Ep109. Wuthering Heights

The sky shining in a heterogeneous pink, a whirlwind that makes it hard to open your eyes.

In the midst of this storm, even Stardus struggled. A man dressed in black stood.

Yeah, that’s me.

“…So this is what it felt like, huh?”

The wind blew so hard that even a child could easily get blown away.

And an attack from dozens of magic circles, flying towards me.

The storm that no hero could break through no matter how hard they tried.

I was walking comfortably and leisurely, as if I were taking a walk in the yard in front of my house in the morning.

“Gosh. Why are there so many flies?”

I hit stars that fly in with my telekinesis, for fun.

Something that looks like those decorations on top of a Christmas tree keep coming at me, and it’s annoying.

I beat the stars that were flying toward me with a smooth gesture.

As a result, the purple stars stuck on the ground, not me.


A tremendous roar as if a bomb had exploded, it just completely destroyed the land it had fallen on.

“Wow… Fuck…”

And the moment I saw it, I held my tongue out.

Yeah, as expected.

A power beyond imagination.

How can it be that strong?

I looked up.

A pink storm rising high enough to cover the sky.

As expected, an event that eventually completely destroyed Seoul that no heroes could prevent in the original.

I don’t think any humans can stop this.

Of course, it doesn’t apply to me who already knows everything.

With that in mind, I held out my hand to stop the purple rays of destruction flying toward me.

A ray of light that spreads everywhere without reaching my hand, unlike a fierce shot.

I smirked slightly at it.

Yes, the Moonlight Shaman. She’s a pretty strong and threatening enemy. If I were to describe how hard it is to knock her down, she’s even more difficult than the former HanEun Group’s giant weapon.

But that’s only when you fight without knowing anything.

I grinned and gripped my open hand again.

And as soon as.


The magic circles, which were shooting rays, broke into pieces and exploded.

Yeah, the core of this terrorist attack is not the Moonlight Shaman, but the buffs laid by the leader in advance.

Magic circles placed throughout Seoul.

There are a lot of roughly enormous options, like weakening the heroes’ abilities, strengthening the Moonlight Shaman’s firepower, preventing dark power, preventing radio waves, supplying mana, etc.

In fact, these magic circles are the main point of this attack.

Moonlight Shaman is pretty strong with just basic magic skills, but that doesn’t mean she’s overwhelmingly strong enough to shake off Stardus, Icicle, and Shadow Walker. If she has a one-on-one battle with Stardus, she will lose after bearing for a while.

So, it’s the leader’s buff magic circles that make her almost invincible.

This is the core of this terrorist attack, and it’s actually the center of everything.

In the original work, Seoul was almost completely destroyed, and the secret was finally revealed, and the magic circles were destroyed in advance and Moonlight Shaman was defeated.

…As I thought about it, the image of Moonlight Shaman asking to be killed flashed into my eyes again. Yeah, it’s just that damn original plot. Not anymore.

Anyway, I’m a step further here.

I mean, we hacked into the magic circles and made it work in reverse.

So, these huge magic circles in Seoul.

They are making me stronger, and making the enemy weaker.

In other words.

Inside this storm, I’m getting the almighty power.

“Go up. That’s right~”

I flick away the purple lightning strike at me with my hands and send it back to the sky.

For the lasers flying at me, I just cut them off.

And I blow up the stars with my telekinesis.

I approached the heart of this storm, where the Moonlight Shaman would be.

Gosh. Easy, so easy.

I’ll get to see Moonlight Shaman soon.


“Haa… Haa…”

At the center of the storm

The girl gasped for air.


Inside the storm that she started.

Someone was approaching through all the connections she made.


Based on her own magic, the chain is amplified by the leader.

Dozens, hundreds of attack magic circles surrounding where she stands.

She was feeling someone advancing through it.

‘Who is that?’

Even in the last two attacks, many people rushed in to stop her.

But everyone had to step back, they weren’t even halfway through the storm.

The current intruder was coming quickly to her place like going in and out of a house.

‘…Probably, another hero.’

She thought quietly.

Someone is finally coming to stop everything.

Yeah, this is better.

She paused, and looked at her hand.

She stood in the center of the storm, even though there was no wind.

Her hands were shaking like she had a hand tremor.

One hand holding the other, she smiled bitterly.

Yeah, this is great.

Only three times, including this time. In just three tries

It’s so hard. It’s so painful.

If I’d done this dozens of times.

Then, could she endure it?

Guilty feelings continue to weigh on.

A life trapped in the Wolgwang Church, gnawing at her own and blaming herself.

Yeah, well, maybe everything should just end here.

What’s the point of living a life in which she only hurts others?

Maybe, that person who is approaching.

Going to catch her, or kill her.

But it’s no use to catch her. She’s manipulated by the leader anyway, so they will be used in reverse.

As such, she will rebel as much as she can.

If that’s the case, of course.

In this place, I’m going to die.

‘…I didn’t want to die.’

Her eyes were slightly teary as she said so.

To be honest, she was prepared to give up her life.


She didn’t expect it to come this soon.

Since the heroes couldn’t do anything last time, she thought it would take them at least a dozen more times to come here.

But right now. At the third terrorist attack.

She didn’t know someone would come to her.

‘…What am I even thinking? No, this is better. It can be stopped before there is more damage.’

Although she was determined to think that way.

As expected, she was a bit scared.

She knew how people reacted in the first place.

People who call her ‘monster’, who fear and despise her.

And especially the hero.

Strong enough to break through all her connections, his hero.

What kind of expression will that person have seeing her? Anger? Disgust? Disdain?

That she has to bear that kind of stare.

And in this place, she could die.

For her, it was so scary.


Still, she was prepared.

Yeah, she’ll pay for her guilt.

She can’t just run away forever.

When the hero comes here.

Fight a bit after provoking, then let’s naturally relax and just take all the attacks. When that person hit the final strike,

She even planned how to die even with such a sorrowful heart.

Thinking of the hero who would make a contemptuous face toward her, she faced her firm determination.

Finally, the man jumped out of the storm.


A man smiled brightly and greeted her.

‘…What is this?’


Using a magic circle that calculated backwards, I broke through the pink storm, also known as the mana storm, and finally arrived at the center of the storm.

Unlike the surrounding area where the wind was very strong, the center is calm without a trace of wind.

And in the middle.

There stood a woman in a white shaman suit and tied her hair with a red string.

She looked impressive as if she walked straight out from the comic.

She looks a little mysterious, but doesn’t seem to have caused this kind of terrorism.

On top of that, she was a little taller than Seo-eun, so I had to look down, so I kind of felt like she was Seo-eun.

Moonlight Shaman is also a character who died pitifully in the original. I finally met her, who caused all these attacks.

…Looking at me indifferently like she doesn’t care, but her eyes were terrified.

So I decided to say hello.


So I smiled and said hello with my arms wide open.

Smiling gives a good impression when you meet someone for the first time. Of course.

And as the result

Her terrified eyes, for a moment, turned into absurdity.

Well, it’s changed anyway, so I guess we’re good?

Anyway, she paused for a moment at my sudden greeting attack, and, as if she had come to her senses, she hardened her face again and fired back at me with a cold face.

“…Who are you? No, it doesn’t matter. If you’re here to stop me, I’d say it’s no use.”

After saying that, she breathed in.

At the same time


Dozens of magic circles around her let out a purple light, then began to emerge in the air.

And at the same time, with her red eyes fixed on me.

The girl’s voice tone got lower.

“I will continue to fight. It doesn’t matter if you stop me…”

“Baek Eun-wol.”

I spoke up and interrupted her.

“Baek Eun-wol. Also known as Moonlight Shaman in Wolgwanggyo. You were picked up by the leader and raised under him. You can use magic given by the moon god. You don’t really like Wolgwanggyo and actually oppose the leader’s idea. But you’re forced to move at his will because of the spell that he casted on you. You don’t want to cause terrorism.”

That’s all I said at once.

I mean, she stopped doing magic and instantly her body became stiff.

To her, who was distracted by the sudden situation and was shaking her eyes like crazy.

I grinned and said.

“Eun-wol, throw away that pseudo Wolgwanggyo.”

“Would you like to join me?””


Let’s officially get to the point.


[Everyone! This is breaking news! Egostic appeared on the plane at the scene of Moonlight Shaman’s terrorist attack!]

And while Egostic is entering in the storm.

South Korea was turning upside down in real time.

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