Chapter 516: Chapter 516

White Night is a formidable opponent.

In the game, her specs are terrifying. Once she settles in and unleashes her firepower, even the walls of Crossroad melt away like a joke.

Naturally, the lives of those on the walls evaporate along with them.

But games are made to be conquered. No enemy is perfect. In other words, there's always a weakness to exploit.

White Night's weakness in the game was 'vulnerability to mental status attacks'.

Considering most mage class characters have strong mental defenses, this was quite surprising.

'Has her endurance worn thin from constant copying and pasting of her mind?'

Before this unexpected weakness became widely known, White Night was referred to as the 'Three-Year Wall of Lamentation'.

Once this information spread, the number of players who twisted and turned to exploit this weakness and successfully clear the stage increased.

Of course, being 'relatively' vulnerable to mental status ailments doesn't mean it's a decisive weakness. She can be affected by hindering status ailments like 'confusion' or 'frenzy', but not by a decisive one like 'mind control'.

'What kind of boss buff is this, deciding what affects it...'

When playing the game, it felt like a reasonable balance since high-level bosses shouldn't be easily taken down by one mind control attack, but facing it in reality, it feels more like convenience. Just let me use my mind control!

Anyway - that's why in the game, characters specializing in mental attacks were essential against White Night.

Characters like mental status-specialized mages or cursers who cast curses could continuously inflict mental ailments to weaken her before engaging.

However, to land the killing blow, a head-on confrontation is inevitable, and that comes with expected damage.

Even in a weakened state, White Night could summon her massive eye to use insta-kill moves every few turns, bombard with talismans for area damage, and spread darkness across the field, inflicting fear on any ally who approached this dark field.

Naturally, the strategy is tough, and the loss of life is enormous. Typically, more than 30% of Crossroad's total forces would be wiped out in the game's White Night battles.

If more are lost? Game over.

The damage threshold is 30%. In other words, this is a formidable foe where at least 30% casualty is always expected.

'So, we bypass it.'

Our side doesn't have mages or cursers who can inflict mental status ailments, but we do have the Gambler's Club, specialized in utility.

The problem with the Gambler's Club is that they are not combat characters.

They're versatile but practically useless in combat. Even the weakest mob requires a struggle to hunt down.

If deployed on the battlefield, they'd likely melt away before even attempting any tricks, either from indiscriminate magical barrages or eye beam shows by White Night.

'So, the top priority is ensuring the Gambler's Club safely approaches White Night!'

Long story short, that's why I came up with this method!

"This surprise party!"

1. The Gambler's Club can approach White Night without combat.

2. Lure White Night into the very center of our encirclement.

3. Even catch the enemy off-guard.

Operation Surprise Party is a strategy that is seemingly beneficial in all aspects!

"...But conversely speaking."

Lucas, standing quietly beside me, coldly countered.

"The Gambler's Club could be killed with just a flick of White Night's hand, and isn't it like allowing the enemy's monstrous corps commander to enter our headquarters without resistance? Moreover, will the enemy commander really be off-guard..."

Damn, that's a sharp rebuttal. I clicked my tongue bitterly and turned to look at him.

The Hotel Crossroad party hall, decorated as a banquet hall.

Lucas, smartly dressed in a crisp tan suit, and Evangeline, adorned in a fluttering pale yellow dress, stood by my side as if to escort me.

I whistled as I looked back and forth between them.

"Come to think of it, it's my first time seeing you dressed up like this, isn't it? You both look great."

"Hastily, I dug out this formal wear made a while ago for this sudden party... but it seems a bit tight. I must have grown taller."

Lucas, initially bashful at my compliment, quickly regained his composure.

"Ahem! Anyway, isn't this operation too much of a gamble, my lord?"

"We shoulder the risk. If the scam show using the Gambler's Club succeeds, the benefits are too great."

I replied calmly while surveying the well-decorated party hall.

Sure, a frontal assault would mean a reliable clear, but typically it results in losing about 30% of our allies.

Is it a fair price to kill the third-ranked legion commander at the cost of 30% of our own? Is that a rational expense?

...It might be. Moreover, the forces of the World Guardian Front will be augmented soon, so maybe the 30% we lose now will seem cheap in hindsight.

But if there's another way.

If there's a path that even slightly reduces the loss of our allies' lives. Even if that path is a bit outlandish, but holds enough possibility.

Wouldn't it be worth a try?

"A party, of all methods."

Evangeline in her fluttering pale yellow dress looked like a chick. She grew taller, but did her mental age stay the same? She still bounces around energetically.

"I always thought you were a smart person..."

Evangeline glanced at me while munching on snacks held in her arms.

"Can I be honest?"

"When have you ever not been? Go ahead."

"You're extraordinary, but sometimes you exceed the bounds of that extraordinariness, and it's like..."

"Like a madman?"

"Yes! Exactly that! You know it well, don't you?"

Evangeline nodded vigorously. She continued speaking as I chuckled.

"...Above all, I'm a bit... uneasy."

"Uneasy about what?"

"Black Night or Soya, regardless, they've been moving for our benefit until now, haven't they?"

Evangeline's munching slowed down.

"Of course, your information has never been wrong so far, but... attacking them for a 'possibility' that they might attack us, after they've helped us... I'm just wondering if it's really the right thing to do."


"I mean, I know! They're monsters. But... now I'm not so sure."

Evangeline stood her ground, unwavering even in front of our clear gaze.

"Until we fought together on this front, elves, dwarves, beastmen, merfolk... they were all as alien to me as monsters. But now, regardless of origin, we fight together on the same side, right?"


"Isn't it the same with the monsters? If they truly want to stand with us, can't they become allies?"

Suddenly, the Succubus Queen Salome flashed through my mind.

And Goblin God-King Alexander as well.

Yes. There certainly was room for dialogue with them. They had become, or almost became, friends.

"That's right. You're correct, Evangeline."

Evangeline's point is valid. What matters is not one's origin.

The line between humans and monsters is 'whether we can try to understand each other'.

"That's why I want to give them a chance."

"A chance?"

"Yes. To see if they truly want to be on our side."

I grinned slightly.

"Or if it's all smoke and mirrors and they're actually planning to attack us. We're going to test that."

In the game, whether it was Black Night or Soya - the sorceress White Night turned out to be a monstrous traitor to me.

But as Evangeline said, so far, both have only been helping us.

I trust the information in the game, but there's no guarantee that there won't be another case like Salome.

So, I plan to run a test along the way.

Depending on the results, we'll see if this place becomes a party where allies strengthen their bonds.

Or, a bloody ball where we betray and stab each other.

This is such a place.

"We just have to fight with all our might as our lord commands. However,"

Lucas looked around the party hall with a calm gaze.

"Will this force be enough in case of an emergency?"

In the party hall, my heroes under command were standing by here and there, each dressed in suits and dresses.

Knowing that it was a time of war, their faces were clearly tense, but... their unusual and splendid appearances were a visual delight, separate from the tension.

"All the tactics prepared for various situations as instructed by our lord are trained in everyone. But to be honest... the power of that sorceress is formidable."


"In a head-to-head battle, we might suffer painful losses with our current force."

"Don't worry too much."

In the worst case, if it comes to a fair fight, we might have to accept losses of more than 30% of our allies.

But I dislike that scenario, so I've put effort into Plan B as well. I smirked and looked towards the entrance of the party hall.

"That's why I have taken out an insurance."

I thought it was about time for them to arrive, and sure enough.

"Please pay attention!"

A servant at the entrance announced the names of high-ranking guests.

Since many of the heroes here were fallen kings, the servant had called out names quite a few times.

But this time, a name was called that no one had heard before.

"The legitimate heir of the Lake Kingdom, the rightful representative, guardian, and watcher! The Princess of the Lake Kingdom!"

Everyone was puzzled by the unfamiliar title.

I was the only one smiling broadly, waiting for them.

"Lady Nameless is entering!"

And then, the Princess of the Lake Kingdom entered the party hall.

Click. Clack.

As she entered, making the sound of her heels, the sound of people swallowing their breaths echoed in the hall like dominoes.

I broke into a cold sweat at the unexpected sight. What is this?

Nameless, who was unrecognizable after being cleaned and polished in the past, was stunning, but this time, representing the Lake Kingdom... I had the maids dress her up.

'Is she even human?'

Her snow-white hair was neatly tied at the back, and her pale skin, which lacked exposure to light, had a healthy glow due to light makeup.

Her clear, teal eyes with neatly arranged long lashes. A straight nose with plump lips painted with a bright lipstick.

Dressed in a light blue dress with a hint of green, fitting for the representative of the Lake Kingdom, she wore a gold and red crown on her head, holding a long scepter made of jade in her hand.

'She looks like a porcelain doll...?'

She was so beautiful that it was like looking at a piece of art rather than a person.

Nameless, who entered wearing low-heeled shoes, seemed embarrassed by the mesmerized gazes of the people but soon properly greeted those around her and quickly made her way towards me.

With a slightly flushed face, Nameless asked me through gritted teeth.

"...Did you write that introduction, Ash?"

"Of course, I did."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"...No, not at all."

As Nameless, shyly covering her face, the heroes who had fought together in dungeons rushed over from all directions, surprised.

"Wow...! Sister Nameless! You look amazing like this when you dress up! Please dress up more often!"

"Wait, Nameless, you're royalty?!"

"That too from the Lake Kingdom?! Why didn't you say anything before!"

"Well, that's..."

Nameless, surrounded by other heroes, struggled to respond.

Watching her with a sense of satisfaction, I gestured to Lucas with my eyes.

"How about it, my secret weapon, Nameless."

"Definitely a user of tremendous beauty... no, a user of formidable power."

Lucas, who had swallowed his saliva, looked back at me.

"...But my lord."


"If I'm not mistaken, you didn't call Nameless here just as insurance..."

Lucas narrowed his eyes.

"Isn't the reason you organized this party... because of Nameless?"


I broke into a cold sweat.

This golden retriever guy, why is he sometimes so perceptive...?

That's when it happened.

"Please pay attention!"

The servant at the entrance of the party hall, unlike before, shouted in a trembling voice.

"The descendant of the lost Eastern Continent, the owner of the Lake Kingdom's Wizard Tower, the third-ranked commander of the Nightmare Legion, who has promised to form an alliance with humanity! The protagonist of this party!"

A cold silence descended on the party hall, which had been buzzing with the arrival of Nameless, as if on cue.

"Lady White Night is entering!"

And with that announcement, she entered the party hall.

The Jiangshi Grand Sorceress with blue skin, wearing a body-hugging Eastern-style dress that showcased her sensual figure.

Following her, ten other Jiangshi Liches in Eastern-style black uniforms, their muscular bodies clearly visible.

With the entrance of these 11 undead monstrosities, the atmosphere in the party hall turned icy.

As if enjoying the freezing air, White Night covered her mouth with a fan and laughed.


I operated the tiny artifact - a communicator - attached to my ear.

"The mark has entered."

Among the heroes dressed in tense suits and dresses -

Five gamblers from the Gambler's Club, dressed as waiters and serving drinks and snacks, smoothly received my communication.

"Alright, players."

As the monstrosities began to enter the party hall, and our gazes met, I whispered softly.

"Let's start the show."

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