I Have a Treasure Trove

Chapter 333: Everything is ready

Chapter 333 Everything is ready

Chen Jing is a little nervous, maybe her mother will lose her job today.

But when she came out and saw the unconcealable smile on Li Xinmei's face, her heart suddenly settled down.

"Honey, by the way you look, there should be nothing wrong with the garment factory, right?" Chen Dazhi also noticed Li Xinmei's expression, and came out with a bowl of vegetables and said with a smile.


Li Xinmei nodded and couldn't wait to share the joy with her family.

"Our garment factory was sublet today and changed the owner. However, the new owner not only did not fire any workers, but also recalled all of them. In addition, the factory is going to expand to 2,000 people."

Li Xinmei said happily: "The new boss asked me to temporarily serve as the director of the garment factory, responsible for many things..."

She said things quickly.

Hearing the news, Chen Dazhi and Chen Jing were pleasantly surprised.

This time the garment factory changed, not only did Li Xinmei not lose her job, but she was even promoted.

"I have already called Zhou Qing and others to tell them to come back to work. The new boss is going to recruit a large number of Chinese." Li Xinmei laughed.

"Chinese?" Chen Dazhi was a little surprised.

"That's right." Li Xinmei smiled and said, "Our new boss is Chinese and very young."

She glanced at her daughter, the new boss was about the same age as her daughter.

She sighed in her heart, it is unimaginable to have such a big career at such a young age.

Of course, she dared not have any thoughts.

Looking at the joyful daughter next to her, Li Xinmei smiled and said, "Xiao Jing, you have been worrying about your mother these days. School will start soon, so go out and have fun these days, don't stay at home all the time."

My daughter has been reading for the past few days, and she feels distressed and relieved at the same time, her daughter is really sensible.

Now that the matter is settled, and my daughter is still in school, she should play happily without any burden.

"Understood, Mom." Chen Jing nodded, unable to hide the joy in her eyes.

My mother has been promoted, and she also serves as the director of a garment factory with 2,000 employees. Now she feels relieved again.

She also silently cheered her mother's new boss in her heart.

Back in the room, Chen Jing took the initiative to send a video to Li Lanlan.

"Xiao Jing, how is it? Has Auntie's job changed?" Li Lanlan couldn't help asking when the video was connected.

Chen Jing smiled and said, "It's okay..."

She said things quickly.

"Wow, that's great!"

Hearing what she said, Li Lanlan suddenly became happy, and also happy for her friend.

"Auntie is fine now, can you come out to play?" After talking for a while, Li Lanlan smiled again.

"Okay, let's come out to play tomorrow." Chen Jing thought for a while and said.

Time continued to pass, and then the kinglucky clothing factory began to mass-produce clothes, and the klucky clothing store continued to rent, and then began to decorate and handle various certificates.

At this time, it has come to August 20th, and most of the whole August has passed in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Qin, Yang Yu clothing store opened in Jinling today, and five stores opened at the same time."

Qin Yun was still on the side of the United States, and Zhao Tianqiang called from China.

On August 1st, Yang Yu Clothing Store began to take advantage of the popularity of Tianyun, using various methods such as plagiarism statements to increase its popularity.

Twenty days, the effect is very good, in fact, there is nothing Tianyun can do about it.

Yang Yu clothing is on the side of the United States, and Tianyun is in the country of China. The plagiarism of the styles between the two is a big problem just in the investigation, so this legal lawsuit must be a long-term one.

"I see, don't worry about the foreign feather clothes." Qin Yun said.

He had already prepared in his heart for this.

Looked at the store he was in. At this time, the decoration of the store was almost done. In two days, Qin Yun's clothing store in the United States will officially open.

talked with Zhao Tianqiang for a while, and ended the call.

Next to ??, Yang Xi said: "Mr. Qin, all the personnel in our clothing store have been recruited, and they have been trained for three days, and they can join the job at any time."

Compared to the recruitment of clothing factories, it is more difficult for this clothing store to recruit people, but there are many applicants. After ten days, everyone has been recruited.

I have been training these days.

It can be said that the current Tianyun market in the United States is almost ready.

The clothing factory has accumulated a lot of clothes, the clothing store is about to be renovated, and the personnel are ready.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

"Continue training! Especially the store manager." Qin Yun ordered.

The manager of the clothing store is definitely the top priority.

The two of them were talking, and Qin Yun looked not far away, where a foreign feather clothing store was very popular.

"Manager Yang, let's go to Yangyu Clothing Store to take a look." After looking at it, Qin Yun said with a smile on his face.

He wore a pair of sunglasses, which covered a third of his face, and then brought Yang Xi to this big store.

There are more than 20 people inside, some of them are trying on clothes.

This one is considered one of the better shops in Yangyu clothing business.

Yangyu Clothing also takes the elite route, and doesn’t care about the number of stores it opens. For example, some stores expand wildly and open everywhere, and can open thousands of stores a year. In fact, most stores have no business at all.

Therefore, there are not many Yangyu clothing stores, and there are only a hundred in total, but the business of each store is good.


Walking around, Qin Yun suddenly heard a voice.

He glanced indistinctly, and saw a foreign man in his fifties on the phone.

"Today is the first day for our Yang Yu clothing store to open in Jinling, there must be no mistakes..."

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yun heard something more.

"Interesting, I met someone calling Jason here."

Hearing this, Qin Yun's face was calm.

He was thousands of miles away from Jinling, and he actually heard a call from Jinling.

At this moment in Jinling, Jason had a smile on his face and was in high spirits.

"Don't worry, Edward, Tianyun has nothing to do with us, and our clothing store offers a lot of discounts. People in Huaguo are greedy for cheap, and they will definitely come to our store to spend..." He had a confident look on his face.

For his plan of using Heaven as a stepping stone, the senior executives of Yang Yu Clothing are very optimistic.

If the store opened in Jinling is successful this time, Yangyu Clothing will be considered to have opened up the Huaguo market. He will also become the first heir of Yang Yu Clothing.

"Yoyu Clothing."

Thinking that the huge group with a market value of billions of dollars would be inherited by him in the future, Jason couldn't help being excited.

(end of this chapter)

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