its top speed is not as fast as the other running, it helps everyone save their energy, especially Millie and Vigo, who lack stamina. Moreover, Alkin could constantly move forwards at a steady speed.

With the help of Vigo's energy core that could sustain itself, everyone also didn't need to worry about its core consumption for a long time. During the last few days, both Vigo and Gilford also modified Alkin to become durable and consume less energy.

Vigo's expertise in energy truly works wonders. Currently, the Alkin doesn't even produce loud engine sounds like before and will less likely disturb other slumber monsters and beasts.

Still, both Angus and Jade didn't let down their vigilance and stayed on the deck to monitor the surroundings. At the same time, everyone also enjoys the surrounding scenery, especially Anna, who keeps running around the Alkin excitedly while looking at the surroundings.

Fortunately, three girls are keeping Anna from making trouble. While the Alkin keeps moving at a steady pace, Ian approaches Angus.

"How is it? Is everything fine?" asked Ian.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. There are some beasts not far away from us, but most of them are ignoring us." said Angus.

Hearing this, Ian gives a long sigh and sits beside Angus.

'It seems he still couldn't relax. Well, If I were in his shoes, I would also never be able to relax as long as I stay in this dimension.' thought Angus looking at Ian, who is looking more mature than before.

"Relax, if something big happens, uncle Jade will take care of it. Besides, you are not alone this time." said Angus trying to reassure Ian.

"Yeah, you are right. Still, I just… alright, just let me know if something is going on." said Ian.

"Sure. Anyway, Ian. I hear you get yourself familiar." said Angus as he wanted to divert the topic.

"Yeah, he is called Marko. Right now, he is inside a special space called the beast space. But, I could call him anytime using this tattoo." replied Ian while showing a tiger tattoo on his arm.

"Hmm…? Interesting. Does he hear what we are talking from the beast space?" asked Angus.

"Well, I am not sure about that. Since this is also new for me. But, Marko's ancestor told me he could sense any danger and warn me." said Ian.

"That's certainly a useful ability. Beast has a sharper perception towards danger than normal people." said Angus.

"Yeah, though the Marko contract requirement is quite troublesome." said Ian playfully.

"Ohh.. Yeah, Marko is also categorized as a strong special beast. I bet his contract requirement is strict." said Angus.

"Yeah, you sure know a lot about this. I didn't even know about the special contract relation with the familiar before. " said Ian.

"Hahahaha… I just happened to read it in some book before." said Angus.

'He is lying. Kid, I don't know what your relationship is with this kid. But, he is dangerous.' As Ian heard Marko's voice inside his head.

This is quite startling Ian, but he didn't think much about it. He always knows Angus is strong and will never harm him. Otherwise, as the son of the duke, Angus could easily eliminate him before coming to this dimension.

Ian is only a commoner, and it will be incredibly easy for Angus to eliminate him and his whole family without leaving any trace.

Thinking about this, Ian is more grateful to Angus and follows him to this dimension. Although he is experiencing many hardships, he is also growing into a strong combatant and becoming more mature than before.

He also somehow gets Marko, a fourth-grade beast, as his familiar. Furthermore, he could only survive this far because of Angus's rune card. Even if he wanted to, he just couldn't bring himself to distrust Angus.

Looking at Ian, silent for a while, "Ian, is something wrong?" asked Angus.

"Ahh...? It is fine. Everything is alright. So, how long until we reach our destination?" asked Ian.

"With our speed, we could reach it in about one or two weeks if we do not get any obstruction." said Angus.

"Two weeks. Then, I will train for a little bit." said Ian as he got up and started training on the deck.

Seeing Ian start training, Ilgor, Jayna, and Mia also decide to train a little bit. They need to use their time efficiently since after this, they will face the most terrible obstacle.

Two weeks passed by, and Angus's group finally arrived at the meeting point without any trouble. Any high-grade monster and beast that approaches them is easily eliminated by Jade. If it is not because of avoiding harsh environments, they could arrive faster.

Currently, they are inside a rocky wasteland area. This is one of the unnamed and unexplored areas in this dimension. The sky is covered with dark clouds, while on the horizon, there is a crimson red sun that stays still in its position.

There is also no plantation or any living being in the surrounding area. This meeting point is quite far from the exit portal. But, Jade decides this is the best place to recuperate before the fight with the portal guardian.

According to the rumor, the portal guardian is a sort of unknown monster or beast with a wisdom and unbelievable strength. The rumor said It could even kill seventh-grade combatants easily.

Since the portal exit location is changed when it appears, the portal guardian is also changed. But, their power and strength are always roughly the same. Jade and Angus know that it will be the last obstacle before they return to the Firuman.

According to their rough calculation, there is around half-year before the exit portal to the Firuman close. So they still have time to wait for the remaining Sur villagers to arrive.

During this time, Angus and everyone planned to prepare themself before fighting the portal guardian. Unfortunately for Millie, she still couldn't find the Fire Dragon Tongue Herb. According to Jade, the herb is already long extinct without any trace and way to recultivate it.

Still, Millie does not regret it since she finally finds something more important. After seeing her best friend, Mia, almost died last time, she knows the importance of friends and everyone surrounding her. She also somewhat became more mature and stronger than before.

She could only hope that there would be another cure for her father's sickness. Two months passed by uneventfully. During this time, they meet many people that also want to go through the portal exit.

All of these people seem to camp nearby and ignore them. They seem to be waiting for a chance to slip the portal guardian. As time passed, more people came to this rocky wasteland.

After waiting for two months, Angus and the others finally see a silhouette of a giant metallic vehicle from far away.

Seeing the familiar transportation, Angus and everyone finally feel relieved despite finding the horrible shape of all the four Alkins. Then, all the four Alkin parks near Jade and everyone before going out.

"Yoo.. How is everyone going? Did you miss me?" said Isvel as the first one that went down from Alkin.

Ignoring the shameless chatterbox, Jade and the others begin to greet the others. During this time, Angus and the others find a familiar figure in the Sur group.

"Axel!!" exclaimed everyone.

"E-Everyone!!" said Axel as he approached Angus and the others.

After some simple greetings and a little bit of catch-up, "Huft.. I am glad that you are alright. Otherwise, I can't help but blame myself." said Millie.

"Nonsense, Millie. I am going to this place because of my own decision." said Axel.

"Alright, with this, we are finally gathering together again." said Ian.

"Yeah.." exclaimed everyone.

"Pretty fly!!" said Anna, who was ruining the moment.

Then, everyone could see Anna was chasing something. Looking at this, Axel couldn't help but be surprised.

"Err.. Who is this kid, and how come she could see the elemental spirit?" asked Axel.

"Hooo… So, all of these bright lights near you are elemental spirits." said Angus.

"Yeah, I thought it was some kind of fireflies." said Jayna.

"Me too. I thought it was only sun reflection or something." said Mia.

"No wonder Marko said you are surrounded by the force of nature." said Ian.

"Elemental Spirit? I see.. it makes sense since I could see a few strong souls near you." said Millie.

"Woaahh!! It's cool!!" said Anna as she got blown by the wind elemental spirit.

"Wait a minute. All of you can see or sense them?" said Axel

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