Translator and Editor: Skye and Einna


Chapter 28

Oh, you’re feeling so shy that your cheeks are flushed, right? Oh, my.

What am I going to do with that soft smile? Oh, I’m going crazy. How can he still be so cute?

Yandere seme? Where’s the yandere seme here?

Now everyone should call him the kind and sweet seme, Lucian!

Shouting out loud inside, I tried hard to maintain my unfazed expression.

It’s not easy to pretend to look upset.

What am I gonna do with this puppy-like person?

When his master calls him, he just shakes his tail joyfully! That’s fine, but…

“Yes, yes, I’d like to take a walk with my brother, after a looooong time!”

I emphasized the words “long time” without him knowing whether I still have any leftover resentment about him not replying to my letters.

Whether he understood me or not, Lucian was just smiling.

“Master, I’m coming with you!”

Then Doggy of all people stepped in without me noticing. I glared at him, my brows knitting at the idea.

Mind your own business, Doggy!

But if you think about it, it’s not really Doggy’s fault. Doggy just smiled and turned into a fox and landed in my arms.

{ Master! Let’s go! }

The wild little fox became able to speak even after turning into his fox form. Although, it is less useful than it sounds, since I’m the only one who can understand him while in that form.

Actually, it’s so annoying that only I can understand!

I tapped the bridge of his nose because I felt annoyed for no reason. It is one of the things he didn’t like, so he avoided my action by turning his head around.

Look at him, he’s grown up to be a very naughty boy. Did I teach you to be like that? Hmm?

Even when the fox turned his head, he persistently kept himself seated in my arms so I kept tapping on the bridge of his nose.

Knock, knock, come out.

Where are we? Why are you sticking your butt towards me?

Are my arms your home? Get out of there.

Forgetting that I was originally talking to my brother, I was focused on Doggy.

He was still busy avoiding my fingers.

Then a familiar hand approached me again. Suddenly, the hand in front of my eyes grabbed the fox’s neck.



I looked up in surprise. His golden gaze I encountered at the moment was very cold, and then it changed in an instant.

It looked like a cool breeze in a Siberian snow field.

But Lucian’s expression became bright almost instantly while I was busy blinking at the odd scenario.

“I want to take a walk with you alone.”

I nodded at once at his succinct words.

Yes, if my bias wants to. Of course. Why would he say that though? Okay, let’s go!

I held Lucian’s hand. We used to hold hands like this a lot when we were younger.

I smiled at the memories. Lucian, who hesitated for a while, held my hand tightly.

Well, as expected, he’s the main character. He’s very strong.

But it kinda hurts.

When I wriggled my uncomfortable fingers because he held them too tight his grip became a little more loose.


“Yes, you two can talk first. I’ll see you later when the Duke comes back.”

When did they get so close?

What happened to the two of them while I was away?

I felt crazy because I was so filled with curiosity, but I held it in. I am going to see the Duchess separately later anyways.

As Lucian and the Duchess became acquainted, I also became quite acquainted with the Duchess in my own way when I was living in the southern villa.

Life in the South was so monotonous.

I just relaxed, took classes from the teacher sent by the Duke, and exercised.

If I wasn’t a young noble lady and I was back in my original world I would play sports to relieve my boredom. That is impossible now, but I guess I should say that I still like to move my body and exercise.

But there were also no tea parties or banquets I could attend so I could talk to people. So I couldn’t socialize to entertain myself either.

There were people who knew I was from Duke Leon’s house and sent out invitations at first, but most of them were cursory invitations I wasn’t really supposed to accept. Either that, or they invited me just to belittle me, so I refused them.

I am not his actual daughter after all, just his stepdaughter.

Thanks to my father, I’m currently living a luxurious life, but I’ve always been conscious of the fact that I’m just a guest.

But if I should go to another aristocrat’s banquet and get myself in trouble…

Ugh, I don’t even want to think about it.

So whenever I was lonely, I sent letters to Lucian, the Duke, and the Duchess.

And surprisingly, it was the Duchess who responded most sincerely to my letters.

We talked more through letters than when we were together. At that time, I realized that sometimes there are more stories that can be told better in writing than through spoken words themselves.

As soon as the Duchess gave us permission, Lucian led me to the garden.

“Kyuung kyung!”

Doggy, who was tossed to the side by Lucian, protested loudly, but soon he became silent due to Amber’s interference.

I glanced at Lucian in the yellow rose garden after my long absence.

Wow, why are his eyelashes so long?

How did the tail of his eyes get to be built to be so long?

It’s like it was drawn in eyeliner.

Lucian’s eyes looked exceptionally deep because of his black eyelashes. I think it’s because his eye shade stands out.

Lucian’s cheeks turned slightly red, perhaps feeling my gaze.

There you go, my Lucian. Are you feeling shy?

I couldn’t stop smiling. It is good that he was out of the route of regret, and it is good to be able to appreciate his face for the first time in a while.

Well, how far did Noah and him go?

I think they should be close by this time… but can I really trust the flow of the original story?

I’ve already messed with a few things.

I was thinking about this and that and I wanted to ask him myself. But Lucian opened his mouth first.

“I missed you.”

Each word he uttered looked as if it was filled with complete sincerity.

My heart fluttered for no reason. Stopping suddenly after walking for a bit, Lucian looked down at me.

Unlike before, when I looked at him rather calmly, I feel strangely awkward looking at him right in front of me now.

Seven years has been a long time.

I avoided his gaze because I felt burdened. Then his big hand approached me again.

Holding my chin gently, he lifted my face. He didn’t take his eyes off me and said it again.

“Really… I missed you so much… that it felt like I was dying, Ray.”

I didn’t answer him. Because his words also reminded me of the last seven years.

I fell into silence. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t give me any reply.

“…But how come you didn’t reply once? Do you know how many letters I sent?”


Lucian’s expression dimmed due to my words.

No, it’s not a sad expression, but it looks like he’s starting to seeth. Soon he threw out one angry word.


I couldn’t understand why he was acting so oblivious, so I just opened my eyes wide.

His large hand grazed slowly over my white as sheet face. Biting his lips, he opened his eyes violently.

“Did you send me a letter?”


Somehow the reaction was so strange that I was puzzled.

What’s with that reaction? Maybe he didn’t know about the letters I sent him? How come?

Overloaded from my racing thoughts, I suddenly came up with the answer.

That, that Duke!

Don’t tell me he stole my letters! Really? No, he can’t have actually done that right? This is really not working. I can’t forgive him this time!

As he trembled as though feverous, Lucian had a sharp look on his face.

Goodness me, my bias. You thought you were surprised? No, I’m the one who’s angry.

I put up with the Duke all this time. He tricked me into spending seven years in the south, and he even stole my letters?

I’m not gonna let him do this! I huffed heavily.

Lucian smiled faintly, as if my expression was so funny.

Yeah, it’s been a while since we met, so let’s just smile.

There’s a saying that laughing brings good luck. I want to believe that.

“I missed you a lot, too.”

At my belated answer, he smiled as if he had received the world.

His large and warm hand slowly rose up and wrapped around my cheek. Caressing from the bottom of my chin up to my earlobe, he stroked my cheek gently.

When did he grow up like this? He really looks like my older brother now.

He used to just be taller than me, but now he actually looks like my older brother.

Looking down at me lovingly, I asked him what came to his mind as he kept stroking my cheek.

Actually, I almost felt like I would die out of curiosity.

“By the way, how close are you to Noah?”

I was just curious if the two of them were in a relationship already.

I have a hobby of being a fanatic. I’m mainly a fan of Lucian, but I actually like both of them.

So, tell me.

You two are dating, right?

My eyes glistened as I waited for his answer.

Does he think my expression is too much? Lucian’s expression is subtly distorted.

Why? Are you worried I’ve noticed?

Come on, I’m not that kind of person! I won’t judge!

“Noah, is cute right?”


My second innocent question was directed at my bias but he remained silent for the first time in a long time.

Pleased to see his unchanging habits, I burst into a refreshed laugh.

Of course, the edges of his smile quickly disintegrated into a displeased expression, but I thought it was because he felt embarrassed.

Noah will still be cheerful and bright, right?

Now that Lucian’s a kind seme, he’ll be a sweetheart and a cheerful guy right?

Now that the keywords have changed, the ending will change, too, right?

With strong hope for the future, I smiled broadly at Lucian, who still had an unreadable expression on his face.


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