I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 210: [Bonus Chapter] First Task

Chapter 210: [Bonus Chapter] First Task

Unlike Angus's own cloak artifact, the other invisible cloak could malfunction if they are moving too fast. The maximum speed they could use is at a person walking speed.

Moreover, it also consumes mana just to maintain the invisible cloak. The consumption mana rate is also higher than the one Angus had. Fortunately, Angus chose his team with the minimum strength of a third-grade combatant.

The third-grade combatant has plenty of mana to supply the invisible cloak for a half-day, which is enough for Angus's plan.

Arriving at the meeting point outside the Ancestral Ruin first, Angus immediately uses [Great Mana Echolocation] to detect the surroundings.

"Hmm.. It seems it will take some time before the others reach here. The other team also began to move according to the plan. They move fast." said Angus.

"Hmm… Let's see.. The barrier is down like we predicted, and they seem to gather around. Well, let's wait for the others first." said Angus as he also detected the other village's camp in the distance.

In the meantime, Inside the other village's camp, at one of the biggest tents, "This is ridiculous!! Almost all of my men got poisoned!! Datun, you despicable!!" said a woman in blue-colored attire.

"Me?!! Almost all of my men also get poisoned!!" replied Datun, the village leader of black rock village.

"But, you are the only one that has medicine to counter the poison symptom. Who else if not you that spread this poison?!!" rebuked the woman.

"Calm down, Mirva. My village elder detects that there is an intruder after the poison spreads. So, it should be the job of someone else." said an elderly in white attire.

"How can I calm down? Right now, most of my people are dying, and the Sur village could come anytime. I knew this plan was wrong from the start." replied the woman named Mirva, the village leader of Clear Blue village.

"Mirva. Don't be hasty to conclude. Almost all of my people also get poisoned. I believe it is an insidious plot from the Sur village." said another person in black attire.

"How do you know that, Faskar? All my hired men have not found anything mysterious about them during the last few days. In fact, they use our lack of action and become bolder in doing their business." said Datun.

"I also don't have any concrete proof. However, the only one that will benefit from doing this is Sur village. So, it must be their own doing." said Faskar, the village leader of Infernal Village.

'This poison is similar to Plague Worm that we sent to their village back then. But, I can't reveal this to them.' thought Farkas inwardly.

"Hmm… I am not too sure about that. It may be your plot to reduce our power since you are the first one that proposed this plan. Besides, one of your village's specialties is poison. Maybe this is your initial plot." said the elderly in white attire.

"Ridiculous!! I only want to destroy Sur village. Why should I spread the poison at this moment? If I truly want to poison all of you, you will be dead by now." replied Farkas.

"You say what?!! Hm.. Let's see who will be dead first!!" shouted Datun while releasing his mana towards the surrounding.

Before Datun and Farkas could clash, "Alright, that's enough both of you!! I don't care if this alliance breaks, but I need compensation. Half of my people here are dying when they fend off the monster nearby. Some of them are fourth-grade combatants." said the elderly in white attire.

"Hmph.. Greedy old Estar, It's because your people are too weak. Besides, some of our people also died when they fend off the monster." said Mirva in a cold tone.

"Still, my people are the ones that receive the highest casualties. So, you better pay up first!!" said Estar, the village leader of Sky Wing village.

"Y-You.. Shameless old fool. I'd rather die than pay you up!!" exclaimed Datun.

"Then, why don't you die!!" shouted Estar while releasing his own mana aura.

Looking at this, 'Tch… It seems this alliance is done.' thought Farkas inwardly.

Before the village leader could clash with each other, "Leader, there is a movement from the Sur village camp." said one of the men outside.

Hearing this, most of them decide to hold back their mana. "Alright, let's deal with Sur village first. Then, we will discuss this matter later." said Datun.

"Agree." said Mirva.

"I can do that." replied Estar.

"Yeah, let's do that." said Farkas.

Hearing the other village leader agree. "What's the situation inside the Sur village?" asked Datun.

"They seem to gather their forces in secret. Some of the Fifth-grade combatants could be seen leaving the ancestral ruin." replied the spy.

Hearing the report, "Hmm… It seems they already noticed we camped out here." said Farkas.

"Of course, fool. Who will miss this huge camp in the middle of the desert? I could even find this camp from dozens of kilometers away." retorted Mirva.

"Then, what should we do?" asked Datun.

"Let's gather our men first. We can't let them escape through different paths." said Estar.

"Good idea. We should not let those imbeciles escape." replied Farkas.

"Agree." said the other village leader.

Then, the other village leaders arrange their men and call back all the monster hunting teams. At the same time, Angus and his team finally gather together.

"Alright, it seems the other team's movement has already been detected. Now, all you will be moved alone. Our first task is..." as Angus explains his plan to his team.

After a lengthy explanation, "Alright, is there any question?" asked Angus.

"No, sir." replied the other four people.

"Then, let's move out, Also remember always to prioritize your safety." said Angus before he wore his cloak and disappeared from his spot.

A few moments later, Angus already met a monster-hunting team that was on the way to return back. He found that this team does not have a fifth-grade combatant among them and only consists of three fourth-grade combatants with few lower-grade combatants.

Taking a position from far away, Angus commands Draven to start ambushing them. A series of Black Spike immediately attack them from their own shadow [Shadow Spike]. Few people could not react fast enough to dodge [Shadow Spike] and died instantly.

"Ambush!!" shouted one of the Fourth-grade combatants.

While their attention focuses on the shadow spike, *Whoosh* *Bam* *Prang* a fourth-grade combatant dying with a tiny hole on his head. Even his safety item couldn't protect him from [Snipe shot].

"One down.. Two more to go!!" muttered Angus.

"Tch.. Who's it? Show yourself!!" yelled the fourth-grade combatant as he dodged the incoming shadow spike from his own shadow.

"Hurry!! Send a signal for he…" said the other fourth-grade combatant before another [Snipe Shot] pierced his head.

"Tch... Where is it?!!" said the only last surviving fourth-grade combatant.

However, his life was claimed under Angus [Snipe Shot]. During the last few days of ambushing, Angus managed to get used to casting [Snipe Shot]. Now, he could reduce his casting speed by a few seconds less.

Although it is not only a few seconds, the impact is quite significant as it means Angus could attack faster and prevent them from running away.

Furthermore, he found casting spells only takes time for the first cast. It will reduce the time during the second cast or the third one since all the previous magic calculations still be applied.

This is actually an orthodox way of casting a spell and not recommended for its instability. However, this is the best method for the current Angus in ambushing and launching sneak attacks from far away.

After hunting the first team, Angus makes Draven store their corpse inside his shadow before searching the other team.

Soon, with the help of Draven, Angus managed to kill a few teams that consisted of the fourth-grade combatant. As for the fifth-grade combatant team, Angus let them back to their camp.

"I hoped the others could do their task as planned." muttered Angus

Then, he looked towards the enemy camp direction before starting to cast a spell. After a long chant, "Wind earth brezee… [3rd Circle - Hurricane]." Angus yelled as he released a massive amount of mana to support the spell.

*Whoss* A big hurricane immediately appeared before him moving towards the other village camp slowly. Like a snowball, the hurricane accumulated with the other dry air and sand. In due time, it became a massive sandstorm that covered the whole horizon.

After casting the spell, Angus slowly moves towards the enemy camp while regenerating his mana slowly.

At the same time, inside the enemy camp, "Where is the other hunting team?" asked one of the fifth-grade combatants.

"We don't know, sir. We lost contact with them after they decided to go back towards the camp." replied his subordinate.

"Tch.. why is it at this time?? Fine, gather the remaining people who still can fight." command the fifth-grade combatant.

"Did we need to use slaves?" ask the subordinate.

"Yes, use all of them. At least, they finally have their use." replied the fifth-grade combatant.

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