Chapter 260: Warning

The heads of the most powerful villain organizations in each country gather at the Cathedral, the S-Class Villain Conference.

Time passed, and the day came again.

An information-sharing meeting, organized by Celeste, at a round table under a giant chandelier, was the same as always.

It was a normal, if unremarkable, meeting as usual, until my turn came.

At the center of the great round table holographic images of countless cities being consumed by flames and monsters floated.

“…And that, my friends, is the end of my story.”

I stopped the projected view of the catastrophe and shut up after saying that.

And then the room sank into another sudden, heavy silence.


Soon enough time had passed for everyone to gather their thoughts.

“I don’t understand.”

The muttering came from the far side of the room.

It came from an elderly gentleman with a monocle that glowed with gold, an Italian S-class villain.

He muttered something unintelligible, then turned to me, his eyes locked on mine.

“Cities, nay, nations, are being destroyed by those monsters? I don’t think the Association is that far behind. You’re taking a leap of faith, aren’t you?”

He asked me that, as if he genuinely didn’t understand.

It was a fair enough thought since all of them here were the strongest villains in the country.

They can cut down mountains and destroy cities with all their might, and they are far stronger than me in terms of force.

Therefore, they all have absolute confidence in their own strength.

They never underestimate the ability of heroes who are strong enough to fight them, that’s why they couldn’t understand what I was saying.

With heroes like that hanging on by a thread, what, the country is going to collapse and the planet is going to be destroyed? Isn’t that some kind of conspiracy theory?

If the monsters come, as I said they would, the heroes will prevail, this kind of story.

And I, for one, don’t believe in such wishful thinking so I had to smile and deny it.

“No, they won’t.”


“Like I said, these monsters are scary not just because they’re powerful.”

I said, and turned on the projector once more.

And just like that, the white, round projector shot a hologram into the center of the round table.

In the center of it, countless beasts lined up like anthills.

“These beasts are a threat for three main reasons.”

“The first is quantity, that’s the biggest problem. There’s an overwhelming number of them, and they’re coming out of the gate all at once. Even the best heroes won’t be able to keep them out of many areas, especially since these gates spawn in more populated areas.

And second, their continuity.”

With that, I changed the projector’s image again.

The invaded cities were changing rapidly, as if time were accelerating, but the ominous gates in one corner remained visible.

“These beasts won’t stop attacking in a day. Maybe three days, maybe a week, maybe a month, since those gates are the passageways for the otherworldly invaders.

Anyway, seeing the anguished looks on everyone’s faces, I spoke up for the last time.

“Well…That’s the end of my story.”

The rest…You’re on your own!

And with that, my time was up.

By a very fortuitous coincidence, I was sitting next to Celeste, close to her side of the table. After my information sharing, the meeting quickly ended

As soon as Celeste made the motion to adjourn the meeting I got up from my seat to quickly disappear


and as I was doing so I felt like I made eye contact with Celeste, who was sitting next to me.

…It must have been the mood, because she didn’t look up.

Anyway, with that, I walked back to the hallway I came from.

I was followed by Li Xiaofeng and Katana, who had been following me for some time, standing to my right and left, respectively, and Atlas, who followed behind me as if to block the others.

We quickly tore up our letters and returned to our original places.

Okay, so that’s the end of the matter with Cathedral.

Now it’s time to prepare for something other than my country.

After all, that’s what we came to Cathedral for.

Just as I was thinking that I heard Katana, who was standing next to me, ask me.

“Thank you, Egostic. But…”


“Why did you say that for them, the catastrophe would take three days to a week, while for us, it would probably be over in a day?”

“Oh, that’s right, of course…”

If I say it’s a one-day thing, they might think differently.

If it’s just one day, it’s easy to fix the country if it falls apart a little bit, so let’s take this opportunity to drown all the heroes. The balance of power must be maintained. If it takes a while, they’ll start to work together, or at least they did in the original.

“Anyway, I guess everyone’s on their own now.”

I muttered.

Okay, so I’ve done my best as a villain. I entered the Cathedral, built up trust with information and based on that trust, I predicted a catastrophe, and made everyone believe me.

“…It’s almost fall.”

I muttered, sitting down in a chair.

Fall passed, and winter came.

The day will come, the day that changed the original story forever, the day when everyone dies and the world collapses.

The day I was most wary of, from the moment I fell into this world.

“Now we wait.”

When you’re ready, you wait.

Time will probably fly by from here on out just as time flies when you’re about to take a test, so will this.

…My next attack on Stardus will be the last before the catastrophe.

I thought to myself, silently.

Three months until the day of the Moonlight Gate catastrophe.

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