Chapter 10: Rasiel – Keeper of God’s Secret

'Heavenly Dao? Who's that? Is it some sort of defense mechanism? I guess building a highly intelligent artificial entity out of thin air would be considered dangerous to the world' Chen Mo thought to himself but did not give up yet.

'Activate skill [Existence] – How do I bypass the Heavenly Dao's defense mechanism?'


1. Have a higher cultivation level than the Heavenly Dao.

2. Have a numinous grade or higher concealment treasure.

3. Hide in an isolated space using your law of space – recommended.

View 10,000,000+ other methods.


'The law of space? Why is that recommended? Did I have a space law?' he questioned silently as he checked his information through the [Existence] skill.

'This skill is actually pretty good; it also acts as a logger. It seems that my space element somehow managed to evolve and become a law. That explains why I passed out when breaking through.'

He closed his eyes and gathered spiritual energy around his body.

After a while, the spiritual energy dispersed and he showed a calm face, 'after dealing with so many infonts which are several layers deeper than space, I can easily wield the power of space with little to no energy consumption. It's just like running old games on the newest high-end PCs'

Chen Mo stretched out his fist dramatically and clenched it tight.


Space cracked and he entered light space.

'Although I can try doing it here, it's still not safe enough and someone might attack me when I'm defenseless'

He waved his hand and the space around him shattered again as he entered into deep space.

'This is the furthest I can go with my current powers. Although I can use the law of space effortlessly, I can't breathe in space let alone deep space, all the spiritual energy is being used to keep my body and soul from being ripped apart by space fluctuations. Since there's no spiritual energy in space, I can't regenerate the lost spiritual energy and can only stay here for at most fifteen minutes. I have to hurry since there's also the threat of being attacked or being caught up in a fight between high level cultivators.'

Chen Mo quickly entered a state of deep concentration.

'Activate skill [Memory] – Get script instance from memory'


[Script Execution Failed]

[Retrying] * 1000

[Script Execution Failed]


[Retrying] * 1001

[Script Executed Successfully]

'Looks like it worked'

At this moment Chen Mo felt an extremely powerful existence lock on to him.

'This feeling...' he quickly clenched his fist and space quickly compressed at thousands of times the speed of light and he instantly materialized back in his room.

'Phew...That was really dangerous. The power I felt was many times above that of a Mahayana realm cultivator. I'll have to pay more attention when leaving the observable space'

At the same moment, Chen Mo could sense a new consciousness deep inside him and he tried to contact it through his mind.

'I will become the god of this world and you'll stay alongside me from this moment onwards, your name shall be Rasiel – Keeper of God's Secret'

'What god? Why did I suddenly speak like that? But those words...feel so familiar. I've heard those words before somewhere...'


[Update Failed]

[Report] – [Rasiel greets master [REDACTED]]




[Update Completed Successfully]

[Confirm] – [From now on I shall be known as Rasiel – Keeper of God's Secret]


Unknown Place.

"Rasiel, something is off. How did he manage to create you much earlier than he did in the previous run. He isn't even a creator yet, he's only at the mortal realm. Did you mess up the restart?"

[Report] – [The restart did not fail, it was overwritten] freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

"The only person who can overwrite it is only you or me. But since I don't have enough power to do that, and you say that you didn't do it, how did it happen"



[Report] – [It's highly likely that you or I interfered from the fourth or later chaos]

"If that's the case, then that means that we still failed even after restarting"

[Confirm] – [Its highly likely]

"Things are really starting to get out of hand"


'Now that I've gained Rasiel, my skills can now be used in an easier and more effective manner'

'Hey Rasiel, what's the current range of my skills'


[Report] – [Current infonts detection and manipulation range is exactly one mile, range increases as the master's cultivation increases. You're currently at the first layer of Core Formation]

'Previously, I could only use a range of just about ten meters and it only worked when I was conscious. But now that Rasiel is here with me, I can know any time anything enters the sect'

Chen Mo stood up and stretched, he thought about Mei Ling, since she had joined his sect, he had yet to teach her any cultivation techniques.

He also had this voice in his head that kept telling him to hurry up and breakthrough to the Soul Formation stage.

[Report] – [Two assassins from the Heavenly Palace have broken into the sect. I have already provided you with their coordinates]

'Speaking of breaking through, looks like my protagonist luck is really high.'

'The way that I've been copying cultivation up until now is really unrefined and unstable. But now that I have Rasiel here with me, I can finally correct that and stabilize my foundation'

'Rasiel, what's their cultivation levels?'

[Report] – [They are both at the sixth layer of Core Formation]

'Copy their cultivation data and combat abilities, then run it through simulations with my body's data as a base until its fully compatible and stable'

He thought that although he could copy and integrate cultivation data into his body, he wasn't really making it his own but rather emulating other people's cultivations and couldn't fully utilize it and had to rely on manipulating infonts most of the time which wasn't really effective against stronger opponents where each second mattered.

Multiple people had different cultivation methods and it would eventually overwhelm him if he continued doing it the same way.

But that had all changed now that he had Rasiel, he could simulate others' cultivation multiple times using his body as a base and could modify it to suit his needs, basically assimilating all advantages and eliminating all the disadvantages.




[Simulating] – [Time left: 30mins]

'Looks like it I'll take some time. I guess my processing power is still a little lacking. Although I could probably beat the assassins using my space law, I'll just wait a bit so that I have training partners to test out Rasiel's work once it's done. Looks like they also don't have the intention of moving either, they're probably mesmerized by the sect's new look'

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