I Choose You For This Life

Chapter 29 - Spring Is Busy (4)

Translator and Editor: Effe and Nabi


Chapter 29 – Spring Is Busy (4)

He shook his head quietly.

He preferred to be silent. Crossing the line only would have hastened death. So, he knew how dangerous it was to get involved in other people’s lives.

On the other hand, Sienna felt like a confirmed death.

Even though he was trying to be calm, his mouth was already dry.

‘Is my destiny not going to change…?’

She had only come to see her fortune and love luck.


The fortune-teller, who saw her sighing in a small sigh, added hesitantly. “If possible, leave Stern before the end of the year. That is the advice I can give you.”

Siena questioned, staring straight into the fortune teller’s eyes.

His golden-brown eyes shone unusually cold.

“Will it stop if I leave?”

“If you stay, you will die.”

Of course, although this lady is unlikely to listen to him. Watching her raise the corners of her lips, the fortune-teller added confidence to his thoughts.

‘This woman is crazy.’

“Thanks for the advice. I’ll try my best. I want to live a little longer.”

Sienna asked, taking the earring off the strap in return.

“Oh, but you don’t really know where that noble is?”

“I am not a god.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Wouldn’t it be great if location tracking was possible?

With such a futile thought, she handed him one of her earrings, studded with little diamonds.

“The other one… I’ll give it to you when I meet you again.”

She was a little grumpy about the half-telling fortune teller.

Of course, the diamond on one of the earrings was worth the price, but the fortune teller would be very disappointed for the other.

“Then, see you again.”


Light and darkness always coexist.

There are those who move in the sun, and there are those who move fast in the dark.

Information guild. A group that buys and sells all kinds of information in the dark. Their opponents could be nobles or wealthy commoners. Sometimes, even if it was a spy of a certain kingdom or empire.

Complete anonymity guarantees for customers, solid information, and complete neutrality.

It was a factor that allowed them to grow and survive.

In any world, information was power, and those who wanted to monopolize it would appear.

Stern’s largest intelligence guild had long since passed into Emmet’s hands. The existing guild received abundant financial support from the Duke family and became Emmet’s dog.

Obviously, those who did not succumb to overwhelming capital formed a new group.

Information Guild Nine.

When they first started, the name was created by the guild leader in five seconds because there were nine people.

There are currently ten guild members.

It was a little girl who became the tenth member of the guild.


With a low voice, her body rumbled.

The owner of the voice grabbed the suspenders from Lily and lifted her lightly with one of her hands. At the same time, her hat fell to the floor, spilling her frizzy brown hair.

“Kias? You were at home. Haha.”

Lily smiled sheepishly and avoided his eyes.

“What’s the bulge in your pocket?”

“Oh, it’s nothing, Kias.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“If I don’t call you Kias, what do I call you?”


“Oh, yes. Captain.”

“Don’t talk. What’s that in your pocket? Did you steal it?”

“I don’t get many requests these days.”

“I never told you to worry about that.”


“We don’t steal. If you do this one more time, you’ll get kicked out.”


“Give it back to the owner.”


Lily struggled again to get out of his hand. “Now, how do I find the owner?”

“Search for it until you find it.”

“Then, what if I go to jail?”

“I’ll scold you and send you back.”

“Heh. Kias can find it for me.”


He tossed Lily on the comfy sofa.

“What do they look like?”

Lily sat crookedly on the sofa, thinking of Sienna. “It was red hair. Isn’t it strange? I’ve only seen it twice since I was born.”

“And, again?”

“She was very pretty. The most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”

“Is it a girl?”

“Yes. Her face is as white as dough, so she must be noble.”

“Your gut is too big. Dare to touch noble things.”

“Anyway, they have a lot of money, so what’s the problem with one disappearing like this?”

“You talk well.”

Kias quickly searched through his head.

There would be only a few noble girls with red hair.

‘Who was there?’

But, he had no face that immediately came to mind.

He directed Lily, who puffed her cheeks.

“Go to the square first. If there was a red hair, you would see it.”

“Yes, yes.”

After Lily, grimaced, left the door, Kias took off his coat.


Unlike his face, which seemed like a noble to the bone, his body was full of wounds and scars. There were several old cuts on the well-split abs.

He put a bandage over the open wound, holding back his moan.

Then, he took a pill from the glass bottle by the bed and swallowed it. It was a powerful analgesic with a risk of side effects.


The energy of the drug quickly spread throughout the body.

His senses disappeared, and his body was limp.

He fell right into sleep.


“I think I’m almost there…”

Sienna looked at her note and murmured.

Seeing so, Arthur asked, “Then, why are you suddenly going to the gallery?”

“Of course, I want to buy a painting.”

The plain hallways of the Princess Palace have always caught her heart.

Even more so after visiting the main Palace. She wanted to decorate the Princess Palace a little brighter and more dazzling, even if it wasn’t a procession of huge tapestries, colorful paintings, and polished ceramics.

She was well aware of the small pleasures of a painting. There was also a painting hanging in the office hallway, and she used to feel a little bit better when she looked at it inadvertently.

“You can call people to the palace.”

“Arthur. I can’t miss this opportunity.”

“After all, the purpose is to go out.”

At that, Arthur narrowed his eyes, and Sienna poked him in the side.

“It’s still good to come, isn’t it?”

“Yes, yes. It’s good. I like children.”

However, today seemed to be a really rough day…

“The door is closed.”

The door to the gallery was firmly locked.

It was not a regular holiday, so why? Was the whole universe really helping her misery?

Sienna asked with a firm expression on her face.

“Arthur. Which one is east?”

“It’s over there.”

There was nothing worth it if there is no luck. It seemed that she had to find the nobleman immediately.

Sienna walked briskly in the direction Arthur was pointing, though as she walked along the busy alley, she lost her way.

“Princess, do you have any luck?”


“I’ve been following the Princess.”

“Ha. I only followed Arthur…”

It was the time when the two were arguing again. The sound of fighting was heard from afar inside the dark alley.

“Give it up!”

“No way!”

“This kid!”

Arthur tried to pretend he didn’t care for it, for Sienna’s well-being.

“It’s going too far.”

“Arthur is talented.”

“What if the Princess is in danger?”

“Still, that is a child?”

He didn’t feel comfortable with it either.

It wasn’t seventeen to one, so he only had to deal with three people. Besides, they were like an alley thug, he didn’t have any problems with one hand.

“Stay close behind me.”

“Yes. I’ll stick with you.”

Arthur, with his scabbard, approached the thugs. Immediately, a gangster shot at Arthur in an unfamiliar shadow.


“Will you let the child go?”

“What? Are you going on your way?”

“As expected, words don’t work.”

He started a full-fledged education for three ugly adults who bullied one child.

It was enough for them to tuck their tails and run away.

Sienna applauded, and her eyes lit up. Her own escort knight was really competent. It seemed that it was not a lie that he was ranked second among the Knights.

“Th, thank you for saving me.”

The child, who had crouched in the corner, nodded her head and began to pull her body away. However, that big hat was somehow familiar.

As Sienna was examining the child and found the bulging bag…


As the child met Sienna’s eyes, her face went white, and she started running.

“Arthur, get her!”


“It was the pickpocketer earlier!”

She went straight after her child, but Sienna felt that her heart was going to explode soon, so she sat down.

“Are you okay?”

“Cough, heh. Yes, it’s okay.”

“Looks like she already went into hiding.”

“Damn it.”

This terrible stamina!

Sienna burst out her rage as she sat down in front of a house door. She couldn’t even hold her breath properly, but strange footsteps could be heard in the distance.

Arthur shone sharply in his eyes and hid Sienna behind him.

At that moment, thinking that it was dangerous, the door opened and a rough hand pulled the two of them inside.

“Who are you?”

As Arthur hurriedly went on alert, Kias looked at Sienna, who was next to him, with an expressionless expression on his face for a moment.

Sienna stared at him without a momentary escape from the sudden gaze.

Gray hair and darker gray eyes.

Even though he had a beautiful face, it felt rough because of his stern expression. The undressed upper body was full of scars, and the bandages that were roughly wrapped were slightly oozing with blood.

Above all…

She gulped, swallowing her saliva. A burst of exclamation broke out.


‘It’s a thug.’

Wide-shouldered thug.

In her bitter silence, Sienna quietly took time to reflect. She just wanted her to go out of the castle for a while…

Was her going out so dangerous?

Since when?

The fortune teller’s words to leave Stern echoed in her ears again.

‘What the hell is this?’

Sienna had been in an eye fight for tens of seconds with a man who was staring at her. He seemed unwilling to dodge, and she dared not dodge.

Is it because the gray eyes are unusually cold?

She didn’t do anything wrong, though it felt like she was shrinking for no reason. In the end, Sienna opened her mouth with a friendly smile, trying to change the mood a bit.

“Excuse me, who are you?”


But, the man wrinkled his impression when she smiled.

‘What. How embarrassing.’

As she lowered her gaze, she saw the bandage a little redder.

The wound looked like it had burst.

“Are you okay?”

It looked painful just looking at it, so Sienna squinted her eyes involuntarily.

Wondering if he might need help, she approached cautiously, and he stepped back in surprise.

“Oh… I’m sorry.”

She waved her hand as a sign of not going any closer and backed away from him in the same way. She didn’t mean to force herself to help him.

All she can do for him anyway was to put the bandages on the right way.

Then, there was the sound of sharp metal clashing behind her.

Clang. Clang.

Everyone in the cabin looked towards the door.

It was then that Sienna could hear the man’s voice for the first time.



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