I Have a Treasure Trove

Chapter 376: Help Qinjia Village

Chapter 376 Help Qin Family Village

"Mother Wei Yuan, are you still selling vegetables in the vegetable market?" Zhao Mei asked.

"I don't go often, I go occasionally in the morning." Wei Yuan's mother said with a smile.

Qin Yun knew what they were talking about.

In Qinjia Village, each family has at least five acres of land, where rice and various vegetables are planted.

These species can't be eaten at home, so they will be sold in the vegetable market.

Qin Yun’s mother, Zhao Mei, used to do this often. She would get up at three in the morning, and then go to the vegetable market with her vegetables, because if she went early, the sales would be quick.

The vegetable market has the most people in the morning. After the morning peak period, there are not many people. If you go late, there is only one result, that is, the vegetables cannot be sold, and they are brought back.

Actually, some vegetable dealers come to the countryside to buy large quantities of vegetables, watermelons, etc., but the purchase prices are very low, far less than the selling prices.

Take watermelon as an example. In the market, it costs more than one yuan per catty, but the wholesale price may be only two or thirty cents per catty.

So many people would rather suffer a bit and sell it themselves than wholesale it to vegetable vendors.

After chatting here for a while, Wei Yuan's mother left again, and she kept the dishes.

Zhao Mei couldn't help but said: "Our family used to grow vegetables, but now the fields are deserted."

In the past, Qin Yun's family often delivered food to other people's homes.

Now they are all busy in the county and have no time to go to the fields.

"Dad, Mom."

Looking at his parents, Qin Yun suddenly asked: "How many vegetable sellers are there in our village? There are also watermelon sellers?"

Hearing her son ask this, Zhao Mei nodded, and said: "Well, basically every family grows vegetables to order now, and sells them at the vegetable market if they can't finish eating. There are also many watermelons, except for you who come to Uncle Gen's house. , and several others. Especially you, Uncle Laigen, who planted watermelons in a five-acre field, got up every morning, and sold them in the county."

She shook her head and said, "In fact, many people in the village are as illiterate as I am, and they don't know anything else except farming."

If it weren't for her son's ability, she would have lived a miserable life. She washed dishes in a small restaurant in Qingwu County, and went to a construction site as a temporary porter. She did some of the hardest and most tiring work.

Qin Yun nodded, he thought for a while, and said: "Dad, Mom, isn't the canteen being expanded at the garment factory now, and some of the vegetables needed in the canteen can be purchased from Qinjia Village in the future."

Qin Yun's monthly profit even reached more than 100 million yuan.

Of course, compared with the goal in Qin Yun's heart, the money is far from enough, and it is impossible for Tianyun to always be in the clothing industry, and his ambition is definitely more than that.

But these are already huge. Compared with them, the Qin family village where he lives is too poor.

The so-called return of riches and honours, I can earn a lot of money now, and I have nothing to say about helping the people in the village.

No matter who it is, Brother Dong, Jack Ma, etc., they basically return to their hometown.

Of course, Qin Yun is not a holy mother. For example, if he earns more than 100 million yuan, he will take part of it, such as 10 million yuan, and distribute it to the people in the Qin family village.

This is something a fool would do.

He won't do this, but he can definitely do other things to improve the living standards of the people in Qin's Village.

Now is a great way to buy groceries from them.

Although the people in the Qin Family Village have no great skills, they are definitely good at growing vegetables in dealing with farmland all their lives.

Bought vegetables from them, they don't have to worry about the sales of vegetables, and they don't have to get up early in the morning to go to the vegetable market to sell them.

Actually, there are more than a thousand people in Tianyun Garment Factory. Chinese food and dinner need to consume a lot of ingredients every day, and these also need to be purchased from the market.

This is essential.

It's just that now Qin Yun will buy from the market and buy directly from Qin's Village.

In fact, this has no effect on Tianyun, but it directly improves the living conditions of Qinjia Village.

Hearing what Qin Yun said, before Zhao Mei could speak, Qin Guodong hurriedly said: "Xiao Yun, this idea is very good, I think it can be implemented."

"Yes, Xiaoyun."

Zhao Mei also said hastily: "There are few vegetables in the village that are treated with pesticides. Buying from the village is safe and guaranteed."

Zhao Mei is now in the garment factory, but she doesn't interfere in anything. She actually had the idea of ??buying vegetables from Qinjia Village before, but she didn't bring it up.

After all, Qin Yun had been resistant to recruiting people from Qinjia Village before.

Of course, Tianyun was still young at that time. At that time, Qin Yun would not choose to buy vegetables from Qinjia Village. It would be bad to help out revenge.

But things are obviously different now.

"Okay, Mom and Dad, since you all agree, let's contact the village chief and the others to discuss it together."

Seeing that his parents fully agreed with his idea, Qin Yun smiled and said.

Buying vegetables from Qinjia Village is not a small amount. There must be a process, not just buying it casually.

After all, everyone has grown vegetables, and the quantity they grow is different. Tianyun Garment Factory also needs a certain amount every day. It is estimated that they can buy a week's worth at most at one time. It is impossible to buy all the vegetables back at once.

Even if the vegetables are stored in the freezer, they will not last long.

He did what he said, and soon the head of Qinjia Village and others came over.

They were also very excited when they heard Qin Yun's plan.

"Qin Yun, I thank you on behalf of the villagers!" the village chief Qin Dabao said excitedly.

He knows the scale of Tianyun, and he has been paying attention to the people from Qinjia Village who enter the Tianyun clothing factory to work.

He sighed in his heart, every place hopes that there will be a powerful person in his place, because after appearing, his place, even the county and city, may benefit.

Now Qinjia Village is obviously getting better slowly because of the appearance of Qin Yun.

"I'm calling a meeting with the people in the village to talk about this matter, and then count the types and quantities of vegetables in the village, etc." Qin Dabao said hastily.

"it is good."

Qin Yun nodded, and also called the purchasing department of the canteen of Tianyun Garment Factory, asking them to send two people over.

Next is the meeting.

Qinjia Village is not big, with only a hundred or so households. They used to be scattered everywhere, with one house in the east and one house in the west. Now they are basically concentrated in the new rural community.

Qin Laigen's family, Qin Xiaoyin also came back at this time, staying at home, washing watermelons.

Qin Laigen is a dark and stocky middle-aged man. His palms are almost full of cracks. He looks rather vicissitudes of life. His hair is dirty, as if it hasn't been washed for many days. The whole person looks like he has experienced long-term fatigue.

"Come on, how are the watermelons selling today?" Qin Xiaoyin's mother Li Baosu asked.

"so so."

Qin Laigen smoked a cigarette and said: "I have contacted a boss, and I can wholesale a small amount to him every day, and the price is 40 cents a catty."

(end of this chapter)

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