Chapter 499: Chapter 499

Right after the conference ended.

Hotel Crossroads. The backyard garden.

"Shh, shh."

Seated in a wheelchair, Lilly gently rocked the sleeping Sid back and forth in her arms. Sid, drooling a little from the corner of his mouth, was peacefully asleep.

'He used to trouble me so much when he was in my belly.'

Lilly chuckled without realizing.

'Why are you so calm now that you're out in the world?'

Sid, who had troubled his mother a lot during birth, seemed almost angelic since he was born.

His calm and dignified nature was a great help to Lilly, who struggled with her disability.


Lilly thought back to the story she had poured out in the conference room.


Murmuring the name of her lover who hadn't returned, Lilly gazed at her sleeping son's eyebrows.

As they spent quiet time together,

Step. Step.

Footsteps were heard.

Turning to look, Lilly gasped in surprise.


The old king with the white beard, who had initially shouted at Lilly in the conference room, was there.

Entering the garden, the old king walked straight towards Lilly and Sid. Lilly, in a panic, swallowed dryly.


The old king, after observing Lilly and Sid closely, slowly opened his mouth.

"You're Senior Mage Lilly, right?"

His voice was still gruff, but the tone was slightly softer than before. Lilly replied, somewhat dazed.

"Huh? Yes..."


The old king hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly said,

"I would like to apologize for my rudeness earlier."


"I came to apologize for having underestimated you, thinking you were just a common mercenary."

As Lilly stood dumbfounded, the old king frowned.

"Aren't you going to accept my apology?"

"Oh, no! No! I'm sorry. I was just startled..."

"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who came to apologize."

Why is he getting angry...

Lilly thought, shrinking back as the old king stroked his beard.

"To reach the heights of magic, it's not just innate talent that matters. That's what I think."

"Uh? Oh, yes..."

"But you, with your modest natural talent and unable to use your legs."


Is he really here to apologize?

Lilly was bewildered by the old king's blunt attitude. The old king looked straight at her.

"Yet, to achieve such expertise with that body. Impressive."

"Ah, yes..."

"I praised you, didn't I? Be grateful."

"Th, thank you."

"Yes. There are few mages in the world who have received direct praise from me. Consider it an honor."

Now completely unsure of the old man's purpose, Lilly broke out in a cold sweat.

Hmph- The old king snorted and then shifted his gaze to Sid in Lilly's arms.

"May I see the child?"

Lilly instinctively tightened her hold on Sid, hunching over protectively. The old king shook his head slightly.

"I mean no harm. Just for a moment."


"I need to check something. It would be good for the child's future."

Lilly was about to refuse outright when,


Sid, who had just woken up, opened his eyes wide and stared at the old king, his eyes filled with curiosity, as if seeing something fascinating.

Sid wriggled in her arms, and the old king gestured again.

Reluctantly, Lilly slowly handed Sid over to the old king. He held the child with surprisingly delicate and careful hands.

"...He possesses remarkable mana sensitivity."

Inspecting Sid's small body, the old king eventually locked eyes with him.

"I've never seen such talent."

Sid, with his large green eyes, gazed back at the old king and then burst into laughter.

At that, the old king also broke into a wide grin.


Startled, Lilly rubbed her eyes and looked again, only to find the old king back to his stern expression.

'Was it an illusion...?'

The old king slowly handed Sid back to Lilly. Though his touch seemed reluctant, his face remained stern.

"The truth is, I approached you because of this child."


"Even at a glance, I could see he has great talent. I wanted to check. Ah, and the apology I just made was sincere. Don't misunderstand."

The old king brushed his white beard and stepped back.

"Raise him well. And if you want this child to become a mage someday, come to the Ivory Tower. I, the Lord of the Ivory Tower, Dearmudin, will personally mentor him."

Only then did Lilly realize who this old king was.

The tower where the world's greatest mages gathered, a small tower housing just a few dozen, yet recognized as an independent country – the smallest in the world.

This was the owner of that very Ivory Tower.

Hesitantly, Lilly asked,

"Are you serious?"


"This child is a half-elf, half-human..."

Being of mixed blood, even worse treated than slaves.

It was hard for Lilly to believe that this man, who seemed so proud of his status, would be willing to teach Sid, who was looked down upon.

"Didn't I tell you? In the realm of magic, innate talent is everything."

The old king clicked his tongue shortly.

"I am originally an aristocrat. In most cases, magical talent is inherited, and nobles often have more of it. Naturally, that's how I became what I am."


"But with overwhelming talent like his, such standards are meaningless. This child has the potential to become the greatest of his time, regardless of his bloodline. That's why I want to nurture him myself."

Lord Dearmudin of the Ivory Tower was an arrogant aristocrat who looked down on commoners. But before that, he was a meritocrat.

He held these seemingly contradictory values simultaneously. Lilly mumbled to herself.

'So this is what mages are like...'

They are all somewhat odd. Even being a mage herself, that's what Lilly thought.

Lord Dearmudin nodded.

"Don't worry about the tuition. The Ivory Tower isn't so destitute that it needs to take money from a poor mercenary commoner."

Despite his slightly offensive tone, Lilly could feel his genuine intention for Sid.

She bowed her head slightly.

"Th-thank you..."

She didn't know how Sid would grow up.

But when the head of the world's foremost magical tower says such things, there was no reason not to be grateful.

"Raising a child is hard work, I know. Perhaps as hard as fighting on the battlefield."

Dearmudin stroked his long beard and turned around.

"I wish blessings for both you and the child. Farewell."

With that, he walked away, hands clasped behind his back, quickly leaving the garden.

Watching the old king depart, Lilly adjusted Sid in her arms. Sid yawned softly, looking sleepy again.

"...Baby, everyone is blessing you."

Not just her colleagues, but also several great kings, and...

- Thank you for being born.

Even the monsters.

Sid's birth was blessed.

Of course, there would be many tough times ahead equal to these blessings. But even so,

"You will surely be happy."

Lilly gently pressed her forehead against her child's warm one, whispering a prayer.

Resolved to fulfill Kalail's part as well.

"Mommy... and all of us together, we'll make it happen."


A few days after the conference.


When I woke up in the morning and came out to the dining area, Evangeline and Damian sprang out as if they had been waiting.

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

Then, in front of me, she giggled and scattered winter petals.



This scene, it feels like I saw it last year too.

Anyway, I had checked the calendar in advance, so I knew what day it was today. I glanced at the calendar hanging on the restaurant wall.

January 1st.

Winter had flown by, and finally, another new year had dawned.

In the restaurant, just like last year, Lucas and Junior were busy preparing the meal. Seeing me, they both smiled brightly and showed their respect.


I looked over the four of them, one after the other, anew.

In just one year, they all had grown so much.

Evangeline had shot up in height, Damien had transformed from a boy to a young man, and Junior's complexion had improved remarkably.

And Lucas, who had carried a somewhat cold air, like a precarious blade... had become much more gentle and peaceful.

I gave a broad smile to my party members.

"Happy New Year, you guys."

As I sat down at the table, the chef himself came out with a steaming pot.

The dish we ate every New Year's Day, meatball stew. The children were all excited, laughing out loud as the chef served the dish. I was smiling on the outside. But.


Last year, Aider, who had served the dishes here, was now nowhere to be seen.

That's why my heart felt heavy.

Aider had disappeared since the Imperial Capital Conquest. Officially, it was due to health reasons and a recuperative leave.

'Where have you gone, Director...'

It's worrying not seeing him around.

It's been quite a while since I last saw Nameless too...

'I should head to the dungeon soon.'

With the Imperial Capital Conquest and being too busy with matters on the surface, I had neglected entering the dungeon for too long.

I need to get in there as soon as possible. To meet Nameless, and... to find out what's happened to Aider.


Lost in thought and barely touching my stew, Evangeline called out to me.

Startled, I looked up, splashing some stew broth.

"Huh, what? What did you say?"

"See, I told you. Senior wasn't listening."

"Oh dear. The Lord is so busy with the world's future and the numerous issues plaguing Crossroad. We should understand."

"Ah, truly a loyal retainer... Well, you really are a true loyalist."

I scratched the back of my neck as I looked back and forth between Evangeline and Lucas, who were exchanging words.

"Sorry, sorry. I had something on my mind... What were you guys talking about?"

Damien, smiling, answered for me.

"It's the New Year's Festival today. We were wondering if you'd have time to join us!"

"New Year's Festival?"

I tilted my head in confusion.

Was there always such an event on the first day of the new year? Wasn't it just a day to generously sprinkle meat stew and pray at the temple?

Then Junior, in a calm voice, explained.

"Why, we couldn't hold the autumn festival this year, remember?"

"Oh... Right, that was the case."

This autumn, there had been too many events.

Crossroad had to endure a defensive battle, gather forces for the Imperial Capital Conquest, and hurriedly march towards the Imperial Capital.

The Imperial Capital New Terra was also in turmoil, with all its citizens brainwashed and trapped by Fernandez. So, the autumn festival could not be held.

It seemed that, as a result, this year's autumn festival was quietly forgotten throughout the empire.

"So instead... Though it's a bit smaller in scale, they decided to hold the New Year's Festival today."

"Eh? Who decided that?"

"A few days ago, didn't the Silver Winter Merchant Guild get the approval from Your Highness? Serenade had been working hard preparing it."

The Silver Winter Merchant Guild got approval from me?

'Come to think of it, I might have signed off on such an official document.'

These last few days have been incredibly busy.

Negotiating detailed agreements with the kings, adjusting the amount of troops to be conscripted and the provisions according to the situation of each country... Seeing off each departing king, shaking hands, and taking commemorative portraits...

It seems that such an approval came up amidst the relentless busyness.

"Anyway, so! What about it?! Please answer quickly!"

Evangeline, having finished her stew, asked while ladling more into her bowl.

"Can you join us?!"

The other party members looked at me with expectant eyes, sparkling with anticipation.

I sighed softly and asked cautiously.

"...It's not another dance festival, is it?"

I'd rather not have a repeat of last autumn's festival, where I had to do a solo dance show in front of all the citizens!

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