I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With

Chapter 250: Ep 250 – Communication Device

Ep 250 – Communication Device

Since the day when I conducted the terror attack on Stardus, and returned successfully without any major incidents, it had been a while. But I couldn’t sleep; I just lay there, lost in thought.


My thoughts were wandering, especially during the early morning hours. It might be because meeting Stardus had made me more emotional than usual, or perhaps the upcoming major disaster at Wolgwanggyo was getting to me.

I felt like my worries were piling up today, and I couldn’t help but get sentimental.

“I feel all jittery…”

It seemed that due to the progress in the original work or perhaps because the critical disaster Moonlight Gate was approaching, these worries had piled up.

“Well, I’ll do my best…”

I could only think that way. After all, when I looked at today, it was clear that her mental strength had improved significantly, her flying abilities had grown, and her basic abilities had become much stronger. So, it would undoubtedly be different from the original work. Besides, I’m here.

Alright. Let’s not worry about it.

Even if something goes wrong, and I fail to close the gate in the middle, leading to the death of hundreds of millions of people, the paralysis of the social system, and a shift from the world of genres to a monster apocalypse… Hmm…


…Thinking about it just makes me more anxious. However, worrying about the worst-case scenario also brought some relief because I had already made so many changes to the original work. I have done everything I can on my own.

Besides, even if I fail to stop the disaster, I have a backup plan.

Especially considering that, except for the disastrous final episode in the original work, this is the most significant crisis, I felt stronger. If I get through this one, I will have essentially covered everything.

“Yeah, it’ll be fine…”

I thought of it that way.

Suddenly, the communication device on my desk caught my eye. More precisely, it was Stardus’ dedicated communication device connected to her.


I reached out, seemingly without realizing it, and picked up the device.

It was the first time I had something that symbolized the connection between me and Stardus since I met her.


It gave me a special feeling. It felt different from others, as it was specifically for Stardus. That’s because it’s an exclusive communication network for her.

Actually, it seemed a bit strange for a villain to give a communication device to a hero. But then, it’s even more peculiar for Stardus to accept it. Still, I wasn’t in the wrong. Stardus probably stashed it somewhere on the other side of her desk, forgetting it within a day. But I was the one who cared about it, and that made me chuckle.


Thinking like that, I remembered how she hesitated but eventually accepted the communication device from me. Even though she might dislike me, I have to make sure I protect her. I have to overcome this crisis and deal with that other guy who is right on our doorstep. There’s a lot to do.

Even if she doesn’t like me, everything I’ve done has been for her.

So, while leaning on the windowsill and pondering these thoughts on a late night, I suddenly made a surprised noise.


I uttered in surprise while watching the snowflakes slowly falling outside.

“It’s snow.”

I murmured while reaching my hand out the window.

As I touched it, the substance melted away quickly. It’s beautiful.

While I was mesmerized by the sight of white, fluffy snowflakes falling from the dark sky, I suddenly realized something.

…Isn’t it summer right now?


“What are you doing up here?”



When I was asked about what I was going to do next, Lee Seola responded with some surprise.

“…Just the two of you?”

“Yeah, just the two of us.”


Already, if their relationship becomes that close, it’s not good. The plan…

Ignoring Lee Seola, who seemed to mutter something to herself as if she heard it but didn’t hear it, I started to contemplate the next step with a serious expression.

That’s right. The reason I gave Stardus the communication device was that if it’s not stopped now, there will be a huge problem later, a problem that only Stardus can prevent.

A Knight of the Gods. That needs to be stopped.

I thought quietly and with a serious face.


[[Breaking News] Stardus and Egostic Couple Trending Overseas hahaha]

(Picture of Egostic hugging Stardus Princess in his arms)

(Picture of both of them looking at each other and giggling)

(Picture of Egostic calling Stardus)

Now that Japan’s public safety has somewhat stabilized, there’s been growing interest in our country.

They’re interpreting the symbols they exchanged and analyzing old video footage, going crazy with it. It’s hilarious. Even more amusing is that it’s spreading overseas. If you search for EgoXStar, you’ll find videos and stuff already.

Like if EgoStar <<< Unbeatable ship. hahaha



[Haa… The whole world is into Stardus]

[Foreigners know something hahaha]

[(Facts) Egostic is cohabiting with other villains]

ㄴ[Cheetah has a late-running strategy. When the race begins, the game is over.]

ㄴ[Please, run faster, Stardus!!!]

ㄴ[Hahaha, the actual parties involved have nothing to say, but why are they fighting among themselves hahaha]

[Like if this is irrational hahaha]

[Oh, even foreigners can’t resist hero-villain romance hahaha]


The Hero Association.

In the office of the A-class hero Stardus, its owner, Shin Haru, was conducting villain investigation activities, which essentially meant collecting data while reviewing the community’s posts.


Having seen a certain post in the popular section, she laughed incredulously. Ah, right. There shouldn’t be such a relationship between heroes and villains to begin with.

Of course, while saying that…


Every five minutes, she kept checking the communication device given to her by Egostic as if wondering if it would ring.

Hello, everyone Galaxy here with news regarding the future of this novel.

The current translator Dimwitch decided to stop translating altogether so I’ll continue the translation until the end of the novel.

The schedule will be 5ch/week like my other novels and the chapters will be released at the same time so don’t be surprised if Monday there’s no release at the regular time.

Visit and read more novel to help us update chapter quickly. Thank you so much!

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