I Have a Treasure Trove

Chapter 473: Qin Xiaotao’s year-end award

Chapter 473 Qin Xiaotao’s Year-End Award

Such a big goal, in the eyes of most people, is whimsical. How many domestic clothing brands want to become the world's top level, or even occupy the forefront of the world, but none of them have achieved it.

The strongest is only ranked 50th.

But when Qin Yun said it at this time, they subconsciously felt that it could be done!

Because the young people on stage have done too many miracles!

"Okay, my speech is over, let's eat and drink, and your year-end awards should be handed out tomorrow morning."

Qin Yun said no more, the sharp look in his eyes disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Boss Qin, you are too domineering!"

"I believe that Tianyun will definitely become a global enterprise in the future!"

After the words fell, the whole hall became even more noisy, and many people said loudly.

Qin Yun smiled and walked off the stage.

Soon, someone came onto the stage and began to perform, which was very lively.

And Qin Yun accompanied some specially invited people, including the leaders of some large group companies in Jinling, and the dean of Jiangyuan University, Chen Guoping, and others also came.

Time passed, the party ended soon, and people in the hall left one after another.

Qin Yun came to a place, saw Zhao Kanghao and others, and walked over.

"Have you left yet?" He asked with a smile.

He glanced at Zhou Xiaoke, and secretly thought that Zhou Xiaoke was quite lucky, and he won prizes at the two annual meetings.

"Brother Qin, you are so handsome today!" Zhao Kanghao said excitedly when he saw Qin Yun approaching.

What Qin Yun said earlier, even they felt a little excited.

Turning Tianyun into a global clothing brand, Qin Yun will definitely become the top few in the domestic rich list in the future!

If there is such a day, then as Qin Yun's classmates, they are also very excited and excited.

When they were excited, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

Alas, there is really no comparison between people. Qin Yun has such a big goal and is constantly moving towards it, but now they are not even sure what they will do in the future.

Hearing what Zhao Kanghao said, Qin Yun smiled and said: "It's been a semester and a half since college, and you only found out."

Praised himself, Qin Yun said again: "How do you go back? How about I arrange it?"

At the party, Zhao Kanghao and others drank some wine.

"No, Brother Qin, we have already ordered a car." Hearing Qin Yun's words, Li Hanyu said with a smile.

Nodded, Qin Yun didn't say much.

Watching a few people leave, Qin Yun felt emotional, he still remembered the days when school just started, so long has passed in a blink of an eye.

There are still a few days left, the winter vacation is coming, and Jiangyuan University will also be on vacation.

After the winter vacation, Chinese New Year will soon be here.

"Little luck." While thinking, Qin Xiaotao walked over not far away.

Beside Qin Xiaotao, there is Zhou Yue.

Judging from their appearance, they are clearly in love. The clothes Qin Xiaotao is wearing now are all bought by Zhou Yue. Before Qin Xiaotao and Qin Yun were alone together, they said that Zhou Yue was really a good girl. It was his luck to meet him.

At that time, Qin Yun smiled and said: "Since you are lucky, Brother Xiaotao should act quickly and marry Zhou Yue home. Uncle and the others are already in a hurry."

Qin Xiaotao is thirty-one now, and will be thirty-two after this year. Qin Guoliang and the others must be very anxious.

Not only Qin Xiaotao, but also Qin Xiaotao's younger brother has been outside all the time, never going home, let alone getting married.

Both sons are like this, and they will be anxious in any family.

Then Qin Xiaotao said that his current conditions are a bit poor, he has not yet established himself in Jinling, and he has only spent a short time with Zhou Yue.

Looking at Qin Xiaotao, Qin Yun suddenly smiled and asked, "Brother Xiaotao, are you going to buy a house in Jinling or elsewhere?"

Hearing Qin Yun's words, Qin Xiaotao was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It's from Jinling."

Hearing this, Qin Yun nodded with a smile and didn't say anything more.

Watching Qin Yun leave, Zhou Yue asked curiously: "Brother Xiaotao, why did Boss Qin suddenly ask about buying a house?"

"I don't know." Qin Xiaotao shook his head.

He used to drive company cars, and after earning some money, he finally bought a car himself.

But the matter of buying a house still needs to wait, he doesn't have enough money now.

While they were wondering, the next day came soon.

In the morning, the employees of Tianyun Clothing Store were very excited, because the company's year-end bonus finally arrived.

Tianyun clothing store's working hours are 8:30, but after 7:00, their bank card has information.

"My year-end bonus is more than 20,000 yuan! It's worth three months of my salary!"

"Haha, mine is a little more than yours, 30,000!"

"I'm close to forty thousand!"

"Woooooh, I'm so envious, I only have five thousand dollars."

"Five thousand is also very good. I just joined this year and only received a red envelope of 300 yuan. I want to cry."

"Last year I joined the company late, so the year-end bonus was small. This year I have worked for a full year, and the year-end bonus must be a lot!"

Early in the morning, the groups of various branches of Tianyun are posting bank account information, and the information reaches 99+ from time to time

Tianyun doesn't keep these secrets. Seeing other people's high salaries will make him more motivated. Everything is fair and just. Qin Yun will not open the back door for anyone.

After comparison, it is found that the salary of each employee has a great relationship with the time of joining Tianyun.

Those who have joined for one year, the year-end bonus is about three or four times the salary, which means that they get three or four months more salary.

Those who join half a year are probably one or two times the salary.

The shorter the joining time, the lower the year-end bonus.

This is obviously to increase the sense of belonging in everyone's hearts. The longer you join Tianyun, the more proud you will be.

Outside, the situation of the Tianyun annual meeting is constantly spreading. The prizes at the annual meeting, as well as the year-end awards, etc., have been posted on the Internet.

"There are so many prizes!"

"Ahhh, Tianyun Company is too good! Their salary is already so high, and the employees of the clothing store can get more than 6,000 yuan at least, and now the year-end bonus is so much! After joining for one year, even more With three or four months' salary, it can be calculated that you can earn more than 100,000 a year."

"I graduated in 985, and now it has been two or three years. I can't earn more than 100,000 yuan a year, which is not as good as an ordinary employee of Tianyun Clothing Store."

"The year-end bonus of ordinary employees is so high, how much will the year-end bonus of other executives be?"

"It must be a lot! This time, Tianyun took out 100 million!"

"I want to cry. We are also a clothing group. I also participated in the company's annual meeting this year. Not to mention that there are not many prizes, and there is no sign of the year-end bonus. Only a red envelope of 500 yuan sent me away. I still A small leader of the company."

"Quit, resign and go to luck!"

On the Internet, many videos about the Tianyun annual meeting and year-end award text messages appeared. I don’t know how many people are envious. Facing the generous rewards, their mouths are watering.

As long as you join Tianyun, you can earn more than 100,000 a year in the most ordinary year, which is more than how many companies.

The Internet is spreading wildly. At this time, Qin Xiaotao is also looking at the information sent from his mobile phone, looking at his year-end award, and there is a hint of shock in his eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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