Chapter 626

In this raid, the non-human races, which could be considered one of the main forces of the monster front, were largely absent.

Not because they were unfit for the raid, but because four representatives of their races had become avatars of their respective race gods.

They were unable to control their overflowing power and had fallen, groaning in pain. Thus, deploying them was out of the question.

'The Chosen One of the race gods, huh? There was nothing like this in the game...'

I'm still unclear about their specifications and how to use them. So, for now, they've been excluded from the combat forces. We'll see once they recover a bit.

Consequently, the hero list for this battle, if based on the martial arts tournament standards, is as follows:

Main party.

The Uncles.

The Terrifying Sisters (replaced Nameless with a priest from the Holy Knight Division).

Glory Knights.

Dragonblood Knights.

Additionally, two parties that showed excellent performance in the martial arts tournament have been added. These two parties will stand by in the rear as reserves and monitor the situation. They will be deployed if necessary.

"The 25 individuals participating in this raid will be reorganized into parties according to their role groups."

I reorganized the 25 into one melee tanker party, two melee damage tanker parties, one melee damage dealer party, and one long-range firepower party.

At that moment, Lucas, who had been quietly observing the situation, cautiously spoke to me.

"My lord, the current composition feels a bit too front-heavy."


"We're lacking in firepower. Is that okay?"

To put it simply, it means we're short on long-range dealers.

The number of archers (snipers) and mages is significantly less than that of the melee units.

Dragon raids are special compared to other monster battles. The beast is huge and powerful.

All of its patterns are area of effect, meaning even the slightest movement from it has a high chance of sweeping up our allies.

While a sufficient number of melee units distract it, the long-range firepower groups steadily accumulate damage. That has been the basic strategy for dragon raids, as I've taught.

But with four melee parties this time, it's understandable that Lucas is concerned.

"You're right, Lucas. If it were a conventional raid, it'd be better to adjust the ratio."

I grinned.

"But this time, I'm planning to use a little trick. So this composition will do."

"Ah, I see..."

Lucas's face brightened at the mention of my trick. He's seen all sorts of my bizarre tricks over time, so he naturally trusts them.

'Maybe I should have called it a strategy instead of a trick...?'

Anyway, without further delay, I shared the trick I planned to use for this raid with everyone.

Those departing and those standing by all listened intently.

After detailed tactical discussions and debates, several hours had passed.

Finally, Lucas asked.

"So, when do we depart, my lord?"

"In three days."

I nodded solemnly.

"We'll train with the new formation before heading directly to the enemy lines. Everyone, prepare diligently."

Then, I pointed to one of the heroes with the tip of my staff.

"Keep Violet in check."

Members of the Gambler's Club and Lilly, who had tried to escape several times before, responded with a 'Yes.'

Violet, held tight, made a weary sound.

"This damn life..."

I chuckled.

Though I spoke thus, I knew well that Violet had become a valiant warrior actively participating on this front.


Three days later.

West of the city. The graveyard.

Candler's funeral was held.

The funeral was small in scale, but the number of people who gathered was far from small.

People who had formed bonds with Candler as a mercenary, those she had met while working in the production guild, and those who knew of the miracles she had performed...

Many gathered to watch her coffin being buried in the ground. Some cried, some remained composed, and others silently suppressed their emotions.


The coffin, wrapped in the flag of the World Guardian Fronta black flag without any insigniawas laid in the ground, and I personally placed a white flower on top of it.

Nobody and Chain, dressed in mourning clothes, took up shovels themselves and sprinkled dirt over the coffin.

As the ceremony proceeded and the choir's song and the sound of gunfire faded,

I didn't ascend the podium but stood shoulder to shoulder with the gathered crowd, and instead of making a grand speech or oration, I bowed my head and recited a poem.

I do not seek a path without thorns

Nor do I demand that sorrow vanish

I do not seek only the days bathed in sunlight

Nor do I desire to stay only in the summer seas

With only the eternal daylight of the sun

The green shade of the earth would wither

Without tears in time

The heart closes the peaks of hope

This was a poem mourning Candler's death, but at the same time,

It was a declaration of departure for the ongoing battles against the Black Dragon Legion.

"Let's go."

The 25 members of the assault team and the 10 members of the reserve team, who had taken off their mourning clothes, donned their armor and equipment.

At their forefront, I slightly lowered the flag on the flagpole, as if to fly it at half-mast.

Whether it fit the customs of this world or those of Earth, I wasn't sure.

But what mattered was the meaning I imbued in it.

With the black flag fluttering, I declared to my heroes,

"To our path of thorns."


"Do you understand."

Lord's mansion. Backyard.

In front of the teleport gate, the Emperor was waiting.

I bowed and replied.

"Yes, Father."

"I've heard that in this battle, one might truly face death."

"It has always been so."

We have fought with the fate of the world at stake.

Not once have we not put our lives on the line.


The Emperor, with a laugh filled with meanings I couldn't fathom, looked at me intently.

"Normally, I would be opposed... but while you risk your life fighting, let this father plan for the future here."

It's only natural.

If we are to be annihilated under the lake,

Then the world would have to be entrusted to this man, the Emperor.

Even if Crossroad falls, if there is a commander who can keep pushing the front north and resist to the very end, it would only be the Emperor.

"I leave the ground to you, Father."

"The more I think about it, the more amusing it is. Normally, it would be the father taking action, and the son planning for the future..."

Of course, my resolve to join the battlefield hasn't changed, and the Emperor didn't try to sway my determination.

"Have you reached a conclusion?"

The Emperor suddenly asked.

He must be asking about the conclusion to the question, the trial, he gave me during the festival.

I hesitated for a moment.

Then, after scanning Dusk Bringar, Hecate, and the other heroes with solemn expressions standing behind me, I replied.

"...Not yet."

"I see."

The Emperor, accepting my answer of still contemplating, nodded gently and asked.

"Do you remember what I told you before?"

"Which words are you referring to?"

"If you have the will to find a way, there is a way everywhere, and it leads everywhere."

That was a conversation between father and son when we met while stranded in the realm of spirits.

"I remember. You told me to wander to my heart's content, for there will surely be a way at the end."

At my words, the Emperor smiled broadly.

"Right. Let me say it one more time. Wander to your heart's content, my son."


"Whether in darkness or in light, wherever you are, it's fine. Wherever you are, that too is life."

With those words, the Emperor stepped aside.

"Go and return."

"Yes, Father."

After saluting, I briefly commanded my heroes.



We stepped into the wide-open teleport gate.

Because that's where the darkness we must head toward lies.


[Now Loading... Teleporting.]

[Tip Various gimmicks are prepared for the dragon raid. Use gimmicks actively to lower the difficulty of the attack!]

Is this the first tip in how long? Aider, have you recovered some strength?

I couldn't help but smile at the unexpected timing of the tip.

Though it was a story we all knew well, feeling the intention to help me...

The tight tension loosened just a bit.



The headquarters of the Black Dragon Legion, the so-called Dragon Lair, is located in all 9 zones.

Night Bringer has apparently taken over the 10th zone's castle, but the other five dragons are all nestled in their own Lairs.

Among them, "Black Dragon's Claw" - Parekian's Lair is on the very outskirts of the 9th zone.

"It's incredibly bustling..."

Evangeline murmured in astonishment.

Not just Evangeline, all the heroes who entered this place were both bewildered and amazed as they looked around.

In the Lake Kingdom, a 'zone' signifies the depth of a dungeon, with the number increasing towards the center of the city.

From the 6th zone onwards, it's presumed to be the residence of the noble class, and the deeper one goes, it seems those of higher social status lived there.

We are now in the 9th zone.

The central part of the 10th zone's castle is now just in sight, the very heart of the Lake Kingdom.

Though shrouded in darkness, a quick look reveals a city terrifyingly advanced. To be honest, it seems even more splendid than the Imperial Capital, New Terra.

'When I drifted here before, I only wandered within the 10th zone.'

Memories of wandering the 10th zone with Succubus Queen Salome suddenly came to mind.

Back then, I could only make it to the bridge connecting the 10th and 9th zones. I remember falling into the river trying to escape the 9th zone via the bridge.

Below the bridge was a bottom-town, and people lived there too.

'Once we've taken control of the 9th zone...'

I eyed the far end of the 9th zone, the great bridge, and then scanned the darkness swirling below it.

'I wonder if we could join up with the people of bottom-town.'

Bottom-town is connected to the 1st zone, "Dried Sewer," through the sewer system. It's a kind of shortcut, a direct route.

We had attempted to enter through this shortcut before, but the heroes sent for reconnaissance nearly got lost and stranded in the maze-like sewers, so we had to give up on that approach.

It seems that without a bottom-town originating NPC to guide us directly, entering through the shortcut won't be easy.

Taking control of the 9th zone and then calmly heading there seems like the safer option.


Suddenly, the faces of those who had fought alongside me came to mind.

Salome, Mason, Sword Demon, Spear Demon...

Then I shook my head to clear it.

'First, it's the dragon raid.'

There are worries to sort through, a tangled mess of threads to unravel.

Believing that if one starts by unraveling things one by one, eventually, at the end, a complete conclusion can be met.

I decided to focus on the task at hand, the dragon raid. This alone is a tremendous crisis that requires risking our lives.

We slowly crossed the streets submerged in darkness, maintaining our formation.

Thanks to Night Bringer declaring a truce, there were no rampaging monsters, and the Lake Kingdom was peaceful. The scouts sent ahead also reported finding nothing.

Still, we cautiously proceeded and eventually arrived at our destination.

<Public Security Office>

The agency responsible for the public security of the Lake Kingdom, somewhat like a police station on Earth in South Korea.

The sixth of the Black Dragon Legion, Claw Parekian, had made his lair here.

I turned back, nodded, and the heroes nodded in unison with tense faces.



Just as we were about to swarm into the Public Security Office,


A clear voice called out from behind. Surprised, everyone turned around, weapons raised.

Emerging from the darkness on the other side of the street was... none other than Nameless.

Everyone relaxed and lowered their weapons. I smiled in relief.


"I'm with you, Ash."

Nameless approached lightly and extended her hand, placing it above the closed door of the Public Security Office.

"First of all, to enter a place like this... it's better if I'm with you."

A magical pattern formed on the back of her hand, and then,


The lock of the Public Security Office was disengaged, and the rusted door began to slowly open to the sides.

She was royalty of the Lake Kingdom, entitled to enter any facility.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

Everyone's faces brightened as if they had gained a powerful ally, but Nameless's expression remained serious.

"You probably know this, but inside is a member of the Black Dragon Legion. They are as brutal and vile as any monster, if not more so."


"Don't let your guard down, understood?"

I nodded silently, and Nameless, taking a deep breath, led the way.

Passing the entrance of the Public Security Office, a vast landscaped garden revealed itself before the main building.

The soil was blackened and rotten, and the dried-up trees bore no signs of life.

And, on the wide steps leading from that garden to the main building of the Public Security Office...

The black and immense dragon lay sprawled out.

--TL Notes--

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