I Have A Sword

Chapter 731: Your Father Was Very Sneaky

Chapter 731: Your Father Was Very Sneaky

Ye Guan felt like his head was filled with lead. After an unknown amount of time, he finally stopped moving.

Ye Guan shook his head, trying to dispel the heavy feeling before opening his eyes.

He found himself in the midst of a starry sky, and a woman dressed in white robes was standing several hundred meters away from him.

Upon seeing her, Ye Guan's face changed drastically as he exclaimed, “You!”

The woman before him was none other than Sifan Jing.

Sifan Jing stared wordlessly at Ye Guan.

Ye Guan's expression grew tense, and the Qingxuan Sword within him vibrated intensely, ready to be unleashed at any moment.

Sifan Jing chuckled and raised two fingers, lightly pinching them together.


A sword appeared before her, but she caught it effortlessly between her fingers. The sword was none other than the Qingxuan Sword.

The moment he saw Sifan Jing, Ye Guan had chosen to employ Phantom Edge with the Qingxuan Sword.

Shockingly, Sifan Jing easily stopped his attack.

A wave of powerlessness surged through Ye Guan. He realized that he was too weak to stand any chance against Sifang Jing.

Sifan Jing let go of the sword, and the Qingxuan Sword returned to Ye Guan's side.

Ye Guan looked at Sifan Jing and asked, “What do you want?”

Sifan Jing hadn't attacked him, which meant that there was room for negotiation.

Sifan Jing's expression remained calm as she replied, “I don't want anything; I just felt like beating you up.”

With that, she waved her hand, and Ye Guan was blasted several thousand meters away.

Blood trickled down his mouth as he came to a halt. he was utterly powerless to resist her.

Ye Guan wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled. “You really are a ninety percent Divine Dao Realm with a unique path. Impressive.”

Sifan Jing stared at him and asked, “Are you not angry?”

Ye Guan chuckled. “If my skills aren't up to par, what's there to be angry about?”

Sifan Jing's face remained expressionless, and she said nothing in response.

Ye Guan also remained silent as he started patching himself up.

However, he was horrified to find that his Divine Tree of Nature and Life Force Heart weren't effective. His wounds wouldn't heal!

What's going on? Ye Guan was both shocked and puzzled.

Sifan Jing suddenly turned around to leave.

Ye Guan was taken aback, and he shouted, “Master Jing! Did you drag me here just to beat me up?”

Sifan Jing didn't answer and simply disappeared into thin air.

Left alone, Ye Guan was at a loss for words. Damn! So she really dragged me all the way here just to beat me up?! This is just absurd!

At the realization, Ye Guan's face became solemn. Sifan Jing was absurdly powerful. To think that even the Qingxuan Sword couldn't harm her in the slightest!

She wiped the floor with me... Ye Guan shook his head with a bitter smile. He no longer felt like he was invincible, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Know oneself! Ye Guan stared deeply in the direction where Sifan Jing had disappeared before disappearing into thin air as well.

Meanwhile, Sifan Jing was traversing a star field when a woman appeared not too far away from her.

The woman was none other than Lin Daimei.

Lin Daimei smiled and asked, "Master Jing, are you not going to have a chat with him?"

Sifan Jing calmly replied, "What is there to talk about?"

Lin Daimei said seriously, "Order."

Sifan Jing shook her head and said, "It is unnecessary for us to talk about that."

Just as Lin Daimei was about to speak, Sifan Jing beat her to the chase, adding, "Since the birth of the universe, countless civilizations and races have emerged, only to vanish in the vast Time River. No force or order can exist forever; no order is the order of the vast expanse, do you understand?"

Lin Daimei nodded slightly. "I understand your point, Master Jing, but I believe that just because something didn't exist before doesn't mean it can't exist in the future. At least he is seriously working on his ideals."

Sifan Jing calmly asked, "Is that so?"

"I think that it doesn't matter even if he fails. What matters is that someone had tried to do something for this vast expanse and its beings. Just like my master, the First God. The outcome wasn't ideal, but there was a time when the vast expanse was great beneath the First God, am I right?"

Sifan Jing was silent.

Lin Daimei added, "Master Jing, my teacher once told me that even though the vast expanse has given birth to many supreme elites, not even a handful of them had done anything for the vast expanse. Why is that?"

Sifan Jing shook her head. "You're wrong."

Lin Daimei looked directly at Sifan Jing, "How so?"

Sifan Jing started walking away as she said, "The First God wanted to establish a new order. That was his own decision. He could do that, but he couldn't demand others to follow his way. Everyone has their own way of living. Why should you impose your way of living on others? The vast expanse is still the vast expanse, regardless of whether there's an order or not. You desire order, which isn't wrong, but is it wrong for others not to want order to constrain them?"

Lin Daimei remained silent.

"You and your teacher view things from the perspective of the vast expanse's myriad of beings. But have you ever thought about the vast expanse itself? The vast expanse has its own laws and order. However, some beings have become so powerful that they have changed the vast expanse's order and imposed their own order, which eventually led to the destruction of the vast expanse's many universes and worlds..."

"Well, we're humans, so we should look at things in a way that would be beneficial to mankind," Lin Daimei remarked. most uptodate nov𝑒ls are publish𝒆d on .

Sifan Jing turned to look at Lin Daimei and said, “I'm not human.”

Lin Daimei was shocked. “No way...”

“Saying that I'm half-human would be more accurate, I guess,” Sifan Jing added calmly before disappearing into the depths of the starry expanse.

Half-human. Lin Daimei stared at Sifan Jing’s disappearing figure in disbelief. Half-human... what about the other half?

Lin Daimei suddenly understood why Master Jing had always been opposed to the establishment of an order.

It turned out that they had been looking at everything from a different perspective.

Unfortunately, two people with different perspectives would find it hard to agree with each other.

Lin Daimei turned to look into the depths of the starry expanse with a trace of worry in her eyes.


Meanwhile, Ye Guan hopped onto the Qingxuan Sword and returned to the Guanxuan Universe.

Ye Guan looked down at the Guanxuan Hall with a complex expression.

The Guanxuan Hall was the headquarters of the Guanxuan Academy, and it was always the headquarters since the Guanxuan Academy was founded.


Ye Guan disappeared into thin air.

Two women were busy at work inside the Guanxuan Hall.

The two ladies were none other than Li Banzhi and Nalan Jia.

Most of the affairs of the Immortal Treasures Pavilion were managed by Qin Guan, while the academy’s matters were handled by Li Banzhi and Nalan Jia.

Of course, the rapid expansion of the Guanxuan Academy was also due to Qin Guan’s help. If it hadn't been for her assistance, the academy would not have been able to expand so swiftly.

After all, the Guanxuan Academy's pockets weren't as deep as the Immortal Treasures Pavilion's.

In Qin Guan's eyes, both the Immortal Treasures Pavilion and the Guanxuan Academy belonged to her son.

"Aunt Li," Nalan Jia suddenly asked, “Have you heard any news about Little Guan?”

Li Banzhi smiled and pointed out. “That's the third time you asked me that question.”

Nalan Jia chuckled and said, “Mother told me that he'd come back soon... I wonder what he’s up to right now.”

“Why not go find him?”

Nalan Jia shook her head and replied, “I need to stay here and take care of things.”

Li Banzhi sighed internally, and her expression became slightly melancholic. At least Nalan Jia has someone to wait for... what about me?

Just then, footsteps sounded from outside the door.

The two women turned and were stunned to see Ye Guan standing there.

Nalan Jia was surprised. “You...”

Ye Guan smiled and walked over, bowing respectfully to Li Banzhi. “Aunt Li.”

“I'll give you two some space to talk," Li Banzhi smiled warmly and left

Ye Guan walked up to Nalan Jia and held her hand. She stared at her swollen belly and hugged her, “Little Jia.”

“I’m glad to see you back,” Nalan Jia said. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and just like that, the two quietly embraced each other.

After a long while, Ye Guan finally shattered the ice, asking, “When will the baby be born?”

Nalan Jia replied, “Soon.”

Ye Guan laughed heartily.

Nalan Jia softly said, “Tell me what you did outside.”

Ye Guan nodded.

The two then found themselves sitting on the stone steps outside the hall; Ye Guan talked quietly while Nalan Jia listened attentively.

The clouds today were beautiful.

The guards of the Guanxuan Academy had withdrawn discreetly, giving the two some space.

After a while, Nalan Jia smiled and said, "I had no idea that the world outside is so exciting."

Ye Guan smiled and asked, "Do you want to go out with me next time?"

Nalan Jia shook her head.

Ye Guan was puzzled. "Why not?"

Nalan Jia smiled gently. "I need to stay here and make sure that things are in order for you."

Ye Guan went silent. Indeed, he had no time to manage the academy, so Nalan Jia had to stay here and manage it for him.

An outsider couldn't do it for him, as every decision of the academy was going to affect billions of living beings across the vast expanse.

Thus, Nalan Jia and Li Banzhi had been handling everything with utmost caution and meticulousness.

Hearing Nalan Jia's words, Ye Guan felt a warmth in his heart along with a twinge of guilt. He felt guilt, as he hadn't been able to spend any time with her these days.

Nalan Jia suddenly said, "Qianqian."

Qianqian? Ye Guan was taken aback.


Ao Qianqian appeared and smiled at Nalan Jia without saying a word.

Nalan Jia smiled as well and pointed out. "You two have gotten married, right?"

Ao Qianqian looked at Ye Guan.

Ye Guan nodded and said, "Yes."

He couldn’t refuse to admit their status, especially in front of Nalan Jia.

A smile blossomed on Ao Qianqian’s beautiful face.

Nalan Jia stared quietly at Ye Guan.

Ye Guan felt a bit nervous, and he inwardly asked, "Master Pagoda, what did my father do in a situation like this?"

Little Pagoda coolly responded, "Your father was very sneaky, so he had never allowed this kind of situation to happen in the first place."

Ye Guan had no idea what to say at that.

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