Chapter 403: Chapter 403


The boat cuts through the water, changing direction.

The sewer system was connected throughout the Lake Kingdom, and the Sword Demon and Spear Demon skillfully steered the boat, making a wide detour.

"There's a place where the water flows backward whenever there's a flood."

"We'll use it to return to the depths of the Lake Kingdom."

Honestly, it's pitch dark all around, and with the direction constantly changing, I can't tell if we're going up or down, left or right...

But since there's nothing else I can do on the boat, I just sat quietly, trusting these two robbers.

And after racing through the darkness for a while-


Just as I thought the water was shooting up high, suddenly the boat was flung into the air.

Even while panicking, I quickly surveyed my surroundings. It looks familiar.

"Here is..."

The towering skyscrapers drenched in rain... and the darkness rippling like waves...

"'s the central fountain plaza of the 10th Zone!"

We really had returned to the very heart of the Lake Kingdom.

"Hit the mark exactly!"

"This fountain overflows with filthy water during the flood!"

Indeed, the fountain that used to spout clear water just a few days ago was now overflowing with black sewage.

Even though I thought the fountain was quite large, I never imagined a boat carrying five people could be ejected from it!

"This fountain was a showcase of the Lake Kingdom's magical prowess. It used to draw up sewage and purify it with purification magic."

"But in a world submerged in dirty water like this! Even the finest purification magic couldn't withstand it, and the fountain in front of the royal palace began to emit a foul odor like a sewer!"

"When the world comes to this, slaves and royalty alike all stink the same, don't they?"

"Hehe, that's why you're as beautiful as a queen!"

"Oh, you old man, always making a fuss!"

The two robbers casually chatted and steered the boat to land beside the fountain.

It seems like the peak of the flood, with almost torrential black rain pouring from the sky. The area around the fountain is a complete mess.


Standing up in the pouring rain, I spat out the rainwater that got into my mouth.

This isn't acid rain, is it? No, it feels even worse than that.


Mason called me with a slightly tense voice. Why?

Mason pointed towards the distant street with a grim look, and I frowned at the sight.

White smiling masks.

A legion wearing those masks - the Nightcrawler unit, clad in raincoats, was approaching us.

Their pale faces floating in the torrential rain were incredibly eerie.

The five of us tensed up, preparing for battle, but soon realized that our opponents were not in their right minds.

The Nightcrawler members were all staggering as if injured, some even falling forward as they walked. What's going on?

Crown, leading them, approached me and gasped for breath. That's when I realized why they were in this state.

His face inside the mask was covered in red and purple rashes, and the skin visible through his disheveled clothes was darkly discolored.

They were affected.

By Raven's plague.

"Where are you going, Ash...?"

Crown asked laboriously.

There was no need to beat around the bush. I answered succinctly.

"To kill Raven."



In the dead streets of the blackened city, only the sound of rain hitting the ground was loud.

Crown, who had been staring at me intently, coughed violently and then slowly straightened up. He then said,

"We'll cooperate."


"Right now, he is indiscriminately spreading the plague within the kingdom... All the monster legions have holed up in their bases, and my men and I, who tried to stop it, have already been afflicted."

Crown clutched his mask with trembling hands.

"The pain of the body decaying is bearable, but the mind melting... that's harder to endure..."

"You say that, but aren't you moving quite well?"

I almost lost my sanity and died from hallucinations as soon as I was infected. But these guys, though staggering, are still walking around.

Crown then bitterly smiled from behind his mask.

"Every day is hell anyway, so even if his plague shows us hellish hallucinations as it melts our minds... it's not unbearable. Just more horrific."

Despite his bravado, Crown's men were collapsing one by one as we spoke.

"...We need to hurry. Explain the plan."

Crown gestured to me. I began to speak.

"The key to defeating Raven is always the same. We have to attack his main body."

"But we don't know where his main body is roaming right now."

"Right. So... we make it so he has no choice but to come to us."

I explained my strategy to everyone.

As they listened to my plan, Crown and the Nightcrawler unit, as well as my party members, all looked incredulous.

Yeah. Just hearing it, it seems like a disconcerting plan.

But I am the human side's grand strategist who has taken down four nightmare legion commanders.

My past victories prove it.

In this world, there is no commander better at killing nightmare legion commanders than me, and no hunter more skilled in dealing with them.

After I finished explaining the plan, Crown let out a long sigh.

"Outrageous. Can that really work against Raven..."

"You're not going to follow it?"

At my question, Crown glanced toward the city.

"You know what, Ash? Among monsters, the King of Kings does not interfere in civil wars."


"And now, as Raven's raging plague spreads throughout the Lake Kingdom, the other nightmare legion commanders have hidden in their bases, not wanting to suffer needless harm."

Crown looked at me intently again.

"So, the only person who can realistically kill Raven is... you."

Good thing this guy is quick to catch on.

Then Crown slowly nodded.

"Alright. We'll follow that plan. When do we start?"

I gave a sly smile.

"Right now!"


In the pouring rainstorm, Raven's consciousness was blurred.

If he was once 'the one who controlled the plague,' now he had become 'the plague itself.'

Having lost both body and soul, what remained was a drifting self-awareness.

Only swirling anger.

As hot air blasted over the cold city, the corrupted atmosphere whirled around at Raven's will, slowly rotting everything in its vicinity.

Boom! Boom-boom...!

Buildings with decayed pillars collapsed like dominoes.

"This isn't, right..."

Standing amidst the crumbling ancient towers, Raven spat out in an unclear voice.

"This isn't what it should be..."

This Lake Kingdom had been destroyed five hundred years ago. It's been a hell for a long time.

No matter how much he decays and corrodes this place, the plague cannot achieve real effect. It's like dropping a few drops of ink on a black canvas.

"I need to decay a world where people are alive..."

That's right.

Let's go outside.

Not to the hell under this lake, but to a bright world outside.

Basking in the sunlight, let's pour hell upon the lives of these lively, happy humans.

Because the reason he became a plague bearer was...


Raven emitted a dumbfounded groan.

What was it again?

Why did he start researching decay?

There was a time when he was just a normal human, a normal doctor. A time when he lived a peaceful, ordinary life like everyone else.

But why...?

How did it come to this?

"Anyway, it's fine."

Raven, now a grotesque, smog-like existence, slowly moved himself towards the surface - towards the main gate of the Lake Kingdom.

Yes, forget the past. Let's be true to our instincts now.

Just a bit to the north lies the world of humans.

"Was it called Crossroad...?"

He heard it's a small city, but there should be plenty of lives to kill and decay.

He didn't get permission to march from the King of Kings, but now it doesn't matter. All he needs is something living to decay.


Because... the reason he became a plague bearer was...


That's when it hit him. Raven sensed something and stopped.

His dark form, heading towards the surface, suddenly turned around.

"...What is this?"

His consciousness focused on the depths of the Lake Kingdom - towards the 10th Zone, his stronghold.

"Could this be...?!"


Lake Kingdom, 10th Zone. 'The Farm'.

On the land that seemed more like a blast site than a farm due to its decay and collapse.


I planted a flag.

"This land..."

At the same time, I declared.

"I proclaim this as the territory of the Empire!"


Magic power flowed out of my body, forming a grey fortress in the area.

It was a crude flag, just any cloth attached to a rough iron rod, but it was sufficient for [Imperial Edict]. I smirked.

[Imperial Edict] not only forms a magical fortress but also declares a 'conquest battle.'

If you win this 'conquest battle,' you can forcibly take control of the area.

So, using [Imperial Edict] at Raven's stronghold to trigger a forced conquest battle.

Raven, the owner of this farm, would have to be notified of the intrusion.

And naturally, he would realize that I was the only one capable of orchestrating such a plot.

So, no matter where he is in the world right now-


He would have no choice but to return.

To defend his territory.

And to kill me.

It didn't take long for Raven to show up. He was still squirming in a hideous form.

"Running away like a rat and now you return so boldly! Right into my farm! You're fearless!"

"It's a bit ironic to hear that from someone who brings a horde of rats..."

Indeed, trailing behind him, like black smoke or slime, were rats, insects, crows... or what used to be them, now half-melted and jelly-like. A ghastly sight.

"If you are going to walk right into my hands, I'm grateful..."

Raven, hovering in the air, gathered his strength, then,

"I'll rot you to nothing, Ash!"


He flew towards me, towards my grey fortress, spewing malice and stench.

"Stick to the plan, Crown!"

I gestured to Crown, standing in front of me on the fortress wall.

"Buy us time!"

"Damn it, so this is my role..."

"Didn't you join knowing this? Now, hurry!"

Crown, cursing, leaned forward and put a grey flute to his lips.


The flute in Crown's mouth emitted a high pitch.

As the sound of the flute echoed, the rats, bugs, and crows that had been following Raven suddenly began attacking him instead.

It was Crown, 'the Pied Piper' in action after a long time, with his ability to forcibly control monsters at his will.


"You ungrateful swine, forgetting the favor I've done for you!"


The abominations that had turned against Raven melted into bloody puddles in an instant. Raven showed no mercy, even to beings that were once his minions.

After clearing them out, Raven, emitting a dense toxic fog, charged towards us again.

In a flash, Raven's black, smog-like form soared over the fortress walls.

"Block him with your bodies!"

Crown shouted as he lunged forward, followed by the Nightcrawler unit colliding with Raven.


Though I'm not sure if it could be called a 'collision.'

The members of the unit wearing the white smiling masks were swept up in the plague, their skin rotting, bones dissolving, blood pouring out of their bodies.

But, true to their immortal nature, enduring pain no ordinary human could withstand, they stood their ground, and Raven cackled maniacally, taking his time to crush each of them.

"Good! Stand your ground! Try to last even a second longer! That will make the effort I put into cultivating this decay all the more worthwhile!"

Watching this horrific scene, I took a deep breath.

What I'm about to use is a special gimmick that can only be used once against Raven.

Using it at the wrong time would be a waste, making it difficult to kill Raven... That's why I've been waiting for the right moment.

But now, there's no need to hold back.

Just as Raven's black form grabbed Crown by the collar and was about to inject poison into his lips -

I gathered my strength and said,

"-I solemnly swear that I will dedicate my life to serving humanity."



Raven's movement froze, as if by magic.

My party members, who had been tensely waiting around me, the Nightcrawler unit members dying in blood, and Crown, grabbed by the collar by Raven,

Everyone at the scene stopped in sheer surprise, clearly 'frozen.'

But the most bewildered was Raven himself.

He stood motionless, seemingly unable to comprehend what was happening, then turned his smog-like body towards me and muttered dumbfoundedly,

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