Chapter 534: Chapter 534

"I can't move aside."

Ignoring Rosetta's warning, I put strength into my feet planted on the ground.

"No, I won't move aside, Rosetta."


Rosetta's gaze turned cold. I scoffed.

"It seems you're the one under a misconception."

"A misconception?"

"This place, Crossroad, the Monster Front, and the World Guardian Front, are all independent entities not bound by any country's control."

"And what of it?"

"In other words, it means this is a place not governed by any nation's laws."

I raised my fist, pointing at myself with just my thumb.

"The only law that applies here is the military law I've established. Your order's doctrines, the imperial court's criminal laws, none can infringe upon my city."

"Such arrogance. There's no land untouched by the Goddess's grace in this world."

"I am always indebted to the Goddess."

Especially since I've been countering every [Dark Event] from the monster side with [Gardis's Blessing]. I'm always grateful to the Goddess.

"But that's a separate issue."

I declared.

"This land is ruled by humans, and I am its sovereign. In my land, no private sanctions are allowed, except for the punishments I recognize."


"Not even the Goddess can violate this rule on my land."

Through her silver-rimmed glasses, Rosetta narrowed her eyes. Her eyelashes, as pale gold as her hair, trembled slightly.

"Rosetta. Wasn't the reason it was possible for you to take over the central order was because Fernandez disappeared?"

With my hands in my pockets, I deliberately spoke in a lax tone.

"Then you should think harder. With Fernandez gone, who do you think will sit on the imperial throne next? Who should your order be showing a good face to for the sake of its future?"


Rosetta snickered.

"You seem to have the wrong impression of me, Your Highness. Do I look like someone who would be swayed by such threats?"

"No. Of course not. You're a psycho martyr."

She's the type of crazy person who would beat her stepbrother to death with a whip if it were for the principles she's decided to follow.

But she's no longer just an individual.

"And now, you represent your order, don't you?"


Rosetta was originally the commander of the Holy Knights.

But having eliminated all her political enemies within the order, she's just been appointed as the new representative of the Goddess's Order.

Rosetta, as an individual, is not someone to be swayed by threats. However.

For Rosetta, who has just become the representative of the order, it would be imprudent to act recklessly in the face of such threats.

This is the weight that those who bear the lives of others - the sovereigns - must carry, and she has become one of such kings.


After a moment of silence, Rosetta sighed and closed her eyes.

"The more one lives, the more complex the world seems. Isn't that so, Your Highness?"

Her murderous intent faded. I slowly nodded in agreement.

"The higher you climb, the farther you see, and the more there is to consider."

"Even I, a mere mortal of this earth, find the world difficult to navigate. How much more must the Goddess, who sees everything from the heavens, have to concern herself with?"

To the very end, she spoke like a true believer.

Anyway, Rosetta slowly sheathed her iron whip, folding it neatly and attaching it to her waist.

Her touch was gentle, as if handling not a whip but a newly acquired accessory.

"Your Highness, I clearly understand your intention. The execution of Zenis's punishment will be... postponed for now."

"I appreciate your understanding."

"However, Zenis. From this moment, I strip you of your temporary priesthood in Crossroad."

Rosetta issued her cruel command in a calm yet sharp voice.

"Also, I am issuing an eviction order from the Crossroad temple."


"A priest without affiliation must leave the area within a fortnight and return to the Imperial Capital within three months. You haven't forgotten that rule, have you?"

Zenis silently bowed his head.

Listening to this, I couldn't help but ask in disbelief.

"What happens if that rule is broken?"


Rosetta answered simply. The content, however, was anything but light.

"As a priest, all of Zenis's life up to this point will be erased from the records, and henceforth, he cannot use divine power or exploit the name of the gods. Additionally, he will be monitored for the remainder of his life."

Losing everything he has lived for up until now, Zenis could either live out his life in Crossroad as quietly as a mouse.

Or return to the Imperial Capital as a priest and die under the honorable whip of his former comrades...

There were only two paths left for Zenis.

To think that she gave him a choice, should this be considered mercy?

"You have one hour to leave. That's all."

Rosetta said this to Zenis, and after giving me a slight bow, she turned and left.

Standing dazed in the middle of the ruined priest's office, I quickly turned to Zenis.

"Hey, Mr. Zenis, explain. What's going on here?"


Seemingly just as stunned, Zenis finally spoke in a desolate voice.

"As you know, there's nothing more I can add or subtract."

"Is it true that you caused a major scandal with a princess from another country and that your stepsister wants you dead because she believes it tarnished the order's honor?"

"Yes, that's true."

My goodness, how do we solve this? No, is it even solvable?

Rubbing my head in frustration, Zenis cautiously bowed his head.

"Your Highness, I'm truly ashamed to ask, but I have a favor to request."

"Let's hear it."

I was curious about what he would ask for, but Zenis rummaged through his belongings and pulled out a pen and paper. I was taken aback.

"You're not trying to write down heresy points, are you?!"

"...The only person crazy enough to do such a thing in this world is my sister."

What Zenis wrote down wasn't heresy points, but an address.

He carefully handed it over to me.

"Could you send my entire estate to this address?"

I examined the address.

It was for an orphanage operated by the Goddess's Order near the Imperial Capital.

"I've been sending all my priestly salary there, but it seems I won't be able to do so anymore. Not that my entire estate amounts to much..."

"Who lives at this orphanage?"

"...My son."

I was startled, causing the hand holding the address to shake.

"The son I had with the foreign princess."


Lake Kingdom's Dungeon. Base Camp.


Crouched next to the central bonfire, I groaned while clutching my head.

At that, Kellibey, who was hammering nearby, shrieked in annoyance.

"Why do you keep sighing like that, driving all the luck away!"

"...Sometimes, Kellibey, you really remind me of a Korean elder."

I muttered, astonished. Sighing driving luck away? What kind of superstition is that?

At my muttering, Kellibey raised his thick eyebrows.

"Korea? Where's that? A place rich in precious metals? Lots of mines?"

"I'm not particularly interested in mineral resources, so I wouldn't know..."

Anyway, this elder's brain must be filled with metal through and through. What kind of standard is that for asking questions?

"Is this unfamiliar country called Korea the cause of your troubles? Hey, just say the word! I'll go smash it all with my hammer!"

No... if you smash that, it'll be a big problem... please don't...

I tapped my forehead with my fingertips, murmuring.

"It's a problem related to that foreign country... and it's also something that happened 14 years ago. My goodness."

"14 years ago? In a foreign country? Yikes! What kind of trouble were you stirring up from such a young age!"

"It's not that I caused the trouble!"

Since there were no other people around, and Kellibey is one of the few I completely trust.

I laid out the situation and problems Zenis was facing, including what he had done 14 years ago.

After hearing the whole story, Kellibey clicked his tongue.

"I never saw that friend in such a light, but he sure did something significant."

"That's what I'm saying."

"But trying to send child support until the end is commendable, isn't it?"

"...Should I really consider that commendable?"

I was plunged into thought. Is this commendable? Or is it shameless?

And how did the child born between Zenis and the foreign princess end up growing up in an imperial orphanage?

The more I think about it, the more anomalies I find in this story...

"Hey, that's definitely commendable! I've never even properly prepared a meal for my children, let alone give them allowance. Hahaha!"

"Isn't that a bit too much?"

"What do you mean too much? That's how dwarves are raised. Born and immediately given their own personal cave, they grow up digging it out on their own."

What on earth is dwarven child-rearing...?

Right now, in Crossroad, Kellison, Kellibey's son, is here leading a dwarven legion.

They are renovating and repairing the main fortress of Crossroad, and every time they see Kellibey, they can't hide their annoyance.

Kellibey might be unsurpassed as a blacksmith, but as a father of children, perhaps not so much...

"Anyway, parent-child relationships are already difficult. Zenis and his son... that's really a complicated relationship."

"You're telling me. It doesn't sound easy at all."

As we were chatting away, I suddenly felt a piercing gaze. Huh?

Turning to the side, I saw Hannibal hiding in the corner of the forge, listening to our conversation.

This assistant blacksmith, who is also a spirit mage and enchanter, was staring at us with wide eyes.

"Hannibal? What's up?"

"Huh? Oh, no! It's nothing!"

Startled by my call, Hannibal jumped up, his bushy hair bouncing in the air.

Kellibey then gestured grandly at him.

"Young man, have you finished the final touches? Then snap to it and bring over 'that' completed thing!"

"Yes, yes!"

Hannibal hurriedly ran back into the forge.

Watching him, Kellibey chuckled and then glanced at me, asking in a hushed tone.

"And, what's the other problem?"


"It seems like you have another concern. Just talk about it. Sometimes just talking can be helpful, you know?"

After a moment of hesitation, I slowly began to speak.

The wounded Mikhail and the annihilated Sky Knights.

The increasing fatigue on the front lines...

Facing these and other problems, how to manage the front lines moving forward.

As I opened up, Kellibey listened silently and then said,

"Uh! I'm not the strategist type, so I don't know the solution to such complex issues!"

Then, throwing up his hands in resignation and stroking his beard with a grin, he said,

"When your mind is that troubled, the best thing is to handle a newly crafted, amazing weapon!"

"That doesn't solve the problem..."

"But it does make you feel better! Here!"

Hannibal returned from the workshop, wrapping the newly crafted equipment in a dark cloth.

Kellibey, having estimated its weight one last time, handed it over to me.

"Plus! This time it's equipment made for your use!"


I slowly accepted the equipment Kellibey passed to me.

Gently peeling away the dark cloth covering the equipment, Kellibey seemed even more excited, his shoulders bouncing in anticipation.

"This is my newly crafted Nightmare Slayer! Equipment like this has never existed before! Custom-designed gimmicks according to the requester's taste, grip, weight, and even handling habits! A completely order-made weapon!"

As the dark cloth slid off, what was revealed was-

"Named, [Light & Shadow]!"

-A splendid ceremonial longsword.

From the blade to the guard and the handle, the entire body of the grand longsword was so transparently white it was almost ethereal.

And the sheath for the longsword, devoid of any pattern or decoration, seemed to absorb light, pitch black in color.

The ceremonial longsword for commanders, [Light].

And its sheath, [Shadow].

Twin magical cores obtained after defeating the 3rd ranked Nightmare Legion Commander, the Grand Sorceress White Night.

These two cores were used to create custom equipment made solely for me.

The Nightmare Slayer, [Light & Shadow].

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