Lu Qing didn't know that after he left, Mago actually became the teacher of the Young Master Wei.

After returning home, he kept an eye out for a few days and found no unusual people around the village. It seemed that the death of the young man in white had not yet been exposed.

A few days later, he packed some things and went to the hiding place of Mago and the others. As he entered the cave, he was surprised to see Mago seriously training the Young Master Wei in horse stance in a spacious cave chamber.

After understanding the reason, he was happy for Mago.

"Master Ma, congratulations on acquiring such a talented disciple."

Not far away, Young Master Wei was practicing horse stance, while Mrs. Wei watched nearby. Lu Qing chatted with Mago on the other side. Given the Wei family's status, Mago becoming Young Master Wei's teacher was undoubtedly a good thing for him. Provided, of course, the Wei family could survive this crisis.

"Brother Lu Qing, don't make fun of me. I know my own skills well enough," Mago said with a wry smile. "I'm just worried that my teaching might mislead the young master."

"No worries, just take it step by step and help the young master build a solid foundation. I think there shouldn't be any problems," Lu Qing suggested.

"That's what I thought too. So I've been focusing on his horse stance and Qi and Blood training these days. Zian has been doing quite well.

What surprised me is that Zian has a pretty good aptitude for martial arts. Once he gets serious, he quickly understands the mysteries of Qi and Blood circulation. I think it won't be long before he breaks through to the Qi and Blood Realm."

Young Master Wei's name is Wei Zian. Since Mago became his teacher, he naturally couldn't call him 'Young Master,' as it would be inappropriate.

"Oh, that's great. Why are you still frowning?" Lu Qing was also a bit surprised.

"The better Zian's martial arts talent, the more anxious I get. What should I teach him next?" Mago said worriedly.

"That's simple. Just ask him what kind of martial arts he likes, and teach him that," Lu Qing said. He knew that Mago was good at saber techniques and also quite proficient in sword techniques.

"I asked, but Zian's preferences are a bit different," Mago's expression became somewhat peculiar.

"What kind of martial arts does he like?" Lu Qing was curious.

"Staff techniques. Zian prefers staff techniques," Mago said helplessly. "But I know very little about staff techniques. How can I teach him?"

"Staff techniques?" Lu Qing's expression also became strange. He didn't expect Wei Zian, who looked gentle and refined, to like staff techniques. Typically, young masters from noble families preferred elegant techniques like swordsmanship or saber techniques, or something like the jade fan.

"I was surprised too. But Zian said that last time, when I was out and he was being pursued, he held a wooden stick and guarded his mother alone in the cave. At that time, the stick was his only reliance. So he vowed that if he had the chance, he would learn a powerful staff technique to protect his mother."

Lu Qing: "..."

Well, this explanation, though a bit absurd, was not entirely unreasonable. However, staff techniques...

Seeing Mago's troubled look, Lu Qing thought for a moment.

"I happen to know a staff technique. I'm not sure if Young Master Wei would be interested."

"Brother Lu Qing, you know staff techniques?" Mago was shocked.

"I know a little. Recently, I was bored and practiced some ordinary martial arts from my master."

"..." Mago looked at Lu Qing in speechless disbelief. Listening to him, it sounded almost inhuman. What did he mean by practicing for fun when bored? Mago had always thought that Lu Qing's rapid progress in martial arts was due to extreme diligence and never slackening in his practice. But now, Lu Qing said he even practiced random martial arts to pass the time. Was this the true daily routine of a martial arts genius? Mago felt a bit disoriented.

However, thinking back to how Lu Qing had punched the Black Wolf to death a few days ago, a Qi and Blood Realm expert, he realized that Lu Qing's martial arts skills were indeed extraordinary. It seemed reasonable that he would know some staff techniques as well.

"Martial arts that Brother Lu Qing values must be extraordinary. I believe Zian would be very happy to learn it."

"Okay, I'll ask him if he wants to learn."

The two walked towards Wei Zian's cave chamber. The cave was specially chosen by Lu Qing for its hidden entrance and spacious interior, divided into several chambers to avoid awkwardness among the residents.

"Master Ma, Young Master Lu."

Mrs. Wei stood up to greet them as they approached. Wei Zian, meanwhile, was practicing horse stance until his face turned red, his legs trembling, not daring to speak for fear of losing his concentration.

"Zian, that's enough for now. Take a rest," Mago said, noticing that his disciple had reached his limit.


Upon hearing this, Wei Zian collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. Mago nodded in satisfaction. Over the past few days, he had seen his disciple keep his promise of diligent practice without complaints.

"Zian, you wanted to learn staff techniques. I don't know anything about staff techniques, but Brother Lu Qing just said he knows one. Would you like to learn from him?" Mago asked.

"Young Master Lu, aren't you good at saber techniques?" Wei Zian was surprised. He had always seen Lu Qing carrying a saber.

"Brother Lu Qing is a true martial arts genius. Any martial art is easy for him. Staff techniques are no exception," Mago praised.

"I'm not a genius, but I do know a bit about staff techniques. If you don't mind, I can teach you," Lu Qing smiled.

"Yes, I'd love to learn!" Wei Zian nodded eagerly.

With Wei Zian's agreement and Mrs. Wei's approval, Lu Qing went to the forest, found a sturdy tree branch, trimmed it into a staff, and brought it back to the cave.

"Young Master, the staff technique I know was originally a Qi and Blood Realm technique. Your current level is too low to practice it fully, so I've simplified it into eight forms suitable for your level. Once you master them, even ordinary Qi and Blood Realm fighters won't be your match."

Holding the staff, Lu Qing stood in the middle of the cave chamber and began to demonstrate. Wei Zian watched with shining eyes.

In his perception, Lu Qing seemed like an ordinary young man, similar in age to him. But in Mago's words, Lu Qing was highly skilled, capable of defeating Mago in a single move. This, along with Lu Qing's feat of destroying the Black Wolf Gang, filled Wei Zian with curiosity about his abilities.

When Lu Qing demonstrated the staff technique, Wei Zian was even more excited. The staff in Lu Qing's hands moved like a dragon, creating a whirlwind of staff shadows that filled the cave. The air swirled, and the staff's movements were accompanied by explosive sounds.

Feeling the pressure from the staff shadows, Wei Zian was both suppressed and fascinated.

"Is this the staff technique that Young Master Lu will teach me?"

Wei Zian murmured to himself, his eyes bright with anticipation. As Lu Qing finished the last move, the staff retracted and swiftly struck out seven times, each strike creating a sonic boom, vibrating the cave.

"What's the name of this final move?" Wei Zian asked eagerly.

"This move is called Seven Star Chain. The key is to burst out consecutively within a breath. Mastering it means you've learned the entire staff technique," Lu Qing explained.

"Seven Star Chain..." Wei Zian repeated, his eyes full of admiration.

"Young Master Lu, I want to learn this staff technique. Teach me, please!"

"Alright, I'll teach you the forms and key points of this technique."

Seeing Lu Qing teaching Wei Zian, Mago felt amazed. The staff technique Lu Qing demonstrated was intricate and powerful. If this was the simplified version, how strong was the original One Qi Staff Technique?

"Alright, you've grasped the key points of the first two forms. With diligent practice, you should master them soon. Once you're proficient, I'll teach you the remaining forms."

Wei Zian, indeed, had some martial arts talent. After half an hour of instruction, he had a basic grasp of the first two forms of the One Qi Staff Technique. All that was left was practice.

"Got it, Young Master Lu!" Wei Zian responded enthusiastically. He found Lu Qing's explanations clear and easy to remember, much simpler than the complex instructions given by his previous teachers.

"Alright, practice on your own for now," Lu Qing said, seeing Wei Zian's excitement. He left him to practice and walked over to Mago and Mrs. Wei.

"Thank you, Young Master Lu. This is the first time I've seen An'er so enthusiastic about martial arts. At home, whenever his father made him practice, it was like asking for his life," Mrs. Wei said gratefully.

"Zian has good martial arts aptitude. As long as he practices diligently, his future prospects are limitless," Lu Qing smiled.

"I don't expect him to achieve great martial arts feats. I just want him to have some self-defense skills so that even if the Wei family falls, he can live without being bullied," Mrs. Wei sighed.

Lu Qing remained silent. He knew Mrs. Wei was pessimistic about the Wei family's situation. After all, their Precelestial ancestor's fate was unknown, and facing the pressure from the Tian Cang Sect, it was natural to feel hopeless.


don't worry. As long as those people are still searching for you and Zian, it means the main house is still holding on. Otherwise, they wouldn't need to put in so much effort to trouble you two," Mago comforted.

His words made sense. Mrs. Wei's spirits lifted.

"You're right. The main house is still holding on. I shouldn't be saying such discouraging things. I apologize for making you both worry."

"No worries, Madam. We've seen your strength and perseverance firsthand," Lu Qing said earnestly. Mrs. Wei's resilience was indeed admirable, and both he and Mago respected her for it.

In the following days, Lu Qing's life returned to its peaceful routine of studying medicine, practicing martial arts, and fishing. Every few days, he would go into the mountains to bring supplies to Mago and check on Wei Zian's progress with the staff technique.

During these tranquil days, Lu Qing's cultivation continued to advance rapidly. One morning, ten days later, while practicing in the bamboo forest, he felt a surge of energy throughout his body.

"Finally, I've reached the peak of the Tendons and Bones Realm."

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