I Have A Martial Dao World

Chapter 10: 10. Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau

Chapter 10: 10. Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau

Both of them arrived at Wangping Street, known as "Newspaper Street".

The place was bustling with activity, each side of the road lined with newspaper offices, and the cries of newspaper vendors rising and falling in succession.

There were also trams, slow enough that people could jump on at any time. The trams used bells instead of horns, ding ding ding, the sound echoing into the distance.

The crowd was dressed in fashion, mostly in Western-style clothes and dresses, including the cheongsam with high slits.

This style of dress originated from Manchuria in the north and was known for its sensuality and elegance, enjoying great popularity.

In this world, women's clothing had two extremes; either extremely retro and conservative, not revealing a single inch of skin, or extraordinarily liberal, with exposed thighs and cleavage barely given a second thought.

Liao Qe admired the resplendent and beautiful clothes as she walked along the street. Although her spirited outfit accentuated her figure, it seemed somewhat rustic compared to what surrounded her.


After criticizing the moral decline of the times, Lu Yao went to the newspaper offices and subscribed to four newspapers in one go: Divine Land Daily, Current Affairs Newspaper, Overseas Daily, and Business Newspaper.

From current affairs to entertainment gossip, and even business information, everything was available. The newspapers would be delivered to his door daily.

Seeing that it was getting late, they were about to head back when Lu Yao suddenly noticed many people gathered around a notice board, pointing and discussing animatedly.

The government would set up notice boards in crowded places to post announcements, and it seemed that some major news had just broken.

As they approached, they heard bursts of curses:

This content is taken from "They've raised taxes again! The Imperial Court is trying to drive us to our graves!"

"I heard it's because The Empress Dowager wants to celebrate her birthday, so they're raising taxes."

"Ridiculous! To make peace and pay indemnities, the court has already paid the foreigners hundreds of thousands of taels of silver! And this witch still has the face to celebrate her birthday!"

Both of them saw the tax increase notice that was being cursed by the people, and Liao Qe frowned and said, "I don't know what the Imperial Court is thinking. The world is becoming more and more chaotic."

Lu Yao said softly, "A harbinger of a country's downfall is the prevalence of absurdity."

He was quite familiar with this period of history. It was a compulsory part of the modern history section of the college entrance examination.

But the more he knew, the colder his heart became, for he was living in the midst of these turbulent times.

He couldn't help but wonder how different the script of a world with extraordinary powers would be.


At that moment, the crowd around the notice board was loud with indignant curses.

A middle-aged man showed a complex expression, filled with shame, self-reproach, and annoyance, and he sighed deeply.

The man was dressed in a brocade gown and looked every bit the wealthy official. His presence was fierce and authoritative, and it was clear he had been in a high position for a long time; several bodyguards were by his side for protection.

When Liao Qe noticed him, she exclaimed excitedly, "Director-General Du!"

The middle-aged man looked over, barely managing a smile before nodding in acknowledgment.

Liao Qe gave a fist-salute from where she stood, not approaching any closer.

This exchange drew the attention of those nearby. Some people who had been cursing enthusiastically changed their expressions instantly upon seeing Director-General Du, scrambling to disappear into the crowd.

Director-General Du didn't bother with them and walked up to the board to post a brand new announcement himself.

It read — In order to enrich the country and strengthen the military, by learning from the barbarians' own tactics. The Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau is hereby established... Now recruiting thoughtful scholars and ingenious craftsmen to learn from the advanced technology of the West, to try building steamships and cannons... freewebnøvel.com

The crowd looked on curiously while Lu Yao recognized the familiar "Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau" and instantly realized this was the famous — Self-Strengthening Movement!

The Great Shun Dynasty of this time was very similar to the last imperial dynasty of Blue Star. Consecutive humiliating defeats in foreign wars, multiple cessions of territory and indemnity payments; a portion of the rulers acknowledged the power of the Westerners' mighty ships and powerful cannons, starting to learn advanced technology!

After posting the announcement, Director-General Du spoke out loud:

"I am Du Wenlan, currently the Director-General of the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau. As the notice states, we urgently need skilled craftsmen and knowledgeable individuals who are well-versed in foreign technologies! Those willing to contribute to the country shall be handsomely rewarded by the Imperial Court!"

Having said that, he gave a bow to the crowd and then hurried off with his entourage to the next location.

Whether it was just for show or a genuine search for talent, the intention had been made clear, sparking a burst of discussion among the people:

"I heard that several high officials in the court want to 'learn from the barbarians to control them.' I didn't expect the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau to be set up so quickly."

"There is also a shipbuilding bureau established in Fuzhou; they're probably going to build a naval fleet."

"Whatever the case, as long as they drive all the foreigners away, that's fine!"


Lu Yao and Liao Qe didn't continue to watch the spectacle and instead hurried home. It was now dusk, with night fast approaching, and the city's safety was not to be relied upon.

On the way, Lu Yao asked curiously, "By the way, do you know that Mr. Du?"

Liao Qe was about to answer when a gentle voice sounded: "Let me tell you instead."

No sooner had the voice faded than a graceful figure descended from above; it was Liao Ya.

"You two were out for so long, I was worried and came to look for you. You met Mr. Du?"

Liao Qe obediently replied, "Yes, he is now the Director-General of the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau."

Liao Ya nodded and said to Lu Yao, "Mr. Du once worked under Director Lin along with my father, and they were involved in the 'opium destruction' event, so there is some camaraderie."

"I see," Lu Yao finally understood.

But Liao Ya immediately added, "Speaking of which, there is something you must know—never go near the docks, we have enemies!"

"Ah? What kind of enemies?"

Liao Ya's eyes widened, and she spoke seriously, "During the opium destruction with Director Lin, my father offended numerous gangs involved in opium smuggling, including the Hailong Gang! The Hailong Gang harmed countless people with opium and even colluded with foreigners from the Opium company to set an ambush and kill my father!"

At this point, the young lady took a few deep breaths, struggling to compose herself.

"Our feud is irreconcilable! The Hailong Gang has been wanting to cause trouble for my sister and me due to their heavy losses. However, they don't dare to enter the area governed by the prefecture government, so as long as you stay away from the docks, it will be fine."

Lu Yao said, "I understand, Senior Sister. Your enemy is my enemy; just let me know if there is anything I can help with!"

The severity on Liao Ya's face faded, and she spoke softly, "The best help you could provide is to make sure I have enough medicine to eat my fill every day. Only with martial arts mastery can we take our revenge."

Liao Qe chimed in, "Sister, you are only 18. With Lu Yao's help, you will definitely be able to undergo marrow cleansing, even a Blood-Exchange, before you turn 20!"

"Don't just count on me, you can't slack off either! Starting tomorrow, we're doubling our practice time for fist training!"

Liao Ya set the target, and Liao Qe wore a sour face regretting why she had to run her mouth.


After returning to the martial arts school, Lu Yao curiously asked Liao Qe, "Your sister is just 18, how old are you?"

The girl answered, "Me? I'm 16, why?"

Lu Yao was inwardly shocked, "No, nothing, just asking..."

She's only 16 and already looks like this! The sisters, both tall and eye-level with him, had well-developed figures, curvy in all the right places, which could stir worldly desires even in someone frail.

Lu Yao couldn't help but remark to himself: People who practice martial arts really develop well!

Then, glancing at the Cordyceps he had bought, he decided to quickly settle the matter of the money.

Therefore, he said to Liao Qe, "I'm going to go back and get some things; I won't be sleeping here tonight. By the way~ what shoe size do you both wear? And let me know your measurements too."

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