Chapter 251: 7th Grade Realm

Inside the circular lava room, a red-skinned person levitates above the ground while releasing unending fire mana towards the surroundings. This person is none other than Jade, who managed to break through at the last second.

Just before Draught and [Neptune's Wrath] clash with each other, Half of Jade's body is already eroded and cracking. This is the sign of a failed breakthrough to the seven grade.

As his consciousness started to fade away, a devastating shockwave broke the door open and hit him. Usually, this kind of shockwave will heavily injure him, much less in his current condition.

However, the devastating shockwave not only injured him but filled the gap in his cracked body, making his body filled with energy at a split second. Using this chance, Jade used the last bit of his will and managed to break through in one go.

Then, Jade begins to release an invisible wave towards the surroundings and make the world tremble. His fragile and cracking body healed at an abnormal speed. He feels his body is brim with immeasurable power he never felt before.

'This strength… No wonder they always say the seventh grade is the realm of infinite power.' thought Jade as he started to control the power he got and looked in Angus's direction.

On the other hand, Draught couldn't help but smile at Jade's succession and completely ignore the two miserable intruders who were already half dead from the devastating shockwave before.

"Kahahahaha… You did it. You managed to do it. Hahaha.. It seems the devastating shockwave managed to help you break through by chance. Kahahaha.. " as Draught kept laughing madly.

"Yeah, thanks to you, old man. Now, what should we do to them?" said Jade as he appeared next to Draught.

"Well, decide for yourself. They technically help you break through even it is an accident. Anyway, how about the artifact?" said Draught.

"Ohh.. about that.." said Jade as he stopped his sentence and looked at the last two intruders in the stone platform with Jayna's group.

"It seems they even provide me with a target to test my new power." said Jade.

"Kahahaha.. Go get them. We don't need all of them anyway." replied Draught.

"Then, I leave the protection of others to you." said Jade before disappearing, leaving a red flash.

A few seconds later, Jade's already arrived in front of the two remaining intruders [Meteorite Smash].

Sensing the strong Jade's incoming attack, the two intruders immediately retaliate with their strongest attack [Sword art - Magnum Slash] [Spear Art - Piercing Blow]. *BAM* the two forces clashed and canceled each other.

"This force.. Seventh-grade realm." said one of the intruders.

"It seems we failed." replied the other one.

Suddenly, A bright crimson orb appeared on the top of Jade's hand. As soon as the orb appears, everything nearby begins to melt and burn.

*Whooshh* At this exact moment, a bluish globe barrier envelops Jayna, Anna, and Ilgor protecting them from the scorching temperature in the surroundings.

"Hooo… An orb. That's a very unusual sentient weapon for a fighter like Jade." said Draught as he looked at Jade's crimson orb from far away.

Grabbing the orb, Jade sticks out his hand [Tri Flare]. In the blink of an eye, three bursts of fire envelop the two intruders before they can react. Unlike Jade's previous Tri Flare, the current one appeared abnormally fast and many times more potent.

Looking at the attack in front of him, "Hmm… My control over fire is a little bit off. I planned only to give them a strong wave of fire. But, it somehow turned them to ash before they could retaliate." said Jade observing his attack.

"Kahahaha… That's because you just break through. Moreover, sentient weapons are also unlike normal weapons."

"If your power is like water in the lake, a sentient weapon is the channel that controls the water. This makes your attack become many times more concentrated and deadly."

"Moreover, since you form it using your core, its connection towards your power is almost without any interruption. It seems there are no signs of rejection or defectiveness." explained Draught as he appeared beside Jade and observed the orb.

"Yeah, old man. This is really the best weapon for me. Do you want to check it further?" asked Jade.

"As much as I want to inspect it, I will decline your offer. Sentient Weapon may only obey you. However, your current one is still at the embryo state."

"Under certain pressure from a strong person like me could easily subdue it. Losing a weapon sentient is not like losing an ordinary weapon. It will also weaken and hurt you based on your bond with the weapon."

"Since you use your mana core to bond with it. You have a very high degree of connection with it, and it could hurt you more."

"I suggest you should never let the other touch your weapon sentient unless it matures into a complete artifact. There are some people that even rarely summon his sentient weapon to hide it and only use it in a deathmatch." explained Draught.

"I see. Thanks for the information, old man. No thanks for everything." said Jade while bowing his head.

"Kahahaha… Jade, my boy. You are already a seventh-grade combatant. You should not bow your head to others easily." replied Draught.

"Yeah, but you deserve it, old man." replied Jade.

"Alright, that's enough. We should deal with these intruders first." said Draught as he flicked his hand and the two dying intruders appeared in front of him.

"Now, tell me who sent you, and I will end you peacefully." said Draught coldly.

"*Cough* *Cough* Kill us!! *Cough* We are nothing but a pawn. *Cough* The false shall be fade *Cough* the truth will be…" said the dying intruder.

Before the intruder finishes his sentence, Draught ends both of them and makes them disappear entirely, leaving only their mana core. Seeing this, Jade couldn't help but look at Draught only to find he had a solemn cold expression.

Seeing Draught's expression, Jade decides to stay silent and hold back his urges to ask about this matter. At this moment, Anna approached both of them and collected the mana core left behind by the dead intruder on the ground.

Draught and Jade also notice this but don't do anything to Anna as she also ignores the two adults nearby. After collecting the mana core, Anna ran towards the approaching Angus.

"Angus.. Angus… Can I eat these? Please? Please?" said Anna.

"Eat it??" said everyone.

"Err… Anna, how many times have I told you to at least do this discreetly." said Angus.

"B-But.. There is no one here but us. So, Can I eat it?" said Anna while giving puppy eyes to Angus.

After giving a long sigh, "Yeah, whatever. Now, everyone also knows about this." said Angus.

"Yeyy…" said Anna happily, like she was getting a delicious candy.

"Kahahaha… as expected of the fallen one vessel. She could even eat high-grade mana core directly." laughed Draught looking at Anna, who globed the mana core.

As for the others, they couldn't help but shake their heads. At this point, they are already somehow numb to Anna's absurdness. If they keep paying attention to everything about the little girl, they will only tire themselves out.

After that, everyone decides to go outside The Forge to look at the situation. Since the intruder managed to enter The Forge, it means the intruder also somehow passed Warton, who was training outside the house.

As soon as they come out from the wall inside the cave entrance, they arrive in the open field with a bright sky on top of them.

The previous small house and the vegetation nearby had already disappeared. The lush forest not far away from the Draught's house has also already turned into a wasteland.

If people looked from far away, the small mountain also split in two like being sliced by a sharp weapon. In front of them, Warton sat down on the ground with various wounds on his body.

Ignoring the destruction in the surrounding, "Warton, how many of them?" asked Draught while picking his ear with a bored expression.

"There are two of them. At first, there was only one. But, during their escape, another seventh-grade combatant came out and prevented me from chasing them further." replied Warton.

"Hmm… That means two seventh-grade combatants." said Draught.

"Yes, master. Do you know who are.." said Warton.

Before Warton could finish his sentence, "Warton, forget about this matter and don't tell anyone." said Draught.

"Ehh.. But, Master Draught, they dare to…" replied Warton.

"Warton, I said forget it. Did I not make myself clear?" said Draught coldly.

"Y-Yes, master." replied Warton hurriedly.

"Good, then prepare a feast. We need to celebrate Jade's breakthrough." said Draught.

"Jade's breakthrough??" said Warton as he just realized the enormous mana Jade produces towards the surroundings.

Jade just had his breakthrough. He still couldn't control his mana properly and constantly released a certain mana pressure nearby. Seeing this, Warton couldn't help but smile and congratulate Jade.

As a seventh-grade combatant, he naturally knows how dangerous and challenging it is to break through into the seventh grade. Soon, they begin to have a feast and party on the barren lawn where the Draught's house stands previously.

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