I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 208 - Chapter 208: Chapter 208: Auction House

Chapter 208: Chapter 208: Auction House

Translator: 549690339

Several players looked at each other suspiciously, starting to doubt Song Jian’s identity;

“I’m telling you, this guy looks like a player to me,” someone muttered;

“Yeah, are NPCs really this smart? He even complains that we’re not giving him enough money!” The man in leather armor looked up and down at Song Jian with suspicion;

“I think he’s a fraud!”

“Right, he looks like a player, and he’s only level 10…”

The man in leather armor walked up, his face sour, and said to Song Jian, “Hey, brother, stop joking with us, will you? Where did the Sword Controller class teacher go?”

“Ha ha!” Song Jian laughed and said, “I’m sorry, everyone, but I’ve become a Sword Controller, and the combat class teacher has left. This is a legendary class, limited in number!”

Hearing Song Jian’s words, everyone’s faces darkened. In fact, they had a bad feeling in their hearts when they saw through Song Jian’s player identity, and they didn’t expect it to become a reality;

“Wasn’t the Sword Controller class test supposed to be difficult? How did someone complete it so quickly…”

“Yeah, I had to travel a long way to get here, and this place is a level 15 monster area. 1 was almost surrounded by monsters just now!”

“Sigh, let’s go, and try our luck somewhere else!”

A few players glanced at Song Jian, looking annoyed, and turned to leave the rooftop;

“Hey, man, you’re good, a legendary class!” A player turned back, gave Song Jian a thumbs-up, and said;

Song Jian smiled slightly and watched them leave;

System: You have 30 seconds left until you exit the game. Please be prepared!

Soon, a flash of white light appeared, and Song Jian’s figure disappeared from the rooftop of the Tianfeng Building;

The real world

Song Jian opened his eyes to discover that the sun was already high in the sky. The window let in a cacophony of noise from the city: honking, hawking, the sounds of street vendors frying dough sticks, various noises amalgamating into a rich atmosphere of life;

“Phew, I only got an S-class rating for my last main quest. It seems that in the future, I can’t give up quests so casually!” Song Jian thought to himself.

Pushing open the window and taking a deep breath, Song Jian showed a happy expression: “Returning to the real world is much more comfortable. The game was just too oppressive.”

Ding dong-

At this moment, Song Jian’s phone rang. Picking it up, he saw it was a delivery notification;

Rushing downstairs to retrieve a cardboard box, Song Jian opened it up and couldn’t help but smile with bitterness;

It was a dagger he had bought online two days ago for over a thousand yuan. It hadn’t been sharpened yet, and he had intended to practice dagger fighting techniques with it at home, but now it seemed a bit redundant;

“Looks like I’ll have to buy a longsword now, huh-” Song Jian sighed helplessly and set the dagger aside;

After washing up, Song Jian went out for breakfast and made his way to Coastal City’s largest auction house. His pocket now contained two pieces of jewelry, and he planned to auction one off so that he wouldn’t have to worry about money in the future, allowing him to focus on his practice.

Jiade Auction House was the largest auction house in Coastal City. It was not only famous domestically but also held a place in the international market.

Upon arriving at the auction house and stating his intention, Song Jian was led to a private room. The room was not very big, only about thirty or forty square meters, but the interior was luxuriously decorated. Song Jian sat on the sofa and waited for a moment. Soon, a man entered the room and was momentarily taken aback by Song Jian before his eyes flashed with disappointment;

Zhou Li had been working at Jiade Auction House for almost five years, but he had always been the lowest-ranking appraiser, earning a few thousand yuan a month. His usual tasks involved appraising relatively cheap items, making him an “invisible person” in the auction house hierarchy;

Seeing Song Jian’s shabby clothing, Zhou Li quickly deduced that the man in front of him was not in good financial shape. Usually, people like this would bring in items of low value for auction, often fakes;

“Hello, sir. Can you show me the item you’d like our company to auction?” Zhou Li asked with a smile;

Despite his internal judgment, Zhou Li’s professional courtesy showed through his polite manner and actions;

Song Jian smiled faintly and took out the “Jewel: Flame” from his pants pocket, placing it casually on the velvet-covered table;

Upon seeing Song Jian retrieve the item from his pocket, Zhou Li’s heart sank. What kind of valuable item would be casually stored in a pants pocket?

“He probably doesn’t even think his item is worth much.” Zhou Li couldn’t help but grumble to himself internally;

When he saw the “Jewel: Flame,” the first thought that came to Zhou Li’s mind was, “What a huge piece of red glass this is!”

Zhou Li didn’t even bother to take out his magnifying glass and said after an indifferent glance, “Sir, in my opinion, this item is…”

At that moment, a ray of sunshine from the window illuminated the “Jewel: Flame” on the table, and the brilliant red gem suddenly seemed to be engulfed in a flame. It shimmered in the air as if it were actually burning;

Zhou Li’s eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief: “How is this possible? Only a top-quality gemstone could have such a phenomenon! My God, this is a top-quality gem!”

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Li calmed himself down, walked slowly to the table, and took out his magnifying glass to examine the gem closely. In no time, his eyes were filled with intoxication;

“It’s perfect, an absolute work of art. No, this can only be a treasure crafted by gods themselves, priceless!” Zhou Li murmured as he continued to examine the gem;

“Um, can 1 ask how much this is worth?” Song Jian asked from the side;

“Money?” Zhou Li straightened up and put away his magnifying glass, his face serious: “Measuring such a masterpiece with money would only tarnish it.” “Sir, I apologize for my rudeness just now. I’d like to reintroduce myself. My name is Zhou Li, an appraiser of Jiade Auction House. Your jewel is priceless, and I’m afraid I cannot represent Jiade Auction House to discuss the auction of this jewel with you. Please wait, I’ll go and ask our general manager to come over and speak with you personally. Please wait a moment!” Zhou Li bowed respectfully to Song Jian. Before Song Jian could respond, Zhou Li turned and left the room.

Upon exiting, Zhou Li briefly stood outside the door and took out a set of keys from his pocket, locking Song Jian’s room from the outside;

Calling over a service staff member, Zhou Li whispered, “Stay here and watch this door. Don’t let the person inside leave. He’s an important customer, and I’m going to look for the general manager now. If I come back with the general manager and the guest is missing, you know the consequences!”

“Y-yes, sir, I’ll stay right here…” The 19-year-old teenager stuttered;

Zhou Li stared at him for a while before rushing upstairs;

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