I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 198 - Chapter 198: Chapter 198: Severely Injuring the BOSS

Chapter 198: Chapter 198: Severely Injuring the BOSS

Translator: 549690339

Duan Jian didn’t show off any sophisticated sword techniques. Instead, he demonstrated the simplest actions: “thrust, cut, lift, chop, slash…” and how to form combinations of these basic moves into various attack techniques. This was the most elementary set of sword techniques yet, it seemed miraculous when executed by Duan Jian. Song Jian watched, fascinated, and spent the whole night trying to replicate every action of Duan Jian.

And, just like that, the night passed. The moment day broke, Song Jian rested briefly and then left the building. He had about eleven to twelve hours left for the mission, the equivalent of one more day. If he didn’t manage to hunt a level fifteen elite monster by evening, the test mission would be considered a failure.

“Practicing alone isn’t very effective. I need to hone my skills from last night in real combat. Also, 1 need to start looking for the location of a level fifteen elite BOSS. It’s best if I can find several, and then select the one most suitable for me…” Song Jian thought.

He had spent yesterday afternoon hunting level fifteen monsters and seeking out an elite BOSS. Generally, unless it s a special boss like the Roaming Zombie, the regular bosses stay in fixed areas and only show up in these locations. The exception is when players kill large numbers of regular monsters, which could attract the bosses.

Over the course of yesterday afternoon, Song Jian discovered two level fifteen elite bosses. One was a fiercely defensive Scaled Zombie, and the other, a giant yellow bird which was as big as a fully grown eagle with a length of one to two meters and wings that could stretch three to four meters long. Although it couldn’t fly, it could glide through the air at an impressive pace.

Both bosses posed quite a challenge for Song Jian. If he was limited to using the one-handed sword, it would be tough to kill them. As such, he considered these two bosses as alternative targets.

“Bloody hell! Finding a boss is harder than finding a wife!” Song Jian muttered to himself, changing his direction and moving forward.

Soon, from a shop ahead, noises emerged. A level fifteen regular mutated zombie had its left foot stuck between a collapsed counter. Oblivious, it kept trying to press onward, the rattling sound of the iron counter giving it away.

“There we go, a chance to test the skills 1 mastered last night.” Song Jian, holding the “Guardian s Sword”, headed towards rhe shop.

Once inside, the mutated zombie, sniffing out the presence of a living human, growled at Song Jian. It struggled to free itself, attempting to lunge at him. Without using any special skills, Song Jian swung his sword at the zombie. Thanks to his practice throughout the night, each strike landed with precision, causing bursts of forty to fifty points of damage on the zombie. This showed a three to four-fold increase in damage compared to yesterday.

The mutated zombie became more furious. When its vitality points fell below half, it forcefully broke free from the iron counter and lunged at Song Jian. However, this desperate act came at a cost. Its left leg had a gaping wound that revealed the bone, with a dark brown pus oozing our. This move had injured its leg bone, causing it to limp and slow down significantly. Song Jian continued slashing with his sword and before long, the zombie had transformed into a pile of black ash.

“Feels great. The use of the long sword is very different from the dagger, but the theory is similar. Essentially, they are extensions of the arm. However, their practical uses still vary greatly.’1 Song Jian twirled the long sword skillfully in his right hand, putting away the two dropped items, and continued down the street.

Being taught by someone versus learning everything on your own made a huge difference. Now, Song Jian was more efficient with the long sword, killing at a pace several times faster than yesterday. Level fifteen ordinary monsters were no longer a threat to him.

His experience points remained fixed. Even after hunting a level fifteen monster, he didn’t earn any experience points. After a while, feeling like he had sufficiently mastered the sword techniques, Song Jian began looking for a level fifteen elite BOSS.

“Now as a melee profession, it’d be best to find a boss that uses long-range attacks and isn’t so strong up close. Also, it’d be nice if the boss’s defense isn’t too high, and its vitality isn’t too great…”

Song Jian muttered as he kept walking.

“Why not just find a severely injured boss that’s about to die?” A voice suddenly rang in Song Jian’s ear.

“That’s a brilliant idea!” Excited, Song Jian’s eyes sparkled. But then, alert, he held his sword in front of him and squinted towards where the voice had come from.

“Who’s there!” Song Jian backed away, pressing himself against a wall, looking around cautiously.

As Song Jian prepared to open his vertical pupil in his forehead, a figure started to take form.

“It’s me, it’s me, don’t be alarmed. I just noticed you.” Lin Sheng’s figure gradually materialised and he waved at Song Jian.

“Damn, you really do come and go like a ghost. You’re not worried about wandering into a level fifteen monster area…” Seeing a familiar face, Song Jian put down his sword, still irritated. He had been thoroughly startled by the sudden voice.

“Eh, you’ve switched to a long sword now. Where’s your dagger?” Lin Sheng took note of the long sword in Song Jian’s hand, his eyes sparkling.

Lin Sheng had been eyeing Song Jian’s “Tusk Fang Stinger” for a long time. While it was just a level five blue quality dagger, its inherent skill was hugely powerful, making it even better than some level ten daggers.

“I plan on becoming a swordsman, so I am getting used to it now. Do you want the dagger?” Song Jian asked.

“Yes, yes, boss. I’ve been coveting your dagger for a long time. I still haven’t found a good weapon. If 1 get your dagger, this level fifteen area will be nothing for me.” Lin Sheng boasted.

“You’ve leveled up to ten? Are you here for the Combat Mentor test mission?” Song Jian questioned, looking at Lin Sheng.

“Yes, I’ve hit level ten. This main mission requires finding ten Combat Mentors, and I haven’t found one yer. But I’ve already made up my mind to become a thief. I came here to find a Thief Mentor, I’m not interested in other professions!” Lin Sheng said, holding his head high.

“Didn’t the guide in the dungeon tell you to look for him once you reach level ten? You didn’t go? That guy must be a combat mentor, and it might be a good fit for you, possibly even a Thief Mentor.” Song Jian said.

“Don’t remind me. He asked me to find him in a dungeon with real difficulty. Like I could handle that. 1 nearly died even in a simple-level dungeon…” Lin Sheng said grumpily.

“Heh, that’s true. A dungeon with real difficulty isn’t something we can handle right now. But remember, even if you find a Thief Mentor, you’ll still need to find nine other Combat Mentors to learn about different professions for the main mission to be considered complete.’” Song Jian laughed.

“Huh, how do you know?” Lin Sheng looked surprised.

“Of course, I know it because a Combat Mentor told me!1‘ Song Jian glanced at Lin Sheng and asked, “You said there’s a level fifteen boss that’s about to die? Where? Tell me, and this dagger is yours!”

Song Jian took out the “Tusk Fang Stinger” and teased Lin Sheng by waving it in front of him.

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