Chapter 267: Warning

"Otherwise, I will be the one that hunts you down." said Nigul.

"Alright, Alright. No need to get aggressive." replied Lea.

"Are you sure about that?" a voice heard from the dark corner.

At this moment, both Nigul and Lea finally sense another presence in the dark corner. This revelation makes both of them immediately be on their guard.

They couldn't sense the other party until it spoke. If the other party wants to sneak attack them, they may have already died a long time ago.

"Who's there?!" said Lea, grabbing her dagger.

"Why should I tell you?" as she heard a voice directly behind her.

Lea immediately gets a goosebump and attacks her behind to find nothing but a dark shadow.

"For an assassin, your perception is really crappy." they heard another voice in another dark corner.

"Careful, you may get killed without knowing." Lea felt a poke behind her neck.

This small action immediately makes her get a cold sweat. Then, suddenly a person appeared out of nowhere in front of them.

"Hahh… Finally showing yourself. Die!!" as Lea charged at the person who is still hidden under the shadow.

"Lea, Don't!!" yelled Nigul.

"Hmm… If I am not wrong, you use it like this." said the person.

Suddenly, Lea feels a massive attack coming towards her and immediately reacts to the side. But nothing is coming to her previous position.

Looking at this familiar technique, "T-This is…" exclaimed Nigul in a cold sweat.

"Why are you surprised? This is just a small trick." replied the person as Nigul sensed attacks coming toward him.

Unlike before, he feels a lot of attack coming towards him from every single direction. His sharp instinct screamed and he immediately jumped to the side.

"H-How.. How did you do it? I spent more than twenty years just creating that technique. How can you easily use it? Moreover, your attack feels so real. Who Are you?" said Nigul.

"Me?? Well, it depends on your actions. If you still want revenge, then I will be your death." said the person while revealing his deep black eyes and releasing unimaginable killing intent.

Seeing these deep black eyes, Nigul and Lea feel like looking at the abyss and their own death without being able to do anything.

"But, if you forget your petty revenge, everything is going to be fine. Alright, that's it. I hope we will never meet again." said the person in the shadows as he disappeared into thin air.

At this moment, both Lea and Nigul feel an attack from their surroundings. However, unlike before, they get hit and wounded.

"Consider this as your warning and payment for hurting her. Careful for your next action." a voice heard from behind them and gave them another goosebump.

After a while, silence returned to the room. Besides the wound they received during the last attack, there are no other traces of battle in the room.

Even though the person in the shadow is already long gone, both Nigul and Lea still can't let their guard down and move from their spot as they are still not sure if the other person is truly gone.

"I think he is gone now." said Nigul.

"Yeah, I hope so." said Lea.

"Let's forget about this matter and not talk about it anymore." said Lea as she stored her dagger.

"Yes." replied Nigul shortly.

Currently, Nigul is still in shock that someone could easily use his technique. Moreover, the other person not only uses his technique but also is better than him. Up till now, Nigul could only launch two illusion attacks at the same time.

However, the other person seems to be able to launch countless attacks at once. Furthermore, in the last attack, the other person managed to mask all his attacks with the illusion and hit them. Therefore, both of them received a lot of wounds from his attack.

Fortunately, the attack is not aimed at their vital part. Otherwise, they will be dead before they know about it. At the same time, back in Angus's room, a person in a black outfit appeared from the shadows.

'Hmm… It's been a long time since I have been doing this. I thought I would never do this again, but it seems I could never escape from this.' thought Angus as he changed his black outfit to his regular clothes.

The person who terrorizes both Nigul and Lea is actually Angus with the help of Draven. By using shadow mode, Angus could easily hide in the shadow. Combined with his own stealth skill, he could easily mask his presence and never let others know about him.

As for Nigul's illusion attack, Angus actually could already use it after seeing it once in the Battle Arena.

The attack is actually an intent that attacks someone's battle instinct or perception. The higher the opponent's battle intent or perception, the more real the illusion.

However, creating this kind of intent is not easy. Nigul needs around twenty years just to shape this intent and attack someone's perception. But, Angus seems to break Nigul's common sense and easily use the better version of this illusion attack.

Actually, Angus didn't like to do this since it may end up crashing someone's pride and confidence. In the worst case, they may start to lose their reason to live. However, in front of someone who hurt his lover, Angus will never be merciful to them.

It could be said that Angus is not being merciful to them by letting them live after beating them at their own specialty. Like Angus guesses, currently, Nigul and Lea start to wonder about their reason to live as they meet a sudden massive mountain in front of them.

After changing his clothes, Angus immediately goes to sleep and accompanies Jayna, who is still sleeping peacefully. Feeling Angus's presence, Jayna subconsciously embraces Angus and snuggles on him. Seeing this, Angus couldn't help but kiss Jayna's forehead and hug her.

'I will never let the one who hurt you escape easily.' thought Angus inwardly before going to sleep.

A few weeks have passed since Jayna's fight. The Endless Battlefield will be open in a few days. Currently, Angus and everyone are at the old man Draught's house.

Today is an important day for everyone, especially Vigo, as he will give everyone a suitable weapon except Angus and Jade.

Suitable weapon is similar to a customized weapon. Sometimes creating suitable weapons is more complex than creating ordinary weapons. One of the examples is Duke Jacob's fire gloves.

Though it is only simple fire-creating gloves, combined with the Jacob [Firecast] technique, it becomes a suitable weapon. The gloves could enhance his casting speed and spell power. However, to others, these are just ordinary fire-creating gloves without value.

Some experts even said suitable weapons are similar to personalized weapons. Usually, to create it takes a lot of time and trial. This is why for Angus and Gilford, the Draught test could be said to be almost impossible to pass.

The primary reason for this is not the capability of the crafter. But the amount of time needed to understand the user to create an appropriate weapon takes a lot of time.

Even Draught needs around a few months to create something like a personalized weapon for a single person. For an expert, the deeper their understanding of weapons, the more time they will take to complete a customized weapon for a single person.

For an amateur like Vigo, who just goes into the way of weapons, he may be able to create a suitable weapon for everyone. However, these weapons may not be up to the standard of everyone and have many defects.

Although Angus and Gilford could guess the meaning of the test. They still cannot understand and comprehend Draught's mind to give Vigo such a test.

For them, Vigo will utterly fail as it is impossible for him to create something suitable for everyone with this amount of time.

Not only does he lack time, he also lacks skill and knowledge. Hell, Angus and Gilford may perform better than Vigo. So, both Angus and Gilford decide to stay silent and let things go on. After all, this is between Vigo and master Draught.

After a while, Vigo finally appears in a disheveled appearance. Now his appearance is similar to a homeless person.

Seeing that everyone was already gathering, "Haa.. Haa… I am sorry everyone. I am late." said Vigo in a ragged breath.

"No problem. We didn't wait here too long." said Millie.

"Alright, let's not waste any more time. Show me what you are making during the past month?." said the old man Draught, not wanting to waste any more time.

"Emm… About that. I am sorry, master Draught and everyone. I could only create one item." said Vigo.

"One item?!" exclaimed everyone.

"Just one? How could it be?" said Mia.

"Emm.. How do I say it? I lack material." said Vigo embarrassingly.

"Lack of material?!! Didn't you have a lot of resources from Draught and even get some funds from that debt collector?" said Gilford.

"Ahh.. Yeah, about that. I used all of them. I am sorry. I.. I.. will do my best to pay for it." said Vigo frantically as everyone didn't expect such a situation.

Then, everyone looked at Draught, waiting for his verdict as this was clearly a failure.

"Vigo." called Draught.

"Hick.. Yes, master Draught." replied Vigo nervously.

"Show us the item." said Draught.

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