I Have a Sword

Chapter 778: Impossible, Absolutely Impossible

Seeing Ye Guan's shock and skepticism, the mysterious figure smiled faintly and asked, “You don’t believe me?”

Ye Guan nodded honestly.

A unique path?Sifan Jing of the Past Clan was the only cultivator he had seen so far with a unique path.

Ye Guan also didn’t believe that one could bestow such power upon anyone else.

"Have you already forgotten the man I made a deal with from the Forest Civilization? He has opened a unique path," the mysterious figure said.

“How can you convince me that you can help me achieve this?”

The mysterious figure opened his palm, revealing a mysterious black scroll. “This is a complete Martial Arts Inheritance. More specifically, it's a Memory Inheritance.”

“Memory Inheritance?”

The mysterious figure nodded. “In our civilization, we can make copies of the top-tier elites' memories. Their successors can directly inherit those memories, making their cultivation journey as easy as drinking water.”

Ye Guan solemnly remarked, “That scroll contains the memories of a supreme elite who has opened a unique path?”

The mysterious figure nodded.

“Doesn't that mean that you can clone elites?” Ye Guan said, sounding shocked. He was genuinely astonished. If the mysterious figure hadn't lied, then it meant the Arcanist Civilization could mass-produce top-tier supreme elites, which was simply outrageous!

“Clone?” The mysterious figure smiled and remarked, “That’s a good term for it.”

“There's one thing I’m confused about, Senior," Ye Guan remarked, "From what you said, your civilization is extremely powerful with a virtually unlimited means to survive. Why did your civilization end up getting destroyed?”

The smile tugging at the mysterious figure's lips disappeared at once.

Ye Guan quickly added, “I mean no offense, just curiosity.”

The mysterious figure shook his head with a complex expression. “It was all the Tianxing Civilization's doing.”

Ye Guan was stunned. “The Tier Five civilization?”

The mysterious figure nodded.

Ye Guan fell silent. He didn't expect that the Tianxing Civilization was the perpetrator behind the Arcanist Civilization's destruction.

Curious, Ye Guan asked, “Senior, how powerful is the Tianxing Civilization?”

“I don’t know.”

Ye Guan looked at him in surprise.

The mysterious figure explained with a bitter smile, “We didn’t even see them when they destroyed us.”

Ye Guan asked, “Was it through a Tianxing Flame?”

The mysterious figure nodded.

Ye Guan fell silent. He had a Tianxing Flame inside of him, and it seemed that he had greatly underestimated its power.

After all, it could destroy even a Tier Four civilization!

The mysterious figure suddenly asked, “Do you want to make a deal?"

Ye Guan smiled, “Do you think my most valuable possession is worth this Memory Inheritance?”

The mysterious figure replied, “I doubt I’d lose out.”

Ye Guan shook his head.

The mysterious figure looked at Ye Guan and remarked, "It seems that the item you possess is even more valuable than I anticipated."

"Senior, I've always believed that cultivation should be by oneself. To be blunt, if I wanted to open my own unique path, I could have done so already."

With that, he clasped his hands in a gesture of respect and turned to leave.

Opening my own path? If I don’t want to put in the effort, Plain-Skirt Aunt or Grandfather can easily help me with it. However, if I want my strength to truly belong to me, then I have to be enlightened to it by myself. Moreover, what are my most precious possessions? The Qingxuan Sword and the tiny pagoda! I'm not dumb enough to trade any of them for a memory inheritance, Ye Guan thought as he walked away.

"Wait, young friend," the mysterious figure said.

Ye Guan stopped and turned back to face him.

The mysterious figure smiled slightly and said, "Since you're not satisfied with my offer, then let me revise it."

Ye Guan pondered for a moment before asking, "Senior, what do you think of me as a person?"

The mysterious figure was taken aback, clearly not expecting such a question. He sized Ye Guan up and then said, "You're not bad."

It was a rare compliment, as he had encountered numerous prodigious talents in his lifetime.

During the glory days of the Arcanist Civilization, Ye Guan's talent wouldn't be the best, but he'd still be considered pretty good.

Ye Guan was a bit speechless. This wasn't the response he had expected, but he understood the mysterious figure's thoughts.

He had to have seen a myriad of geniuses and prodigies in his lifetime.

Time to show something impressive! Ye Guan glanced at the people behind him and asked, "Senior, can you cover us with a barrier?"

The mysterious figure looked at the rest and nodded. "Alright."

With a wave of his sleeve, a mysterious force enveloped him and Ye Guan.

Now that they were hidden from everyone else, the mysterious figure cast a curious and doubtful gaze at Ye Guan.

Ye Guan opened his palm, revealing the Qingxuan Sword. He promptly handed it to the mysterious figure.

The mysterious figure was stunned upon seeing the Qingxuan Sword.

Ye Guan surreptitiously glanced at the mysterious figure. He knew that he had to risk something to gain something.

The mysterious figure extended two fingers toward the sword, but he hesitated and looked at Ye Guan. "May I?"

Ye Guan nodded.

The mysterious figure then placed his fingers on the sword. A mysterious energy seeped into the Qingxuan Sword.

The Qingxuan Sword trembled and forced his fingers away.

The mysterious figure's eyes showed a flicker of astonishment. He looked at Ye Guan and asked, "Who forged this sword?"

Ye Guan pointed at himself.

"Impossible..." The mysterious figure shook his head immediately. "That's absolutely impossible!"

Ye Guan felt exasperated. "I mean, a relative forged it..."

The mysterious figure was silent for a moment before saying, "If this sword is your most precious possession, then it indeed surpasses the value of my memory inheritance."

He then looked at Ye Guan with a complex expression and pointed out. "Young friend, you're no ordinary person!"

Ye Guan respectfully clasped his hands, "Senior, presenting this sword is a gesture of goodwill. I seek nothing but to forge a positive connection with you. Admittedly, my current strength pales in comparison to you, but I'm committed to becoming even stronger. It's only a matter of time before I can contribute meaningfully to your cause."

The mysterious figure remained silent, clearly understanding the youth's intention. Was he trying to freeload off me? He couldn't help but find it both amusing and perplexing. This young man seemed unwilling to be at a disadvantage, aiming to gain something from nothing. However, the mysterious figure didn't really think that he'd lose out if he established a relationship with the young man.

With that in mind, the mysterious figure smiled faintly and extended his palm, revealing a storage ring. "Inside this ring is a puppet crafted from special materials. It's resilient enough to withstand attacks from even elites who have opened their own unique paths. It should prove useful to you in your current endeavors."

Ye Guan's eyes lit up with joy as he gratefully accepted the ring. "Thank you, Senior."

The mysterious figure nodded with a smile, adding, "Young friend... If I'm not mistaken, you also possess a divine artifact. Am I right?"

Ye Guan nodded, understanding that sincerity was the best approach before such a powerful expert.

"I knew it." The mysterious figure chuckled. He then turned to the nine blood-red coffins and asked, “Young friend, can you do me a favor?”

With a casual wave of his sleeve, one of the nine blood-red coffins behind him floated over to Ye Guan.

Ye Guan glanced at the blood-red coffin but remained silent.

Ye Guan's eyelids twitched, and he smiled bitterly to himself. Indeed, there was no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

The mysterious figure went on, "I would like you to take care of one of my—I mean, one of those blood-red coffins for me. If you find this request of mine to be troublesome, then feel free to decline, young friend."

Ye Guan smiled wryly. There was no way he could decline expressing his readiness to assist the mysterious figure.

In the end, he had no choice but to accept the task.

Ye Guan inquired, "Senior, what exactly is inside this coffin?"

The mysterious figure replied, "You'll find out in due time."

Ye Guan fell silent.

The mysterious figure added, "Rest assured, what's inside won't harm you. I promise you that."

"All right." Ye Guan put the blood-red coffin away into his storage ring instead of the tiny pagoda.

Just then, Ye Guan realized something and asked. "Senior, are you unable to leave this place?"

The mysterious figure nodded.

Perplexed, Ye Guan asked, "Why is that?"

The mysterious figure explained calmly, "We are too strong. Leaving this place without the seal's protection will draw the attention of the Tianxing Civilization."

Understanding dawned on Ye Guan, and he muttered, "I see."

The mysterious figure smiled faintly and waved his hand, dispelling the barriers.

Ye Guan bowed respectfully to the mysterious figure before turning around to leave.

Meanwhile, everyone present had their eyes fixed on Ye Guan, and they immediately noticed that one of the nine blood-red coffins was missing.

One of the nine coffins was missing!

Without a doubt, the missing blood coffin was with Ye Guan.

Everyone's eyes on Ye Guan revealed a complex light.

They were undoubtedly intrigued by the blood-red coffin, but none dared to seize it. After all, the mysterious figure's strength had an unfathomable strength that deterred everyone from making a move.

In addition, the mysterious figure belonged to a Tier Four civilization.

However, Ye Guan wasn't from a Tier Four civilization!

Dai Zong closed his eyes. He had matured significantly since making that deal with the mysterious figure.

The lady in white observed Ye Guan with curiosity, wondering about the nature of the transaction he had made with the mysterious figure.

Meanwhile, the lady in black armor stared intently at Ye Guan with her thoughts inscrutable.

Ye Guan walked up to Yi Nian and smiled faintly.

Yi Nian returned the gesture in kind with a smile. Her face, though partially hidden, remained beautiful as always.

The mysterious figure in the distance suddenly said, "Everyone, disperse!"

The man in black hurriedly stepped forward. After a moment's hesitation, he said, "Senior, I wish to make a deal with you as well."

The mysterious figure glanced at the man and shook his head. "You are not qualified."

The onlookers exchanged glances, surprised by the refusal.

The man in black looked displeased, and he pointed at Ye Guan. "He could make a deal with you despite his trashy cultivation base. Why can't I?"

Clearly, he didn't take the rejection pretty well.

The mysterious figure merely glanced at Ye Guan before disappearing into nothingness.

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