I Hijacked The Timeline

Chapter 376 - 376: Simple Dream (4)

Chapter 376: Simple Dream (4)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

With only his brain left, he could still see the outside world. Moreover, he sensed his body again, but this body was not his original body, but a mental body.

It was like an extension of his physical body.

He blinked and subconsciously controlled his mental body to move.

Just as he had expected, the mental body could really be controlled by his consciousness to move.

However, he also discovered the abnormality of this body.

Due to the mix of a large number of different mental powers, the body was very unstable and could collapse at any time.

His consciousness was also quickly dissipating. He could not hold on for long.

Thinking of this, he chose to completely release his mental power.

Countless materialized mental power tentacles grew out of the back of the body and began to sweep around. The size of the mental body also grew.

In the blink of an eye, the materialized mental body grew to more than four meters and was still expanding crazily.

However, Feng Qi realized that he could no longer hold on.

His consciousness was about to dissipate, and he could no longer control his body.

Just as he felt that he was about to lose contact with the outside world, a stream of pure blood and Qi surged into his brain, causing him to be energetic again. His consciousness, which was about to dissipate, condensed again.

He swept his gaze to the side and realized that the owner of fog was actually transmitting its blood and Qi to him.

“I’ll help you maintain your consciousness. Take me out!”

Under the support of the blood and Qi, his consciousness re-established a connection with his mental body, and his crazy growth began again.

His body instantly grew to more than eight meters.

At this moment, his body flickered, as if it would collapse at any moment.

At the same time, he realized that his mental power could easily withstand the pressure from above.

It was already extremely unstable, but he could not control his mental power to stop growing.

At the thought of this, he gave up on wrestling with the huge hand.

The mental body instantly arrived in front of the main body’s brain. Then, the mental power tentacles swept up Lu Yue, Qin Shikong, and the owner of the fog.

He led them towards the black curtain.

Now, he only had one thought, and that was to break through the blockade of the black curtain domain and escape with Lu Yue and the others.

Looking in the direction Feng Qi left, the domain factions clearly realized what he wanted to do and chose to follow.

When he arrived in front of the black curtain barrier, he did not hesitate. His mental power tentacles slapped the black curtain crazily, trying to shatter it.

The domain experts who came from behind also joined in the destruction of the black curtain.

But soon, Feng Qi stopped.

The giant hand was no longer obstructed, and the speed of its descent increased again.

If he did not stop the giant hand from sinking, it was very likely that he would be crushed to death by the giant hand before he could break the black curtain.

At this thought, Feng Qi controlled his mental power tentacles to put down Lu Yue and the others and turned to look at the sky.

He decided to stop the giant hand from sinking and buy time for the powerful domain creatures to break the black curtain.

Seeing that he was about to fly into the sky, the owner of the fog suddenly said,

“Wait, let me help you!”

As he spoke, the it opened his mouth and continuously spat out blood and Qi.

The blood and Qi that it had absorbed previously were all spat out at this moment, finally condensing into a huge blood-colored battle ax.

The handle of the battle ax was still surrounded by gray mist threads. The design was very domineering.

Feng Qi did not hesitate and immediately controlled his mental body to hold the blood-colored battle axe.

At this moment, three energy gems flew over.

“Don’t resist this power. Let it fuse with you. It can greatly increase the strength of your mental body and ensure that it won’t collapse easily..”

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