I Have A Sword

Chapter 734: Not My Son

Chapter 734: Not My Son

Seeing the playful expression on Nalan Jia's face, Ye Guan immediately had a bad feeling about what he had just promised her, but he could no longer take back what he had said. On the other hand, though, he was feeling quite curious about who could be waiting for him. He had always been quite devoted in his relationships.

Ye Guan shook his head, deciding not to dwell on it.

Soon, they arrived at the Ancient Desolate City. Since they did not want to make a big scene, they had not notified the Ye Family and the Nalan Clan in advance.

Ye Guan and Nalan Jia walked along the bustling streets hand in hand. Years ago, when Ye Guan married her, his mother expanded the city, making it more prosperous and grand.

They gained the attention of many as they strolled. After all, they were both incredibly good-looking, especially Nalan Jia, who looked like a celestial maiden who had descended from the heavens. She captured the attention of men and women alike.

The reason people did not recognize them was that they had not returned to Ancient Desolate City often ever since they left. Even though the people here found them familiar, no one thought much about who they really were.

Nalan Jia suddenly pulled Ye Guan toward a small street vendor. She smiled at the shopkeeper and said, "Two bowls of plain noodles, please."

She then sat down with him on a nearby wooden bench.

Their arrival immediately drew the attention of the other diners.

In response to their occasional glances, Ye Guan suddenly stood up and laughed loudly. "This is my wife, so stop staring."

Everyone was at a loss for words.

Nalan Jia shook her head with a smile. Instead of saying anything, she held Ye Guan's hand tightly. Soon, two steaming bowls of noodles were brought to their table.

The owner was an elderly man with a slightly hunched back. When he placed the noodles in front of them, he took a look at Nalan Jia. freēwebnovel.com

After some hesitation, he said, "Young lady, you look quite familiar."

Nalan Jia smiled. "I used to come here often to eat your noodles."

"I see..." the owner trailed off. Then, he returned to tending to his shop.

Nalan Jia's eyes welled up with emotion as she looked at the steaming noodles in front of her.

"When I was younger, my father was so worried about my safety that he banned me from ever going out. Even then, I used to sneak out to come here for a bowl of noodles whenever I had the chance. Life was simpler back then—and I had fewer worries. A bowl of noodles was enough to make me happy."

"Cultivating makes us stronger and lets us live longer. It also makes things that we care about start to seem less important..." Ye Guan said softly. "The cost of growing up is constantly letting go of things we cherish."

He turned to her. Gently, he added, "Still, no matter what the future holds, my love for you will never change."

Little Pagoda was rendered speechless.

Nalan Jia rolled her eyes at him. "You're so full of it."

Contrary to her remark, she couldn't help but smile.

Ye Guan laughed. Afterward, he began to eat his noodles.

Nalan Jia dug in as well. After a few bites, she commented, "It still tastes the same as before."

"Little Jia, I have a question. Why didn't you refuse to marry me when we were still just engaged? We didn't even know each other back then."

Nalan Jia smiled. "Our family had some conflicts with the Li Clan at the time, and the Nalan Clan was weak. We needed to find some support."

"So you picked the Ye Family?"

"Actually, before we chose the Ye Family, Father spent quite some time secretly investigating you."

"And I passed his assessment?"

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"Father told me you were very good, both in terms of character and future potential. Of course, if I disagreed. He would not force me to get married to you."

"You agreed in the end, though."

"I had to do something for the family. Later, when my talent emerged and I caught the attention of the Guanxuan Academy, your cultivation inexplicably disappeared. Right after, you broke off the engagement."

Thinking of the past, Ye Guan could not help but smile. "I honestly thought that would go smoothly, so I was really surprised and dumbfounded when you rejected the notion. Why did you do that, though?"

"Back then, the Nalan Clan managed to avoid some disasters because of the marriage alliance with the Ye Family. My clan has since remembered that kindness. The disappearance of your cultivation was a low point in your life. It would have been too ungrateful of the Nalan Clan to cancel the engagement at that moment."

"Well, no matter the reason, it all ended in our favor."

"I seem to be the one who managed to climb up high," Nalan Jia replied.

After Ye Guan's identity was exposed, many people became envious and jealous of the Nalan Clan. They used to be nothing more than just a small clan from a small place, but because of their marriage, they had become a major clan. They might not be that strong, but their status was unmatched. After all, Nalan Jia was now the Pavilion Master of the Immortal Treasures Pavilion and the one in charge of the Guanxuan Academy. She had become the most powerful woman in the Guanxuan Universe not because the Nalan Clan was strong but simply because she married the right person.

Ye Guan laughed. Tightly holding her hand, he said, "Marrying you is the best thing I've ever done."

"You're becoming better with words."

After finishing their noodles and paying the bill, they began preparing to leave. However, at that moment, several men walked up to them, led by someone wearing a white robe. He was holding a jade fan and had a gentle smile on his face.

"Li Qing, Young Master of the Li Clan." the man said.

Li Qing's gaze fell on Nalan Jia. With a smile, he cupped his fists and asked, "How should I address you?"

Some people in the crowd frowned at him. It was obvious that the man had taken a liking to her, but couldn't he tell that this lady was pregnant? Was he planning to force himself on her?

At that moment, a shadowy figure suddenly appeared behind Nalan Jia and bowed respectfully.

"Pavilion Master, the current head of the Li Clan is Li Shan, an elder at Nanzhou's Guanxuan Academy," the figure said.

"Young Master Li is probably more than what meets the eye. Go investigate if he has committed any illegal acts in the past," Nalan Jia replied calmly.

The shadowy figure bowed again. "Right away."

It then retreated.

Li Qing's expression gradually turned serious. Staring at Nalan Jia, he asked, "Who are you?"

Instead of answering his question Nalan Jia pulled Ye Guan and started walking away. At the same time, she said, "Tell Li Shan to come to the Nalan Clan to meet me. I want an explanation from him."

Upon hearing her words, someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed, "That woman... She's Nalan Jia!"

The entire street erupted into an uproar. Everyone looked at her, finally realizing that this familiar-looking woman was indeed Nalan Jia, the Young Mistress of the Guanxuan Academy!

Li Qing and his companions collapsed to the ground in shock, feeling as if they had been struck by lightning.

Just then, someone else exclaimed, "That young man... He's... Young Master Ye Guan..."

The street's excitement reached a fever pitch. Ye Guan was considered a legendary figure in the Ancient Desolate City.

His other identities aside, the people of the Ancient Desolate City knew that he had come from their very own city.

Ye Guan! Nalan Jia! They had returned!

The news spread like wildfire throughout the Ancient Desolate City. Soon, countless people started to rush toward them.

Meanwhile, Li Qing and the other young men behind him turned pale. They had just attempted to flirt with Nalan Jia in broad daylight... It was over for them!

At the Li Clan's residence, having just received the news, Li Shan collapsed to the ground. His two-hundred-pound body turned limp, and his face turned white as a sheet.

"Clan Leader, Pavilion Master Nalan has summoned you to the Nalan Clan and demands an explanation... " the elderly messenger reported, his voice trembling. "As for Young Master Qing..."

"There's something I've kept hidden for so long. It's time for the truth to come out," Li Shan murmured.

The old man looked at him, puzzled.

Li Shan continued, "Actually, Li Qing is not my son..."

The old man was rendered speechless.

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