Chapter 507: Chapter 507

"Because the path you're currently on, Lord, is the very path leading to the True Ending."

Aider's words made my eyes widen.

The path I'm walking? What does that mean?

I'm just... desperately struggling.

But Aider nodded with certainty.

"Even though it may be winding and sometimes take detours... the goal you are aiming for is undoubtedly the right one."


"So don't worry. Just keep doing what you're doing now."

I wanted to ask for a concrete method, but Aider was deliberately speaking in roundabout ways, as if I shouldn't know yet.

Just keep moving forward, steadfastly, as I have been doing.

"There will be many trials, pains, and sufferings ahead... but you, Lord, will handle them well, as you always have."

In front of my silence, Aider maintained his usual carefree smile.

"Please take good care of this world, and of Nameless."


And then Aider didn't disappear... again.

After creating an atmosphere as if he would be gone forever, he just settled back in his room at the Lord's mansion. What's he playing at?

Claiming his body was failing, he formally submitted his resignation as the Lord's assistant. But I just took the resignation without accepting it.

"Take a rest, and when you're better, help me again. You're the director after all. There will be times when I'll need your help."

Aider just smiled without saying much, but I hoped he would stay by my side.

There are not many who know that I'm a soul grafted onto this body.

There are not many who know all the mysteries and systems of this world.

This inscrutable director will surely be needed in my journey someday. Stay put here from now on, without going missing again.

The position of the Lord's assistant? Well, Serenade had been handling most of the administrative work in his absence anyway.

It's about time to officially ask Serenade to take over.


Watching Aider's retreating back to his room, I let out a faint sigh.

Lately, I've heard too many abstract tales, bringing a wave of fatigue.

'Divinization, the darkness of another realm, the True Ending...'

What are all those, you geeks! Can't you tell me something tangible that I can grasp?

All I want is to protect Crossroad and live together with the people around me.

- So don't worry. Just keep doing what you're doing now.


In that sense, Aider's words were somewhat helpful. I took a deep breath.

Continue as I have been.

Killing monsters. Saving people.

Using all available means.

Eventually, I'll understand. The trivial backstories, the nature of the True Ending.

I'll just keep my eyes forward, walking straight ahead.

"Senior! Can you make one more toast for me?"

"May I also request one more, Lord?"

The two gluttons who had already devoured three toasts were pleading with me again. I sighed and headed towards the kitchen.

"You'll gain weight. Just one more each and then off to bed."

"Okay~" they responded cheerily as I watched the two knights-turned-pigs. I couldn't help but crack a smile.

Let's keep doing as I have been. Together with my people.

The third year of war, too. It continues.

Outside the window I glanced through, snow was falling heavily.

It was a full-blown winter.


A few days later.

Stage 24. The day of the defense battle.

On the snow-flurried ramparts, my soldiers clad in winter coats were arrayed in tight ranks.

The army, donned in black coats adorned with thick fur and leather, was a spectacle in itself.

I exhaled a white breath, glanced over the soldiers, and then shook off the snow that had accumulated on my shoulders.

Currently, Crossroad is in a perfect state of defense.

Although Legion Commander White Night boasted she would personally handle the Bird Monster Legion, she's a monster too. There was no reason to trust her.

In case the Bird Monster Legion attacks as planned, we have thoroughly prepared our anti-aircraft fire network.

The soldiers have also been adequately trained in related tactics. Even if White Night doesn't keep his promise, there should be no major issues with defense.

However, it's difficult to guarantee the extent of damage.

Typically, the damage to regular troops is significant when dealing with a flying monster legion. More importantly,

"A night raid..."

It's night right now.

Despite our best efforts to improve visibility by lighting fires and installing lighting artifacts, it's still the middle of a pitch-black winter night.

Several hours remain until dawn.

In this situation, if the Bird Monster Legion attacks, the damage to regular soldiers will be considerable, even if the heroes might be fine.

'Why did they have to fix the invasion time to a dark event...'

The enemy has taken the initiative.

They've used a dark event - 'Night Raid', ensuring that the invasion starts in the middle of the night, thus preventing us from adjusting the invasion time with [Gardis Blessing].

After much thought, the [Gardis Blessing] I used was 'Night Eye'.

It extends and corrects the night vision range of all allies. Although it's not as good as broad daylight, this should make long-range interception feasible.

'If only there was moonlight.'

Unfortunately, tonight is the new moon.

Moreover, it's cloudy with snowflakes falling. It's hard to even hope for starlight, let alone moonlight.

A tough battle is expected. I swallowed dryly and stared at the barely visible southern sky.

"My lord! A report from the scouts!"

Lucas, clad in his coat and armor, shouted.

Initially reluctant to wear the armor, Lucas was now wearing it willingly.

Since the equipment had proven effective against the Bird Monster Legion, it seemed he didn't care about its appearance anymore, as long as it could give us an advantage in battle.

"The first wave of the Bird Monster Legion has crossed the southern forest sky. They will be in sight soon!"

"Good. All units, prepare to fire!"

Upon my command, the artillerymen simultaneously loaded the cannons and ballistae, and the light-emitting artifacts shone like searchlights into the sky.

The artillerymen's lines of fire had already been aimed at the sky.

If the monsters enter our range, we can melt them in the sky, even if they're flying.



A grotesque scream echoed. It was a high-pitched, sharp wail that sent shivers down the spine just by hearing it.

With that scream, a massive bird-like shape emerged from the snow-shrouded, dark sky in the distance.

It was far and dark. At best, all we could see was a blurry silhouette.

Despite this, the monstrous form made all the soldiers gulp in unison.

The wings, sprouting haphazardly and fluttering independently, numbered twelve on the left and three on the right.

It had only one leg, but the sprouted claw shook like the tip of a huge spear.

And then, the head.

There were five heads, each with a beak split sharply like a bomb explosion, emitting fiery red glows.


All five heads opened their beaks simultaneously and let out another terrifying scream.

Thanks to the earplugs distributed beforehand, which protected against cold and sound attacks, we suffered no damage, but it was still horrifying.

"What kind of bird is that, it's practically a dragon..."

I grumbled as I glared at the legion commander monster of the Bird Monster Legion.

The King of Bird Monsters.

True to its name with 'King' in it, the monster was immensely powerful. The Bird Monster Legion's overall strength was about half due to this creature.

While the regular soldiers spread out the fire network to block the rest of the Bird Monster Legion, the hero parties must mobilize to conduct an aerial raid.

The approaching monstrous bulk in the darkness was a threat in itself.

All the hero characters under my command tensely gripped their weapons.

Finally, the Bird Monsters neared the range of our defense line. I raised my hand to signal firing.

That's when it happened.


The sound of fluttering clothes, and someone descended from higher than the Bird Monster Legion, effortlessly landing in front of the attacking legion, blocking them in mid-air.

A crown adorned with dangling beads, a face covered with amulets, and a wide-sleeved robe.

It was the third-ranked Nightmare Legion Commander, the Grand Sorceress White Night.

"I've come to show my sincerity, as promised, Player."

Despite the vast distance, her whispering voice resonated clearly in my ears.

I waved my hand frantically. My soldiers held their fire and went into standby.


Surprised by the sudden appearance of the Nightmare Legion Commander, the Bird Monster King let out a confused cry. Confusion swirled in the red eyes of its five heads.


The Bird Monster King cried out as if warning, but White Night stood unflinchingly in front of it.

The emotion in the Bird Monster King's red eyes shifted from confusion to anger in an instant.

The Bird Monster King flapped its wings fiercely, and the momentarily slowed Bird Monster Legion surged forward again.

Not towards our walls, but towards White Night, who blocked their path.


The entire Bird Monster Legion flew at full speed towards one point. White Night chuckled, then said,

"I'll show you."

Her long sleeve slowly swept across the air-

"Why I'm called the Grand Sorceress."

-Then the snow stopped.

As if by magic, the snow pouring from the sky suddenly ceased. Bewildered, we all looked up at the sky.

The dark clouds that had filled the sky and poured snow were now gone.

In their place was an alien darkness.

Rustle, rustle...

The sound of bugs being eaten.

The same darkness that covered the Lake Kingdom was now gathering like a cloud right above White Night's head.


And that cloud began to split.

What emerged through the split cloud was...


Lucas muttered dazedly.

"Why is only that part of the night sky white..."

What was revealed through the increasingly splitting darkness was something stark white.

At that moment, I realized what it was.

I immediately shouted to my soldiers.

"Don't look up at the sky!"


"Bow your heads! You mustn't look at the sky!"

I had a hunch.

'That' was something ordinary humans should not see.

The soldiers, not understanding but obeying my command, bowed their heads. I gritted my teeth and watched the slowly opening white sky.

No- it wasn't the sky.

It was... an 'eye'.


A massive eye opened in the dark sky.

The eye's sclera was so huge, it created the illusion of a white sky opening.

The red pupil in the darkness rotated and positioned itself at the center of the white.


White Night, gazing up at the eye from below, murmured in an enraptured voice.

"This is the source of magic I've reached at the end of my life's research."


The Bird Monster King did not retreat.

Desperately screaming, it continued its charge towards White Night, now right in front of it.

The monster instinctively knew the only way to stop this unknown eye was to defeat the sorceress before it.

However, before the Bird Monster King could reach White Night... the eye in the sky caught sight of the Bird Monster King faster.

The massive eye's red pupil focused precisely on the Bird Monster King, then,

The eye blinked.


The next moment, the massive body of the Bird Monster King was shattered to pieces.

One-Shot Kill.

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