I Hijacked The Timeline

Chapter 391 - 391: Miracle • Evolution (1)

Chapter 391: Miracle • Evolution (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Star City Academy, dormitory 301.

After returning to the dormitory from the principal’s office, Feng Qi came to the sofa and sat down.

He decided to enter the future dream again.

This time, his goal was very simple. He wanted to capture Three Tails and kill it.

With his strength, it was clearly difficult for him to kill Three Tails, but fortunately, Lin Ran had already successfully counter-parasitized the owner of the fog and obtained its strength.

With Lin Ran’s help, he believed that capturing Three Tails would not be a problem.

In this future timeline, he would temporarily give up on exploration.

He would not check the information in the database.

He wanted to spend all his time searching, capturing Three Tails, and improving his strength.

He reached out and picked up the Heart Cleansing Wine on the coffee table. He unscrewed the cap and drank it in one gulp.

The cold liquid slid down his throat, and his body temperature rose.

He could see that the percentage figure on the energy progress bar had begun to jump.

After waiting for a moment, the energy progress bar reached 100%.

Feng Qi, who was lying on the sofa, closed his eyes.

As time passed, sleepiness washed over him, and his expression gradually relaxed.

The moment he opened his eyes, a cold wind blew over.

The world in his eyes also turned into a familiar scarlet color. As far as the eye could see, countless living dead stood in the burial ground like scarecrows.

At this moment, Little Cripple’s roar sounded in his ears.

He turned around and saw it struggling to get up from the ground.

However, just as it was about to do a split, Feng Qi took a step forward and kicked its head away.

The huge force even shattered the head as it flew.

[Little Cripple says: Would it kill you to f*cking let me to do a split? What’s the difference of a few seconds? I’ve followed you for so many timelines, and you don’t have any feelings for me? You’re undoubtedly a scumbag!]

“Just a moment.”

The thick fog sea began to shrink and gather towards the fog face.

Finally, purple-haired Lin Ran appeared.

He slowly opened his eyes, and a purple demonic light flowed in them.

Compared to the past, he was now exuding an heretic aura.

At this moment, Lin Ran’s figure landed from the sky.

After his feet landed, a familiar smile appeared on his face. Then, he opened his hands to Feng Qi.

Seeing this, Feng Qi took two steps forward and hugged him. They patted each other’s backs.

“Buddy, I know you have a lot of questions now. Let’s talk as we walk.”

“Where are we going?”

“Catching a small animal.”


“I’ll explain on the way.”

Then, he led Lin Ran towards the abandoned city.

Along the way, Feng Qi began to explain his situation and why he asked Lin Ran to study cultivation techniques and spells related to counter-parasitism.

Hearing his explanation, Lin Ran looked enlightened.

But even after knowing the truth, he still found it unbelievable.

During this period, he let out continuous exclamations.

Clearly, the matter of transmigrating the timelines had already exceeded Lin Ran’s understanding.

“By the way, did you obtain the memories of the owner of the fog?” At this moment, Feng Qi turned to ask Lin Ran curiously.

After waving his hand and sending out a fog tentacle to slap the living dead blocking the way into dust, Lin Ran shook his head and said,

“I couldn’t devour its consciousness. It’s still alive now, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t shatter his consciousness again, so I can’t obtain all his memories.”

Hearing this, Feng Qi nodded.

“Then how much of its secrets do you know?”

“In the early stages of being possessed, I could still observe the outside world through its perspective. However, I quickly chose to hibernate. Otherwise, there was a high chance that I would be discovered..”

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