Chapter 544: Chapter 544

"Knowing when to efficiently give up is also a virtue of a king, Prince Ash. Pursuing ideals blindly is nothing but obstinacy and arrogance."


"The world calls a leader who can find a good compromise between ideals and reality a wise ruler. If not, they're nothing but a tyrant."

Dearmudin, who had repeated the story he once told, asked me.

"Which path will you choose? The path of a wise ruler, or will you fall into being a tyrant?"


My contradictory actions of wanting to save the world by fighting, yet also wanting to save more of our comrades on the front lines.

The contradiction of trying to sustain both the harsh existence of this battlefield and the lives of people.

Up until now, it was barely possible to maintain both, but entering the third year, facing the powerful offensive of the enemy, these two goals are causing discord and collapsing.

I know.

Insisting on not letting our comrades die recklessly and forcing the issue is something only a naive child would do.

This is the front line, and losses are inevitable.

We've already lost much, and will lose more in the future. Isn't that a fact we accepted long ago?

But, despite that.

"Your Majesty."

If there's a way.

If there's a way to save the people suffering right before our eyes. If there's a clear possibility.

Shouldn't we at least try?

"I have something to tell you, Your Majesty."

The one who approached me was Zenis.

When I gestured for him to speak, Zenis hesitated for a moment before finally speaking resolutely.

"There is a way."

"What way?"

"If the fear state of the captured allies is due to a spell cast by the enemy, I think I can undo it."

The expressions of the heroes around us turned to surprise.

But I was not surprised. I knew from the start, and I had been considering Zenis's abilities in my calculations.

The reason I hesitated was simply.

"If this scarecrow monster has magically induced fear, I can lift it. However..."


"...We need to be close."

To throw this clueless, good-for-nothing man into meatgrinder.

A strategy that only works if he's thrown into mortal danger.


Zenis's skill set is as follows.

Passive. [Grant Us Peace (Dona Nobis Pacem)].

An enhanced version of the typical healing magic passive, Light of Healing, which allows for 'Status Ailment Removal' along with healing.

It was thanks to this skill that we could remove the 'Petrification' status ailment of our allies during the battle against the Gorgon sisters.

And this time, it should also be able to remove the 'Fear' status ailment of the Scarecrow Legion.

Next, Skill 1 and Skill 2.

Skill 1. [God Doesn't Will It (Deus Non Vult)].

Skill 2. [God Wills It (Deus Lo Vult)].

Skill 1 is a defense increase skill that forms armor parts made of divine power around the body. Skill 2 is an attack increase skill that forms a weapon made of divine power to attack the enemy.

Though the effects seem simple, the increase in both defense and attack power is significant. Moreover, the applicability of divine power is limitless.

However, in this battle, they're not as important... What's crucial now is the ultimate skill.

Ultimate Skill. [If You Want Peace, Prepare for War (Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum)].

If classic enthusiasts were watching, would they have abbreviated it to 'Si Vis Pacem'?

An outstanding ultimate skill, it allows for the application of the Passive, Skill 1, and Skill 2 effects to all allies within a certain range.

In other words, it's possible to heal allies within a certain range, recover them from abnormal states, clothe them in divine power armor, arm them with divine power weapons, and so on.

Zenis, an SSR-ranked priest, has a powerful skill set that completes him as an area-of-effect healer and buffer.

However, as outstanding as its performance is, it carries three problems.

First, only one effect can be activated at a time.

Healing, status abnormality recovery, defense increase, attack increase, these can't all happen at once; only one can be chosen.

Well, up to here, it's not so much a problem but just a bit regrettable. The real issues start next.

Second, it requires proximity.

All of Zenis's skills are designed for close combat.

From the passive that requires direct contact with allies to activate, to Skills 1 and 2 which needless to say, are meant for engaging the enemy up close.

Even the ultimate skill grants effects to allies around oneself, which naturally means having to physically move close to the allies to affect them.

Well, up to here, one could grit their teeth and say it's not too bad but...

Third, Zenis cannot move for 1 turn before and after using this skill.

It requires a turn, i.e., 3 minutes of casting time to use in the first place. He has to stand still and concentrate for 3 minutes.

And after using it, regardless of how many allies are within range or how much divine power is used, he falls into an exhausted state for another 3 minutes.

Normally, it might be a tolerable penalty since healers move with the allies anyway.

But now, the targets needing recovery from this ultimate skill are all captured by the enemy, who will jump around if they detect us.

Even if we're lucky enough to get the range right and use the skill, we're still in the middle of the enemy camp.

Falling into exhaustion for 3 minutes after use is practically asking to be killed.

'It really pisses me off that they always have to balance a good skill by attaching a demerit to it!'

I don't want to make difficult choices! I want to spam mindlessly OP skills and play as a balance-breaking character! Why can't this damn fantasy world understand people's hearts!


I sighed and clicked my tongue at Zenis.

"Okay, let's say we get close. But then, can you even do it? Those scarecrows that detect you will rush to kill you."

"There is a way. You must know it too."

Zenis looked at me intently. I frowned in displeasure.

In the meantime, Lucas, who had been looking around, asked curiously.

"What is that method, my lord?"

"Getting caught on purpose."

I explained reluctantly.

"Zenis will let himself be captured by the enemy scarecrows, then be dragged to the center of the enemy legion... and use the area healing skill there."

"But, is that possible? Wouldn't he be dominated by the enemy's fear the moment he's captured?"

"Zenis has magic to recover from status ailments, so he can release himself from fear."

I can also support from a distance with [Unyielding Commander].

Since they don't pay much attention to captured victims, Zenis should be able to use his ultimate skill even while tied up by a scarecrow.

But the problem comes after...

"After I remove the fear from those captured, Your Majesty and everyone else can rush in to save me. That's quite a chance, isn't it?"


I sighed at Zenis, who spoke calmly.

"You might really die, Zenis."

"If we leave it as it is, everyone captured there will definitely die. I think it's worth the gamble."

"...I just want to ask one thing."

I asked, genuinely skeptical.

"Are you the type who feels pleasure in sacrificing for others? Or are you... a masochist? Is that it?"

Zenis grimaced with a bitter smile.


"Then why go to such lengths?"

"I survived thanks to the goodwill of others. Even though I can't give back as much as I received, I don't want to run away when I can step forward."

"Sounds like something a priest would say..."

Well, he is a priest, after all.

Even though Zenis had already returned his priestly robes and could no longer make the sign of the cross as he used to, he still smiled kindly at me.

"...Just one more question."

I shot back coldly.

"You're not just looking for a place to die, are you?"


"Now that you've been dismissed as a priest, you're not just trying to die in a noble and fulfilling way, are you? I can't accept that reason."

After faltering for a few moments, Zenis finally grimaced with a bitter smile and shook his head.

"...Honestly, I can't say that such thoughts are completely absent."

Look at this guy being honest.

"So... Your Highness, please save me."

Zenis looked towards the forward base.

"Our doctrine says a priest must not commit suicide. I'll throw myself into danger, so Your Highness, and everyone else... please save me."


Eventually, I nodded.

"It's risky, but it's worth a try."

"Prince Ash!"

Dearmudin, who had been quietly listening to our conversation, shouted.

"Are you really going to ignore my advice?!"


"People who should die, die, and those who should live, live! Why can't you make such basic judgments?!"

There are no wrong opinions here.

Everyone has a point, including Dearmudin.

Still, I've made my decision.

"We'll carry out the operation while maintaining the safety line. Just in case, Dearmudin, please don't participate in this operation and watch from a distance."

Dearmudin's face contorted. I glanced at the old wizard and nodded.

"And if by any chance we're all annihilated, please return to Crossroad and devise a plan."


"I trust you with this, Ivory Tower Master."

A plan formed in my mind.

Turning away from Dearmudin, I clapped my hands and shouted to my subordinates.

"Alright, there's no time! I'll explain the operation now!"

As my subordinates looked at me with tense faces, I commanded.

"The operation name is... Hitting a Scarecrow 10,000 Times!"


Confusion spread among my subordinates at the strange operation name.

Come on, in MMORPGs, hitting a scarecrow 10,000 times in the novice village to increase stats is common knowledge!

The whole point is to beat the crap out of scarecrows!


After my command, everyone began preparing for the operation.

I too began my preparations, as I had to use all my abilities this time.

"Whew, alright."

I gripped the ceremonial sword at my waist - the Nightmare Slayer [Light and Shadow].

"It's time for me to use my trump card."

As I slowly drew the ceremonial sword in a stylish pose (though I knew nothing of swordsmanship), a snide voice cut in.

"Do you even know how to use that sword?"

It was Dearmudin, of course.

Despite his grumbling, Dearmudin was anxiously pacing around me, clearly worried. I smirked.

"This is not a sword."

"It might not be sharp as a ceremonial blade, but it looks like a sword..."

"It's made to look that way. But its purpose is different."

In my right hand, after drawing the sword, was the ceremonial blade [Light], and in my left, the sheath [Shadow].

"Dearmudin. All the advice you've given is logical."


"But if we follow logic in everything, I can't reach the ending I desire."

What I'm aiming for is neither a normal ending nor a good ending.

It's the true ending - the real ending.

It's something that can be grasped only after breaking through reason, laws, and limits.


"I will enforce my stubbornness, my excesses, my way, upon this world as I see fit."

Saving those who are meant to die,

Clearing stages that cannot be cleared,

Reaching endings that are unreachable.

For that purpose, I will continuously repeat futile efforts, missteps, and struggles. It's okay if they call it reckless, foolish, or stubborn.

Yes. Because this is the path I have chosen.

Dearmudin, with a laugh that seemed incredulous, shook his head.

"Do you realize? That mindset..."

"You don't need to say it. I know."

I will not become a tyrant.

I never wished to be a wise ruler.

What I aimed to be, from the beginning...!

With a flourish!

I rotated the ceremonial sword [Light] so that its handle pointed downwards.

Then, I attached the sheath [Shadow] to the handle part-


I combined the two.

The transformation gimmick designed by Kellibey activated, and the sheath merged with the sword handle extended.

Thus, what I held in my hand, [Light and Shadow], appeared like a long spear,

...and, it also seemed like a flagpole.

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