I Hijacked The Timeline

Chapter 412 - 412: Traveling Together (1)

Chapter 412: Traveling Together (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the Winterfrost northern district.

It was snowing heavily, and everything was a sea of white.

At this moment, in the snow forest to the north, Feng Qi was dumbfounded when he realized that the owner of the fog had already lost its life.

In the plan for this sacrifice timeline,

he needed to use the owner of the fog as a stepping stone and investigate intelligence from the perspective of a domain faction.

He would even accompany the owner of the fog to grow and witness the future.

If this plan succeeded, he would be able to obtain a large amount of very useful information.

This also included the answer to why domain factions wanted to infiltrate human civilization and what miracle items were.

Looking at the owner of the fog, who had already stopped moving, the smile on Feng Qi’s face completely froze.

According to history, Mu Qing only shattered the Silent Domain Field and did not kill the owner of the fog.

Otherwise, there would not have been subsequent events such as the owner of the fog seizing the blood stone, controlling the Tiger Soul Research Institute, and developing Flesh Sacrifice.

This made him suspect that his appearance had changed this historical line.

However, on careful thought, this sacrifice timeline was the same as the previous one.Please visit 𝓃𝑜vel-𝒏𝑒xt.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

After knowing that he had entered the sacrifice timeline, he decisively joined the Scarlet Research Institute and went into seclusion for three years before coming out. He did not affect the outside world much.

However, he felt that it might really be because of himself.

After all, changes in some small matters could also have a profound impact on the future.

For example, he rejected Mu Qing’s invitation to be the deputy commander at the graduation party.

Perhaps it was this change that indirectly affected Mu Qing’s attack on the owner of the fog, and she went harder…

After letting his imagination run wild, he could not help but sigh.

He looked at the owner of the fog, who was half buried in the snow, and planned to leave.

He would re-plan the future.

For example, special bandages, healing potions, blood stasis ointment… He began to provide emergency treatment.

After half an hour, he applied the ointment on the owner of the fog’s wounds and bandaged them.

In the following time, he began to wait for it to wake up.

Five hours passed.

In the dark night, Feng Qi pressed down on the snow and built an ice wall to block the wind and snow.

Then, he used the tools in his backpack to start a flame.

He turned to look at the owner of the fog. It was still unconscious and did not look like it was about to wake up.

Feng Qi was not anxious about this.

As long as it was not dead, it was fine. He had all the time.

Another half a day of waiting.

The owner of the fog’s body trembled slightly. At this moment, it slowly opened his eyes.

It saw a handsome man smiling at it.

“You’re awake?”

The moment he saw the stranger, the owner of the fog immediately attempted to stand up and distance itself.

However, just as it exerted strength, it felt intense pain all over his body and could not stand up at all.

When its consciousness entered his body, it realized that its physical condition was terrible. Most of its bodily functions were already paralyzed.

When it realized that its injuries were so serious, the scene of its battle with Mu Qing immediately appeared in its mind.

A shadow was immediately cast over its heart.

However, at the very least, it was still alive and had a chance to start over. It felt motivated again.

It was definitely a miracle that it was still alive.

When the Silent Domain Field shattered, this world lost a portion of the rules related to the domain field and had a repulsive reaction with it.

Coupled with the fact that its life source was damaged and his vitality was continuously flowing away, it could die at any moment.

At that time, it only had one thought. It would try to shatter its life source and reforge it to create a brand new life source that could fuse with this world..

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