
Torkel was visibly flustered at Rosetta’s proposal.

“You want me… to become a priest?”

“Yes, that’s correct. We, the Holy Goddess’s Order, are officially inviting you to join the Holy Knight Division under our Church.”

“But… I am a leper. If someone like me becomes a priest, there will definitely be gossip among the people.”

At this, Rosetta shook her head firmly.

“In this world, all magic and mysticism have vanished. The divine power we used in our order is gone, and at the same time, all the curses that lingered in this world have disappeared too.”

Rosetta quietly studied Torkel’s face, hidden beneath his helmet.

“But Torkel, your leprosy remains. This proves that leprosy is not a curse but simply a disease.”


“Our priests have observed your time of service at the temple. Your devotion, integrity, selflessness in both thought and action… You have shown a truly exemplary image, more priest-like than any priest.”

Torkel lowered his head. Rosetta continued to speak.

“The Holy Knight Division is an organization of priests who fight for the Church. But first and foremost, they are priests who serve the Goddess, and our order does not choose its priests carelessly. We extended this invitation because we genuinely believe you are qualified.”


After a moment of silence, Torkel carefully asked.

“…I am truly grateful for the offer, but… may I take some time to think it over?”

“Of course. If you make up your mind, feel free to contact the order at any time. We look forward to a positive response.”

With a respectful nod toward Torkel,

Rosetta then turned to me and flashed a triumphant smile, like a scout who had already won a recruiting war.

“Now, Your Highness the Crown Prince, let’s give Torkel the space he needs to find his answer… Shall we proceed into the temple?”

“What?! Wait, wait a second!”

“I heard of Your Highness’s arrival, so I came out personally to greet you. Come along now…!”

With Rosetta’s gentle yet insistent hand on my arm, I was led straight into the temple.

As I looked back at Torkel, who was lost in thought, resting his chin on his hand, I called out desperately one last time.

“To-Torkel! Don’t forget that the Bringar Duchy wants you toooo…!”


The temple doors closed in front of me.

In that instant, I realized it.

In this recruitment battle for Torkel, I had lost.

Torkel would become a priest of the Holy Goddess’s Order…

‘Well, as long as he’s happy, that’s okay…’

Since the death of Saintess Margarita here, Torkel had always lived at the temple.

I, too, hoped that his long penance would now blossom into a new form.

“My recruitment campaign…!”

Even if my grand strategy had crumbled. Gah…!

Inside the temple were Zenis and Hannibal.

Zenis, who had stayed here at the temple for a long time, was saying his farewells to the people, while Hannibal, following him, also bowed his head in greeting.

“Ah, Your Highness!”

“We greet Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

The two smiled and greeted me upon seeing me. I smiled back and waved.

After a brief exchange of greetings, I asked where the two were headed next.

“There are other half-blood communities beyond our own Half-Bloods.”

Hannibal explained calmly.

“And there are likely even more half-bloods who suffer alone, not part of any community.”

“Together, Hannibal and I will travel across the continent, finding and helping such individuals.”

Hannibal intended to expand his role as the head of the half-blood community, “Half-Bloods,” and it seemed Zenis, now a free man, would be accompanying him.

“I’m confident we can help people wherever we go! With my father’s vast medical knowledge and my own skills learned from Master Kellibey!”

Hannibal flexed his biceps confidently.

Next to him, Zenis smiled ruefully. Despite growing so much, he still looked worried about his son, who had some boyishness left in him.

Listening to our conversation, Rosetta joined in.

“Our Goddess’s Order also intends to start a more organized effort to help such marginalized individuals. We plan to collaborate with Half-Bloods on joint projects.”

I casually asked,

“Is recruiting Torkel part of that initiative?”

“The primary reason is that we believe he would make an excellent priest.”

Rosetta offered her characteristic, charming smile.

“However, it is true that our Order has been somewhat neglectful in considering the lives of marginalized people. There are many outcasts, not just lepers but other races, half-bloods, refugees… those abandoned by society.”


“We aim to bring them a glimmer of hope. Not just in name but with practical support.”

Trailing off, Rosetta looked around the temple.

“Here at Crossroad, I’ve managed to shed many of the preconceptions that used to govern my life.”

Zenis and Hannibal, catching her gaze, smiled broadly.

Rosetta, smiling back at them, looked over at me.

“We need to spread the warmth of the world to more people, without prejudice.”

Even though the Order had lost its divine power.

It seemed they were now more prepared to be sincere toward the world.

“With the convenient remedy of divine power gone, we’ll focus more on medical research.”

“It seems I’ll be seeing you often, Rosetta.”

I spoke earnestly.

One of the best things about being the Crown Prince is the ability to support those trying to make a positive impact in the world. With divine power gone, our nation would need to concentrate on medical research.

“It’s generally daunting to meet with rulers frequently, but you, Your Highness, are an exception.”

Rosetta bowed respectfully.

“Just call for me, and I’ll be there, wherever it may be.”

“I will as well, Your Highness.”

“Me too! Me too!”

After speaking with Rosetta, Zenis, and Hannibal,

I exchanged greetings with the priests and spirit mages too.

I knew well that it was thanks to the support of those who worked unseen in the background that we were able to achieve victory.

I visited every corner of the temple, expressing my appreciation to everyone who had worked hard.


The infirmary where I had been treated so many times was now empty.

As I gazed at the neatly arranged white beds, I felt a sudden pang in my heart.

Having met so many people everywhere, time passed quickly.

Before I knew it, the afternoon had given way to evening.

As I returned to the central plaza, the atmosphere had grown even more lively.

In particular, I noticed a small performance by the Gambler’s Club in one corner of the plaza.

Cobalt and Scarlet were performing a puppet show with small wooden dolls, while Orange and Lime provided ventriloquy for the dialogue.

The story was about a hero of light defeating an evil dark dragon. Of course, I thought it was about me, but upon closer inspection, the protagonist was a female puppet with long purple hair. What the heck?!

The puppet show was particularly popular with the children, and in the front row’s best seats… Sid sat in Lilly’s arms, watching with wide, sparkling eyes. Ah, so cute.

“Hey, Sid, are you enjoying the show? Godfather’s here~”

“Ah! Godfather~!”

As I approached and greeted him, Sid reached out to me.

When I held out a finger, Sid grabbed it tightly and giggled before bringing it to his mouth to gnaw on.

Well, as long as he’s happy… I did wash my hands before coming here…

“You’re here, Your Highness!”


Lilly and I exchanged smiles without words.

We had already discussed Lilly and Sid’s future at length.

In conclusion, Lilly had decided to stay here in Crossroad.

She had too many important responsibilities here to leave. She was already being mentioned as a candidate for the next head of the production guild…

Moreover, she herself wished to raise Sid here.

Perhaps because Crossroad is a good place to live. Or perhaps because she had established too much of a foundation to leave.

Or maybe… for some other reason.

I didn’t feel the need to ask.

I simply wished for a bright future for this mother and son.

“I’ll come visit often, Sid.”

I reached out and playfully tousled Sid’s red hair. Sid beamed up at me with his big eyes of mixed green and brown. Who knows where he got such cuteness from?


Holding her small, giggling son, Lilly gently and silently hugged him.

Just then, an elf carrying handfuls of food greeted me.

“Your Highness!”


It was Bodybag, who lived with Lilly.

Today was also the day Lilly and Bodybag would part ways. Bodybag had decided to accompany me to the Bringar Duchy.

Back when the Shadow Squad was known as Aegis Special Forces Team 8,

They had been tasked with assassinating an Everblack Empire diplomat within the Bringar Duchy and igniting the flames of war.

That war, sparked between the two nations, was already over. The world was at peace now.

But that doesn’t mean we can erase what happened.

I planned to have Bodybag testify that the war was orchestrated by the Everblack Empire.

It was a promise I had made to Dusk Bringar, but it was also a decision as the Crown Prince of Everblack and the new Duke of Bringar.

I intended to acknowledge the Empire’s faults and definitively clear the past. And Bodybag had willingly agreed to join me on this challenging journey.

As I gently held both of Sid’s hands and swayed them up and down in rhythm, Lilly and Bodybag chatted softly, like a family saying their goodbyes.

“Come visit Crossroad often, okay?”

“I’ll make sure we come back regularly, Your Highness. Not just for Sid but for you too, Lilly. Take care of your health, alright?”

Just as their voices were about to break with emotion, I chimed in to lighten the mood.

“By the way, Bodybag.”


“It’s time for you to reclaim your real name.”

Bodybag’s eyes widened, and I gave a sly grin.

“I mean your real name, not a codename.”

“It’s embarrassing, but… I’ve forgotten my original name. I’ve used my codename since before I was even old enough to understand it…”

“In that case, why not come up with a new one?”

Bodybag looked a bit flustered, but Lilly clapped her hands, saying it was a great idea.

Soon enough, people gathered around us, each shouting out names they thought would suit Bodybag.

“How about Hamsooni?”


“My favorite is Cheolmae the First, the sunflower seed!”

“No, not rodent names. Something more dignified! This is the Crown Prince’s aide we’re talking about. Got anything more serious?!”

Why does this place always feel like it’s turning into a contest whenever there’s an opportunity?

Lilly and Bodybag burst into laughter, holding their stomachs. As they laughed, so did Sid. And when Sid laughed, everyone around joined in.

Well, as long as everyone’s happy… Oh, whatever, I don’t care anymore.

In the midst of all this noise…

“Jörmungandr, where have you gone… Seriously, these reptiles, clinging to you when it’s convenient and then disappearing…”

There was a woman lamenting the absence of a reptile while everyone else chanted rodent names.

It was Violet, slumped over drunk. With her illusions stripped away, her hair was now a plain brown.

I chuckled and brought my cup to clink against the one Violet held before asking,

“What are you planning to do now, Violet?”

“Hmm? Well, I might…”

Still groggy, Violet wiped the corner of her mouth and slurred.

“Travel the world, telling the tale of my great adventures…?”

Just then, the remaining Gambler’s Club members who had finished their puppet show perked up and approached.

“What? Are we becoming a troupe of bards now?”

“Spreading tales of the great battles of the Monster Front far and wide!”

“Monstrous creatures trying to climb over the walls!”

“And the legendary hero who vanquished those wicked nightmares…”

The four members of the Gambler’s Club struck flamboyant poses, waving their hands wildly before suddenly extending their arms toward Sid in Lilly’s embrace.

Though he didn’t understand what was happening, Sid laughed brightly, and the crowd around them erupted into applause.

With a look of utmost injustice, Violet screeched.

“What about me?! Aren’t I the main character?!”

“Um, can you guys at least pay attention to me…?”

Hello? Crown Prince here? Leader of the Monster Front, that’s me. It’s a bit sad if you’ve forgotten already, just because we’re disbanding?

The lively chatter continued, heating up the atmosphere in the plaza.

“Alright, everyone! Attention-!”

The new Crossroad Marchioness led the rest of the female heroes toward us.

Evangeline wore a serious expression, holding a beer mug instead of her usual juice cup! Although she was old enough to drink now, it still seemed out of place!

“As of this moment!”

Evangeline solemnly announced.

“The Crossroad Female Heroes and Mercenaries Rights Committee, or CFHMRC for short, is officially… disbanded!”


“Since I, the former chairperson, have now become the lord of Crossroad… Ahem! Since I’m now responsible for all the people of Crossroad, it’s only right that I include everyone, not just those in our committee.”

That’s right.

From now on, Evangeline would be the lord of Crossroad, tasked with embracing all the people of this city.

She had decided to disband her faction herself.

“But our memories will stay in our hearts forever!”

Evangeline raised the mug in her hand high.

“We won’t forget the days we drank and feasted together! Everyone… wherever you go, live happily ever after!”

“May we thrive wherever we are!”

“Long live CFHMRC!”


Those affiliated with CFHMRC shouted together.

Seriously, that name always sounded like a dragon’s roar… Even up until its disbandment, I couldn’t get used to it…

“Now, Senior!”

Evangeline then turned her attention to me.

“In honor of the disbandment of the World Guardian Front and CFHMRC, why don’t you give us a stirring toast?”

All eyes turned to me.

Grinning, I grabbed my cup and shouted energetically.

“Alright! Open your ears and listen closely, everyone!”

I stood up from my seat, raising my cup high.

I recited the drinking song with gusto.

I offer you this golden goblet

Drink it to the full, do not refuse

The crowd cheered, lifting their cups.

People echoed my drinking song, clinking their glasses together. Countless people’s cups, and countless people’s gazes, met and parted.

Watching this scene with a fond smile, I softly murmured the final verse.

When flowers bloom, the wind and rain are sure to follow

Life is full of farewells

For every meeting, there is a parting, and for every parting, there is a new meeting.

So let’s not mourn tomorrow’s goodbyes. Let’s immerse ourselves in each other today.

After the storm, the flowers will bloom again. After the painful farewell, joyful reunions will come.

I downed my drink in one go and triumphantly held up my empty cup. The crowd cheered my name and applauded.

The night of the farewell ceremony grew deeper.

–TL Notes–

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