I Have a Treasure Trove

Chapter 490: Domestic products should be self-improvement

Chapter 490 Domestic products should be self-improvement

Everything is ready, Tianyun has started to operate.

After the first batch of Tianyun shampoo in small bags was produced, some Tianyun bottled ones were also produced.

There is only one kind of bottle, 500ml. As for the price, Qin Yun set it at 100 yuan, which is actually quite high.

The 200ml small bottle of Rejoice is priced at 9.9, which is obviously a big difference in price.

However, the initial pricing determines the future price. It is impossible for Qin Yun to set too low at the beginning and continue to increase the price in the future.

This price is actually a bit above the middle price in the shampoo market.

After the first batch was produced, Tianyun announced the news on the official website.

"Tianyun Shampoo is online, and you can buy it by searching Taobao and JD.com. It has a good therapeutic effect on hair loss and can also grow hair..."

After the news was sent out, it immediately aroused the surprise of many people.

"Tianyun opened a medical research institute before this day, why did he start selling shampoo again?"

"I don't know. Can this shampoo treat hair loss? Is it true? My hair has been falling out for several years, and I have used many shampoos to no avail."

"I'm just about to change my shampoo recently. How about I buy a bottle and try it out?"

"I'll go, I searched, and the price was 100 yuan for 500ml shampoo that day."

"The price is too high."

"Support! As Qin Yun's girlfriend and Tian Yun's proprietress, I must buy a few more bottles."

"Stay away upstairs, I'm Qin Yun's girlfriend."

Some chats are like this, and the taste changes after chatting.

However, Tianyun's release of this news obviously aroused many people's surprise. Some fans of Tianyun bought it, but most of them didn't.

In fact, everyone buys things according to their needs. As for clothes, we don’t want too much. Some people wear one set a day without repeating the same.

So you may buy a lot of clothes.

But for things like shampoo, a bottle can be used for at least a few weeks. Who keeps such things at home when they have nothing to do?

Of course, after these people run out of use, they will consider buying Tianyun shampoo and try it out.

In addition, the price of Tianyun Shampoo is also a factor that affects everyone's purchase. This price is actually a bit expensive.

It is doomed that the pre-promoting work of Tianyun Shampoo will be a little more difficult.

It was only one day after Tianyun shampoo began to be sold, and then the second official member of Tianyun Medical Research Institute finally came.

Zhou Qiang, male, thirty-five years old, once created a toothpaste brand, but the management was not good. Simply put, no one bought it, so the factory closed down and went bankrupt.

However, Zhou Qiang's research on toothpaste has not stopped. He wants to develop a professional toothpaste for whitening and descaling.

"Group Leader Zhou, this will be your laboratory from now on. If you need anything, you can directly contact the people in the institute." Looking at the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses in front of him, Qin Yun smiled.

Toothpaste, similar to shampoo, also has a promising future in research and development. Now the domestic toothpaste market is dominated by foreign brands. If there is a breakthrough in Tianyun's research, it can completely squeeze foreign brands.

Domestic products should be self-improving, Qin Yun certainly does not want to see a lot of money being earned by foreigners.

Now most of the research institute is empty and there is no one there. Since Zhou Qiang is interested in research, he will provide him with funds and equipment for research.

Subsequently, the second laboratory of Tianyun Medical Research Institute was formally established.

Just like that, another two weeks have passed in the blink of an eye!

Jiangyuan University, Qin Yun came to the dormitory.

In the past two weeks, he has been busy and didn't come to the school.

"Brother Qin."

Seeing Qin Yun's arrival, Zhao Kanghao walked over immediately and said with a smile: "Your company's shampoo is really good, I think it's much better than the one I used before."

Tianyun's speed is very fast. At this time, all the students of Jiangyuan University have been given Tianyun shampoo. As Qin Yun's roommate, Zhao Kanghao and others have used it directly.

In two weeks, the four bags of shampoo must have been used up, and then he bought another bottle.

Actually, the shampoo that Zhao Kanghao uses is quite high-grade. In terms of price, it is higher than Tianyun Shampoo. For 300ml, the price has already exceeded 100 yuan.

"Yes, Brother Qin, my scalp was a little itchy before, but it's gone after using it." Li Hanyu also said with a smile.

"Zhang Gan, Zhao Tianzhi and the others who have less hair in the class, have grown some new hair. I don't know how happy they are."

Two weeks, the effect has already appeared!

"Brother Qin's product, it must be a high-quality product!" Zhao Kanghao flattered a little, and said with a smile: "My dad is a bit bald. I bought it two days ago and brought it home for my dad to use."

His family has a little money, and his father is in business, but his hair has been shrinking in the past two years, no matter how much shampoo he uses.

Hearing Zhao Kanghao's words, Qin Yun's heart suddenly moved.

"Zhao Kanghao only recommends it to his father, and no one else recommends it. I can let the people in the school take full advantage of it and let more people get in touch with it as soon as possible."

He suddenly had a series of ideas.

Qin Yun has confidence in Tianyun Shampoo, but having confidence does not mean that others will use it.

No matter how delicious the food is, if you put it in a deep alley where no one knows, you can’t sell it.

"In addition to platforms such as Douyin, which can advertise, I can also be promoted by others."

Advertising may not convert much traffic, and only one person may buy if dozens of people see it.

But if others promote it, the speed will definitely be faster.

The effect is good, what Qin Yun wants is to expand the market as soon as possible.

He distributed shampoo at school for free, also for faster promotion, but now he thought of a better way.

At this moment, Liu Xin walked into the dormitory. He still looked thin and small.

Liu Xin's family is poor. Before his sister fell ill, Qin Yun helped him a little bit, but that's all. His family's condition still hasn't improved.

During college, Liu Xin has been doing part-time jobs in various places.

As for the Tianyun clothing store...

Clothing stores are full of younger girls, so Zhou Xiaoke can work part-time there, but Liu Xin cannot.

There is also the clothing factory. Those designers that Qin Yun recruited at the university can work part-time, because they can design directly on the school computer, and then send the design to the clothing factory.

Liu Xin is not suitable either.

Seeing Qin Yun in the dormitory, Liu Xin shouted immediately: "Brother Qin."

He has always been grateful to Qin Yun.

"Liu Xin."

Looking at Liu Xin, Qin Yun thought for a while, and said, "Where do you work part-time now? How about the salary?"

Hearing this, Liu Xin replied: "I'm at KFC now, and I do it on Saturdays and Sundays, and it costs ten yuan an hour."

Nodding, Qin Yun smiled and said, "Are you interested in helping me?"

Hearing this, Liu Xin was taken aback for a moment, and quickly said, "Brother Qin, tell me."

(end of this chapter)

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