Chapter 428: Chapter 428

After the defense battle ended, and the victory banquet was held the very next day.

The Mermaid King, King Poseidon XIII, left immediately.

It was partly because he had been unexpectedly caught in an unforeseen situation, and he seemed eager to discuss the matter I had proposed with his people.

"He says he hopes we can meet again soon."

Serenade, standing beside the Mermaid King, translated his sign language for me.

Why pretend you can't talk when you can... I broke out in a cold sweat.

"He's not comfortable with land-based communication, and merfolk voices have an enchanting power, so he prefers to use sign language... is what he says."

Seemingly catching my puzzled look, the Mermaid King explained (through Serenade's translation).

I blinked in surprise.

Ah, right. Originally, merfolk used their enchanting songs to manipulate human minds and cause shipwrecks. It must be that kind of ability.

'Thinking back, during our conversation yesterday, he might have tried to enchant me to extract my true intentions.'

Thanks to my passive skill [Unyielding Commander], I was oblivious to such enchantment attempts. Well, at least my sincerity got through, I guess.

The Mermaid King gave me a big smile and a double thumbs-up. I shrugged and returned the gesture.

Serenade agreed to take responsibility for escorting the Mermaid King back.

We had initially planned to transport him by airship, and it was Serenade who had been in contact with the remnants of the merfolk anyway.

"Then, I shall take my leave, Your Highness."

"Okay. Take care."

"Yes. King Poseidon XIII also sends his regards... Ah, that was for me."

Sweating from her interpretation efforts, Serenade led the way to the airship.

With a final thumbs-up, the Mermaid King was carried onto the airship in a portable bathtub... Farewell. I hope you return with good news.

Waving goodbye, I lowered my hand and looked around at my subordinates.

"Let's get moving, too."

As much as I'd like to bask in the glory of our victory a bit longer.

The outside world is moving at a breakneck pace. We need to act quickly.

'According to the Fallen King's plan, we need to send envoys to various kings and chieftains of different races.'

Just like the Mermaid King, I need to extend my invitation to the other kings.

The envoys for each king had already been selected.

Strangely - or perhaps inevitably - among my subordinates, heroes related to each of these fallen kings were positioned.

Just dress them up nicely, put gifts in their hands, and send them off. I'm not sure about the response, but at least they'll listen.

'But before that, we'll conquer the 'Mage Tower'.'

The 8th Zone 'Mage Tower' boasts an even more overwhelming scale and threat than any dungeon we've cleared so far.

It's necessary to respond with our best heroes. It's better to quickly clear it all together before scattering envoys in all directions.

Fortunately, there's plenty of time until the next stage.

Thanks to the last stage being a boss stage, we have over a month's time.

Quickly completing the Mage Tower and dispatching envoys in all directions will allow for more relaxed operations afterward.

"So, everyone assemble!"

I clapped my hands and shouted.

"We're diving into the dungeon first thing tomorrow morning! Today we will have the briefing, so I want every hero in the 1st Army to gather at the lord's mansion by lunchtime today!"


Thus, around lunchtime.

All the heroes had gathered at the lord's mansion.

"I apologize for summoning you all without a break right after yesterday's defensive battle."

Having Aider serve tea and coffee, I began the briefing about the upcoming expedition.

"However, given the urgency of the current world situation, we too need to respond quickly..."

I paused midway through my speech.

It was because the faces of the heroes sitting around looked utterly exhausted. They all appeared to be suffering from a hangover.

"...Seriously, how much did you guys drink last night?"

Junior, representing the group, offered an excuse.

"Well, since you returned returned, and... we defeated a legion commander-level enemy... it was all good news. And with all the seafood dishes, the drinks just flowed... Ugh!"

She stopped talking and suddenly coughed up blood.

"You want to drink when you're in that state?!"

I mean, I also drank quite a bit yesterday.

Looking around at my zombie-like party members groaning in hangover pain.

"...I would like to give you a few more days to rest, but we don't have the luxury of time. We are diving into the dungeon first thing tomorrow morning."

I declared resolutely.

The heroes all made gloomy faces, but I gave them a sly smile.

"Besides, this dungeon 'might' have almost no combat. So there's no need to be in perfect condition."


The heroes' eyes widened at the mention of almost no combat. I tapped the chalkboard with my stick.

"We will be tackling the 8th Zone 'Mage Tower' this time."

It feels like it was just yesterday when we first entered Zone 1 and got lost. Now, we've reached the Mage Tower, the representative dungeon of Zone 8.

Lost in these brief reflections, I pointed my stick towards the elves sitting in the corner of the reception room.

"The path to here has already been cleared by Verdandi and the Holy Grail Seekers."


Then Verdandi and the elves waved their hands around as if to show off.

These rodent-like elves, who even cure hangovers with nuts, were now drinking some sort of decoction similar to Ssanghwa tea with plenty of nuts to sober up.

"So, the Holy Grail Seekers will take the lead in guiding us. Holy Grail Seekers! In this Mage Tower, you'll find the 'Holy Grail' you've been longing for, so lead the way enthusiastically."

"Leave it to us, Prince Ash!"

Verdandi's eyes sparkled as he clenched his fist. The other four elves nodded vigorously. Good.

"The path is clear, so we just have to enter the dungeon tomorrow, clear it, and get out."


I tapped the chalkboard and began to explain in detail about the interior of the dungeon.

"Let me say this in advance. There are no monsters in the dungeon 'Mage Tower'."

The heroes all looked puzzled at this statement.

It must seem strange. A dungeon without monsters.

But it's not that there are no 'enemies'. "Instead of monsters, a fully automated defense system guards the tower."


The mages gasped in unison.

Especially the young mages under Junior's command were all starry-eyed. Maybe they're imagining illusions in the Mage Tower.

"Typical of the Mage Tower...!"

"The essence of ancient magic gathered in one place...!"

"I'll sneakily grab some souvenirs on the way... maybe the lord will let it slide...!"


I deliberately overlooked the mages' shining eyes.

You know that all loot has to be inspected by me first, right, kids? High-grade items will be examined by the lord first.

'I'll give it back when you grow up, okay?'

It's the same principle as parents taking their children's New Year's money. I'll grow it well and return it to you. Anything you pick up, give it to me first.

Anyway, I continued with the explanation.

"The Mage Tower is, in short... a puzzle gimmick dungeon."

The structure is the same as other dungeons, with dungeon rooms connected in a series, but instead of monsters, each room presents a puzzle. Solve it, and you're through.

Success in solving it? You get a reward and move on to the next room.

Fail to solve it? The defense system will do its best to kill the intruder.

'What was it, in terms of setting, the wizard's tower is a space for all magicians, so it provides a fitting reward to those who pass the trial.'

Thus, you receive a reward for passing the trial (puzzle).

But if you fail, you'll be mercilessly beaten up in this kind of dungeon.

Of course, like a typical dungeon, you can also solve it through combat.

There's also a way to break through by smashing the turrets and artifacts, magical traps, and automated golems that pour out instead of monsters.

In fact, in the game, many users just overpowered their way through with brute force.

You can get the same rewards, and additionally, gain combat experience. If you're only looking at efficiency, it's actually better to solve it through combat.

'But what I'm aiming for can't be obtained through combat.'

There's a special reward that can only be obtained by clearing all the puzzles up to the boss room.

Moreover... if you can avoid danger without taking risks, it's better to avoid combat.

It's better than trying to earn a little more experience and causing casualties.

After conveying this content, I looked around at the heroes and said,

"So, rest well today! Sober up by tomorrow morning! And let's meet here again. Got it?"

Yes-! They all responded loudly.

Then, Lucas, who was sitting in the front, raised his hand. I pointed at him with my staff.

"Got a question, model student?"

"Yes, my lord."

Lucas asked cautiously.

"Just by listening, it seems there's hardly any combat, or if there is, it's expected to be minimal... Is there a reason to deploy so many people?"

As Lucas pointed out, the current lounge is filled with all the 1st army heroes.

It's a sizeable group, dozens of heroes. If it's a non-combat-oriented dungeon, there's certainly no need to employ so many.

It would be better to move with a smaller group.

I smiled bitterly.

"...Because there's always a 'just in case.'"

We have to be prepared in case we fail to clear a puzzle.

And, most importantly...

We need to be cautious about 'someone' who might be holed up in the deepest part of the wizard's tower.


I decided not to tell the heroes about this 'someone'. It seemed like it would only increase their anxiety.

Instead, I clapped my hands loudly and said,

"Well, that's enough for the meeting... How about we all have lunch together and cure our hangovers?"

At this, everyone cheered.

Especially the drinkers started taking out bottles of alcohol they had hidden, saying 'You cure a hangover with alcohol!'... These crazy guys! Just quietly eat your meal!


After lunch and disbanding the heroes,

I teleported to the Lake Kingdom below.

Arriving at the base camp, I distributed fish dishes to the people there.

"Oh ho, it's been a long time since I've had sea fish cuisine! I'll enjoy it!"

I bribed Kellibey, who was delighted, with alcohol to accompany the meal, and then...


I pulled out two magic cores.

[The Goblin God-King's Magic Core] and [The Ghost Captain's Magic Core].

They were the magic cores of two Nightmare Legion commanders. As soon as I put these out, flames flickered in Kellibey's round eyes.

"Finally, you've brought these out! I've been waiting for just this!"

"...I've roughly decided what to use them for."

I ordered Kellibey to make equipment out of these two magic cores.

Kellibey, making sounds like 'oh ho, oh ho-', quickly noted down my request. A sly smile flickered around his bushy mustache.

"The Nightmare Slayer guarantees power equivalent to its danger. Hehe, I'm looking forward to what these two can do..."

"Please take good care of it, Master Craftsman."

Kellibey thumped his chest confidently.

I just smirked, knowing full well the dwarf grandfather's skills were completely guaranteed.

After finishing the equipment request, I intended to meet Nameless, but...


She was nowhere to be seen.

Coco the Severer had returned, so I handed her a fish dish and asked about Nameless's whereabouts. Coco then showed a strange smile.

"...Nameless has realized that her destiny is ripening."


"The time is coming. The time is coming, hehe..."

After uttering these incomprehensible words, she took the fish dish and disappeared into her workshop.

I frowned in dissatisfaction. What? What's coming?

I had finished everything at the base camp. I stepped out of the base camp.

There was another place I needed to visit.


I raised a blue flame torch and walked alone in the darkness.

How long had I walked? The space I was looking for finally appeared.

The area where the aqueducts between Zone 5 and Zone 6 connect. A space where water leaking from broken pipes seeped into the torn stone walls.

Around this narrow passage, where clear water flowed unusually, nameless grass and moss grew lushly.

And next to this waterway... there was a finely tilled plot of earth.

It looked as if seeds had been planted in this soil, but nothing had sprouted yet.


As I quietly looked down at this plot of earth,


A voice rang in my ears.

Turning around, there stood Verdandi with a bewildered expression, accompanied by members of her Holy Grail Seekers.

"How did you..."


This place was the base of the Holy Grail Seekers. These elves were living separately here, not in the base camp.

I opened my mouth with a bitter smile.

"I came to talk, Verdandi."

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