Chapter 602: Chapter 602

The next day. At the lord's mansion. In the office.


Dusk Bringar, who had come to see me, wore an incredulous expression.

"Did you say festival just now?"

"Why pretend you didn't hear me when you have such keen ears? Yes, a festival."

I answered calmly, but Dusk Bringar's baffled expression deepened.

The Autumn Festival.

A festival similar to Earth's Thanksgiving or Harvest Festival, held around the same time in almost every country across the world, not just in the Everblack Empire.

In the Everblack Empire, the festival takes place for three days, from the new moon to the full moon around September.

It's funny that it's the opposite of Korea's Chuseok, which is held on the full moon. Fitting for a country as dark as its name suggests.

'The first year's autumn festival had a martial arts tournament and a dance festival.'

I remember setting up stalls for Serenade and others to enjoy various amusements. Was it Dusk Bringar's first time in Crossroad then?

The second year, my return was delayed because I plunged into the spirit realm, and as soon as I got back, I had to head to New Terra for the imperial capital conquest battle, so I couldn't properly attend.

This time, the season aligns. I'll be able to fully enjoy the autumn festival this year.

'The defense against the King of Flies was exactly from the new moon to the full moon... not much time left.'

Several days had passed since we defeated the King of Flies. Just over three weeks remain until the next new moon.

As I was estimating the remaining days, Dusk Bringar slammed her small hands down on my desk with a bang! Ah, you startled me. Why do you do that.

"What on earth are you joking about now? A festival? With Night Bringer approaching...!"

"There's nothing we can do right now anyway."

I leaned back with my hands clasped behind my head, and crossed my legs on top of my desk.

"Everyone is exhausted from the continuous battles. It's better to rest easy while the monsters aren't attacking."


"Both the people and the city are in tatters. Let's fully recover while the enemy commander has declared a truce."

It's rare to have a period set aside just for rest.

I can hardly remember the last time we could lay down our weapons and rest easy.

We've been in a state of high alert, defending and exploring without rest.

It's time to let go. It would be nice if everyone could relax and take it easy for a while.

"...Alright, resting is fine. Even holding a festival, I can concede that much."

Dusk Bringar, who is more wary of Night Bringer than anyone in this city, having inherited the blood of a dragon that opposes the Black Dragon, shouted sharply.

"But shouldn't we prepare! The Black Dragon is planning to invade! You're not planning to just play and ignore it, are you?"


"In two months, we'll have to defend! Do we have a way to stop him?"

I spoke honestly.



"It's impossible to defend. We're bound to lose."

Dusk Bringar looked stunned at my answer, clearly not expecting me to say such a thing before even starting the fight.

I explained in a calm voice.

"First off, we can't repair the southern wall in two months."

The collapse of Crossroad's walls had been partial up until now.

Whether it was damaged by the phantom knight's greatsword, split by the vampire general's axe, or crumbled by the goblin legion's self-destruction... the basic structure remained.

That's why emergency repairs were possible.

But this time it's different.

The southern wall was completely swept away. It collapsed due to the King of Flies' crash and turned to dust in the subsequent explosion.

It's not even ruins anymore. It's gone to nothing.

We have to start from scratch.

Even with magical construction technology from the Lake Kingdom, it's not something that can be done in two months.

"And even if the walls were intact, stopping the Black Dragon would be a far-fetched idea."

Even if we pour all our manpower and resources into rebuilding the walls.

Most heroes and soldiers won't be able to properly resist in front of the Black Dragon's transcendental power.

If they go into battle, they'll all burn to death against an opponent with a completely different level of power.

This has been verified with game data. In a battle against the Black Dragon, the number on our side is meaningless.

In such a situation, there's no need to keep our forces on high alert. It's better to give them some breathing room.

"In two months, if the Black Dragon marches on Crossroad... we can't stop him. Crossroad will burn, and the realm will fall."


"So, there's no reason to desperately rebuild the walls. The heroes and soldiers don't need to train to death either. If we're going to be swept away and die in the defense anyway."

"Then what do you propose?"

Dusk Bringar gritted her teeth, looking incredulous as she stared at me.

"Just sit with our hands folded and quietly offer our necks when the monsters come?"


After a long sigh, I straightened my posture and sat up properly in the chair.

"You know I wouldn't do that, Duchess. I'll never give up until the last moment."

"Then? What exactly do you plan to do?"

"I'll invade."

Now, resting my elbows on the desk and covering my mouth with my clasped hands.

I coldly stated.

"To kill the Black Dragon. Down to the Lake Kingdom."


Dusk Bringar's shoulders trembled.

Yes. This was the strategy I had formulated in the game to defeat the Black Dragon.

Abandoning the hopeless defense for an offensive.

Invading the dragon's lair to cut off its head.

It was the only option from the beginning.

"The Black Dragon... is an entity beyond standard. It exists far outside the norm. You would know since you've met it."


"Do you truly have a means to kill him?"

"Of course, I do."

Right after saying this with full bravado, I corrected myself in front of Dusk Bringar's sharp gaze. Ahem!

"...I don't have it now, but I know what can be used to inflict damage on him."

He may be a transcendent being, but he is not invincible. There are several ways to harm him.

Among them, the strategy I established involves attacking him directly with equipment that can be obtained through any route.

'Top-tier boss equipment. Meaning, the Nightmare Slayer can damage him. But there's a more effective weapon...'

I called out its name.

"Dragon Slayer."


This word, meaning dragon killer, refers both to a weapon that kills dragons and to a weapon made from a dragon that has been killed.

There is a definitive way to obtain this.

"There may only be one called a 'true Black Dragon' among the Black Dragon Legion, and that's Night Bringer, but that doesn't mean there are no other members."

If it's a Black Dragon Legion, why is only Night Bringer specifically called 'Black Dragon'?

That's because the rest of them are not as complete entities as their lord. They're like unfinished Black Dragons.

'The rest of them are damn strong too.'

But they haven't gone as far as Night Bringer himself. With some brainstorming and desperate effort, our squad as it is now could manage to take them down.

'I even killed the daughter of a Black Dragon when I first visited the 'Blazing Colosseum'.'

Well, that one was, strictly speaking, of the lowest rank in the Black Dragon Legion, its bloodline diluted to the extreme.

Anyway, after a long-winded explanation. To summarize the conclusion.

"So, Ash. Your plan is..."


I explained calmly.

"We'll kill the members of the Black Dragon Legion, excluding Night Bringer, make armor from their bones and hides, and forge weapons with their magic cores."


"Then, we'll select the elite capable of killing Night Bringer, equip them with that gear, and launch an attack to kill him."

This is the overarching strategy I will use against the Black Dragon Legion. A conventional tactic.

'Of course, this alone won't be enough...'

We need to secure as many means as possible, however small.

And securing these 'means'... will take more time. It's a waiting game now.

"Now you know what strategy I have in mind?"


"The ones who will fight according to this strategy are our elite, and they all need to recover."

I glanced at the bandages wrapped around Dusk Bringar's body. Even this dragon lady had been injured. Not to mention the state of the other heroes.

"We have fought too long, are too exhausted, and have lost... terribly."


"We need time to rest, Duchess."

Three weeks and a bit more.

Until the festival, I intended to give the heroes and soldiers a vacation.

Most likely, this will be the last vacation the World Guardian Front can enjoy.

After that, whether we repel the Black Dragon or not, we'll have to fight until the very moment of the world's end.

"You don't need to worry too much. I won't just let them rest indiscriminately. Do I look like a kind-hearted club owner? I'm quite the ruthless lord."


"We'll steadily proceed with rebuilding the walls, and the basic training of the heroes and soldiers will continue. Loosening up a bit doesn't mean giving up and indulging in revelry."

Dusk Bringar looked at me with her sunken amber eyes. I smiled bitterly.

"However, at least in their hearts. They need to put everything down and rest. That's why I decided to go ahead with the festival." "..."

"Now that you've peeked into my mind, what do you think? Are you still not satisfied, Duchess?"

Dusk Bringar let out a long sigh...

And smiled, showing her sharp teeth.

"Ash. Do you remember the promise we made before?"

"A promise?"

"The one about competing for command of this frontline, between you and your five closest allies and me and my five royal guards."


That was the conversation when I first brought Dusk Bringar to this frontline.

We had agreed to a contest for command over the monster frontline. It became a moot point when Dusk Bringar backed down first, accepting refugees from the Bringar Duchy here.

"But why bring up that promise now?"

"Let's fulfill it."

"Excuse me?"

"Let's carry out that promise we made back then."


Spreading her thinly bandaged arm to the side, the dragon lady of the dusk declared.

"A declaration of war, young prince!"


"Take your vacation until the festival, fine. My knights, my soldiers, and I are exhausted too. Enjoy the vacation to your heart's content. I won't argue about this matter anymore. But!"

Dusk Bringar's draconic eyes blazed fiercely.

"When we go down to the Lake Kingdom afterward... when we kill the minions of the Black Dragon Legion and invade Night Bringer's lair. Then, I must hold the command."


"I am Dusk Bringar. Fated nemesis intertwined with the Black Dragon, sworn enemies destined to battle to the death. The command of the operation to kill the Black Dragon rightfully belongs to me."

Why is it?

Dusk Bringar, declaring war on me with more determination than ever before.

"The commander of the World Guardian Front. This Dragon Lady of the Dusk formally challenges you for command!"

Seemed smaller and more vulnerable than ever.


After glancing at the silver crown on her head, tarnished and dented from the Black Dragon's assault,

I slowly nodded.

"Very well. Dragon Lady. I accept your challenge."

Then I smirked.

"It seems... we've just decided on the rules for this autumn festival's martial arts tournament."

A five-person party. Team PVP.

This autumn festival is going to be very, very entertaining like never before.

Still covering my mouth with my clasped hands, I laughed sinisterly, "Muahaha," and Dusk Bringar, too, spread her arms to the side and laughed wickedly, "Kukukuku."

Then, stopping our laughter simultaneously,

We glared and growled at each other.

"I will not lose, you greenhorn, you princely brat...!"

"That's my line. Your Grace, who seems to forget his age...!"

Dusk Bringar whirled around and stormed out of my office.

As soon as I confirmed she had left the mansion, I shouted toward the hallway.

"Hey! Assemble the main party immediately!"

Lucas! Damien! Evangeline! Junior! Out you come-!

'Talking about a vacation, huh! Cancel all that!'

It's straight into hellish training!

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