Chapter 262 Part 2

Translator: “Hakou” Editor: “Weasalopes”

「Don’t try to fight alone! You should rely on your sister more」

She pulls her younger sister, who was already on her limit and takes the vicious weapon into her mouth instead. Her wrists are still bound with towels, so she can’t use her hands.

(With this, those girls will not lose)

Corneal lets out a breath of relief at her droopy-eyed sister’s tactfulness.

(But this position tough)

He was lying on his back. There, she was servicing him with her hands tied behind her back. It looks very rough.

Corneal stood up so she could continue what she was doing in sitting position.

「I will fight too!」

Then he heard Black Tights-chan’s voice, who seems to have recovered, coming from behind him.

He wondered what she was planning to do. From behind, she spread his butt with both hands, buried her face in it and stuck out her tongue. Then she started to attack the lone rose flower.

(This is quite something)

Corneal squinted his eyes as the sisters attacked his front and rear using their mouths. The wet sound that continues without a break makes him twitch.

Eventually Corneal exploded before the sisters ran out of stamina.

(We completed the mission somehow…)

He grabbed the older sister’s head and poured it down her throat.

After watching with satisfaction the movement of her throat as she swallowed his fluid, the young pilot of the Kingdom knight order collapsed on the carpet himself. Then he looked up at the fake sister pair.

「It’s my loss. You can punish me severely to avenge your sister」

The droopy-eyed woman who’s the older sister and Black Tights-chan, the younger sister, look at each other at those words.

A few minutes later, the bandit was treated roughly by the sisters, with his wrists tied behind his back with a towel.


After the end of the playtime, Corneal goes down the hallway with the fake sisters on both sides.

They were heading for the lobby on the first floor. There is where he said goodbye to the two of them.

Since the play-imagine time is over, he’s no longer a captured bandit.

「How is it? Do you think the play earlier helped you get over it?」

At Corneal’s question, Black Tights-chan stops, closes her eyes and thinks.

After a short moment, she looked firmly at Corneal and opened her mouth.

「To be honest, I cannot tell for sure. But I’m sure I got better. No, it made me get better!」

The words that followed after were sincere gratitude.

She was only a trainee, and she had given him this much consideration. From her point of view, she probably thinks that there’s no way to thank him enough.

With a smile on his face, Corneal scratched his head with his thick palm.

「That’s the spirit. The knight order is waiting for you」

Black Tights replied cheerfully, and Corneal nodded deeply.

The droopy-eyed sister looked at the two of them with a pleasant smile on her face.


Leaving the royal capital, far to the north-northwest.

The stage moves to the Spirit Forest, jumping over parked Knights and collapsed walls of huge rocks.

In the village of the elves, in a hall set up in the trunk of the world tree, the high elves are gathering again today. What they are discussing is the matter of the explosion that happened the other day.

「Have you figured out the cause of the explosion?」

In response to the chairman’s question, the hunched high elf shook his head.

They pulled all the debris from the workshop and investigated, but they couldn’t find anything that seemed to be the cause.

「As expected, the cause probably had something to do with the magic she was experimenting with」

A high elf with thick eyebrows says while making deep wrinkles between his brows. The chancellor nodded silently in agreement.

The old woman who was the owner of the workshop had been staying in the workshop for several days, working on a certain magic.

It was a magic to connect the path with Zaratan, the guardian of Spirit Lake.

Normally, if one has not formed a familiar connection beforehand, the path won’t open and communication won’t be possible. It could be called a great magic since she attempts to forcefully open the path with her magic power and magic formula.

「She is the best water magician in the village. Even so, she still couldn’t succeed huh」

An expression that had recently stuck on his face and would not leave. The Chairman exhaled and spoke with a grim expression on his face.

「You said it wasn’t life threatening right? We should just be relieved about that for now」

At the Chairman’s words, the hunched high elf put his hand on his chin and opened his mouth in concern.

「Speaking of it, before she lost consciousness just after the explosion, she let slip a single word」

When the Chairman raised one of his eyebrows and urged him to continue, the hunched high elf continued.

「It was only one word, so I don’t know what it meant when she said it. But she certainly said, 『World Enemy』」

For a moment, the room becomes quiet. Soon, however, the room begins to buzz with whispers.

『World Enemy』

It is something that as its name suggests, an enemy of the world.

However, it is only a myth, or in other words, an existence that appears only in fairy tales. It was too unrealistic to be taken seriously.

「It’s hard to judge what it means with just that word. Let’s wait for her to recover and then we’ll talk about it in details」

He shrugs his shoulders and asks about the other High Elf.

「I heard that the knight commander has regained consciousness, how is he doing?」

At his question, the high elf with the thick eyebrows answered.

「The only thing he has done ever since he woke up was uttering curses. His eyes are unfocused, and he’s in no condition to speak」

“Moreover”, he added.

「The sensory feedback from when the Knight’s hip is destroyed. It hasn’t completely healed yet, so he can’t move his body」

He is practically bedridden. The Chairman made a sullen face and pondered.

(Even though it’s times like this that that woman comes in handy)

An old high elf woman who is a pharmacist and a user of recovery magic. However, she herself was caught in the explosion and was in serious condition.

Seeing that the subject had died down, the fat high elf raised his hand and asked for permission to speak.

「The knight order has been defeated and the attempt to contact Zaratan has also failed. Now that this has happened, shouldn’t we attempt to get the Kingdom to fight with us?」

Put pressure on the Empire from the north and east. The goal is 『For the elves to capture the Empire’s Northern city』 and 『For the Kingdom to retake Landbarn』.

「It would be a great trade route for us elves without going through the Empire. That would also be an attractive proposition for the Kingdom, aside from retaking their land」

To the fat high elf’s suggestion, the hunched high elf replies.

「It’s not like we haven’t tried that. We also have tried to incite the Kingdom’s nobles, but the prime minister just won’t budge」

He lifted his palms upward, shrugged his shoulders, and continued.

「It was unfortunate that the upper echelons of the knight order of the Kingdom were not under the influence of us elves」

The fat High Elf couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his reply.

The Elves have traditionally used the method of creating and influencing 『Elf’s Henchman』.

This time, however, the upper echelons of the Kingdom’s knight order were completely replaced. In addition, many of the leading nobles have been disposed of, including the second prince, for 『Plotting a Coup d’etat』.

「That certainly did not go as we expected. Everything happened too fast」

The fat high elf spat out.

He wasn’t the one in charge of it, but he was aware that he couldn’t have prevented it even if he had.

Therefore, he did not intend to blame anyone for this incident.

He regained his composure, cleared his throat, and made a suggestion.

「Why don’t we make a formal diplomatic request instead of using the nobles?」

The other high elves did not agree with his suggestion. The hunched high elf replied on behalf of their feelings.

「If we’re the ones who went to them asking for their help, it will hurt our reputation」

The fat high elf frowned, but did not open his mouth. It was because he knew there were other reasons why they don’t want to appear bad to the humans, who they considered as an inferior race.

(It’s to keep the “elf brand” alive, huh)

He folded his arms and made a difficult expression.

The strange thing about this world is that offering good products at low prices is not the right answer. It seems that they thought the brand would become tarnished, or rather, the image of 『cheap product』 is will be ingrained to it instead.

It is said that the ironclad rule of brand building is 『not to sell at cheap price』.

「We’re selling products not as mere items, but as a dream. That’s why the background of the product such as its history, culture, and anecdotes is very important」

One of the high elves once told that to the fat high elf.

「And pointy parts are important too. Even if they won’t actually use it, the buyer will be pleased and pay a lot of money just to have it」

The fat high elf cannot comprehend the logic behind it.

(It’s like a fish biting a hook with no bait on it)

He can only tilt his head with that thought in his mind.

Returning from his sea of thoughts, the fat high elf looked around at the people in the room and opened his mouth.

「However, we can’t keep saying something like that. We can’t get what we need, and we can’t sell what we make. And the garbage just keeps piling up」

After confirming that there were no objections, he continued his speech.

「Unfortunately, the knight order that we had been counting on were unable to accomplish their mission. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs」

All of the high elves in the room had a bitter look on their faces, but no one argued with him. The defeat of the knight order must have had quite an effect on them.

Here, the chairman spoke gravely.

「……Let’s have a break for a moment. We’ll discuss this matter again after that」

The commotion returned in the room as the high elves left their seats. Some went to the washroom, and some went outside to look down at the Elven village from the trunk of the world tree.

At this time, no one had yet noticed the changes in the world tree.

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