Chapter 361: Chapter 361

Continuing from there, I toured the forward base with Lilly, discussing with the various guild masters who were making repairs.

While inspecting the equipment to be used in the upcoming defense, the guild masters finally guided me to a room in the basement of the forward base.

"I've heard that you are proceeding with the operation on the premise that this forward base might fall."

"That's how it turned out."

"Your Highness often takes direct command, and I feared that there might be a chance of danger..."

As the guild masters manipulated the wall of the basement, a hidden stone door was opened.

"We've prepared a space where you can safely take refuge in case of an emergency."


"It's not physically fortified, but it has a camouflage spell on it. If you hide in here, you could remain undetected for a few days."

Surprised, I opened my eyes wide and inspected the interior.

It was a cramped space that could barely fit one person. Inside, there was a little bit of water and provisions stocked up.

I tried squeezing myself into the space as a test. It was just spacious enough to move. It's almost like a coffin.

"It's a bit cramped."

"It's a one-person facility, intended only for Your Highness in an emergency."

"Isn't it possible to make it bigger? To fit about ten people..."

"With that scale, we'd lack the facilities, resources, and space. Above all, it would be unsafe."

Well, a larger space would indeed increase the likelihood of being discovered by enemies.

"This is strictly an emergency facility."

"Right. Ideally, we won't have to hide here in the first place."

Nonetheless, I appreciated such careful consideration. I expressed my gratitude to the guild masters.

After surfacing to the ground, I gestured to the south.

"Lastly, let's go check out that damned lake."

We teleported to the Lake's Landing.

The entrance to hell from which monsters will surge once the invasion starts. We arrived at the black lake.

Thud! Thud! Thud!


The noisy sound of hammering resonated around us.

At the lakeside, more workers than those assigned to the forward base were gathered, sweating profusely as they installed something. It was the 'trap' we had been diligently preparing.

Lilly swallowed her dry saliva as she looked down at the huge structure.

"Will this really... work?"

"It's worth a shot."

With my arms crossed, I meticulously surveyed the construction.

If it works as intended...

We might win this defensive battle quite easily. It could be a complete cakewalk.

"Alright, everyone! The monsters' invasion is imminent!"

I raised my voice to encourage the workers at the lakeside.

"You are protecting the world! Let's keep up the strength for just a few more days!"


And so, time flew by in an instant.

The night before the monsters would storm the forward base.


I was giving the operation plans scattered on my desk a final check.

I had drilled various strategies into my heroes and soldiers, but this battle was of an unprecedented scale.

Whether everything would go according to these plans...

That's when it happened.

Knock. Knock-knock. Knock.

There was a knock at the door of my office.

One, two, one. There's only one person who knocks like that. I responded.

"Come in."


It was Lucas who entered through the door. I furrowed my brow.

This guy, ever since the special forces incident, has been knocking in that peculiar way.

It seems to be a secret code that he and young Ash came up with.

After I used that pattern by chance during the last incident, he seems to be under the illusion that I am regaining my old memories.

'No, it was just a pattern that came to mind by chance. How would I know anything about Ash's childhood memories...'

Anyways, Lucas, who had come in with that knock, gave a sly grin. I put down the documents and gestured with my eyes.

"Hey, Lucas. We have a battle first thing tomorrow morning; why aren't you sleeping instead of..."

The response came from behind Lucas.

"Senior, what about you? Why are you not sleeping at this hour!"

Evangeline's petite face peeked out from behind Lucas, followed by Damien and Junior, who also poked their heads out.

"Good evening, Your Highness!"

"Ha ha, don't be too harsh on us, Your Majesty..."

They were the main party members. These guys came carrying drinks and snacks.

"We had a meeting in the reception room to prepare for tomorrow's strategy, and before we knew it, it was already this late."

Lucas explained.

"We were about to have some late-night snacks, but we saw the light on in your office, my lord. So we thought, why not join you?"

"I appreciate the thought, but I'm busy..."

As I was about to decline, Evangeline had already flung herself onto the sofa in my office.

"Goodness! You look like you're going to be wrapping your head around work for hours! Instead, play with us for just 10 minutes!"

"You little rascal...!"

"Does revisiting your notes over and over again right before the test really improve your score? Sometimes, taking a break can be more effective!"

Hmm, she wasn't making an entirely unreasonable point...

"We're all tense like a bowstring pulled tight, intentionally trying to relax a bit. Join us, senior!"

"Oh? Are you guys nervous too?"

"Of course, wouldn't you be? The monsters are numerous, suddenly I became a party leader, and then..."

Evangeline pouted her lips and chattered on.

"It's also the first time the main party with senior has been officially disbanded, so it's a bit unsettling..."


It was indeed the first time the main party had been officially disbanded.

Since this group became a party, whether I went up to the Imperial Capital or we acted separately, through various events, we had maintained the form of one party.

This was the first time all five of us were scattered. Each of us becoming a party leader for the first time was bound to be disconcerting.

Moreover, with 50,000 monsters approaching... their feelings must be complex.

I smiled wryly and put down the binder I was reading.

"You'll all do well."

They were all talented young people.

Heroes I could trust and rely on.

"Alright, alright. Let's take a break for just 10 minutes."


Evangeline let out a peculiar cheer.

As if they had been waiting, the main party members cozily sat down on the office sofa, chattering and starting to eat their snacks.

Sipping the hot coffee Lucas handed me, I thought to myself.

With these kids by my side, we will be able to overcome this battle, and the ones to come.

Definitely... we will.


The annex of the lord's mansion. The Shadow Squad's quarters.

Lilly and Godhand were sitting side by side on the bench by the door.

After sitting silently and looking up at the night sky, Lilly was the first to speak.


After a few awkward days, she finally mustered the courage.

Lilly tried to say.


"Lady Lilly."

But Godhand was one step ahead.

"Let's not have children."


A flustered Lilly looked towards Godhand. Godhand faced her with a serious expression.

"If you don't want to marry because you're afraid the child will be unhappy, then let's not have children."

"No, that's not..."

Here she was, having just resolved that it might be alright to have a child...

As Lilly stuttered, Godhand continued.

"I'll even give up on an Elvish marriage."

"Huh? Elvish marriage? What's that?"

"We're supposed to set up our bridal room in the tree. We have to live up there for the first week of marriage. Only then can we receive the World Tree's energy."

"Are we squirrels or something?"

"Oh, and we must only eat what comes from the tree. Fruits, nuts, budding leaves, things like that..."

Is this some kind of nutjob race?!

Lilly gasped in shock, to which Godhand nodded his head.

"I'll give it all up."


"If you're by my side, nothing else matters. I don't need anything else."

Godhand reached out and took Lilly's hand.

"So... please be with me."

A bitter smile crossed Lilly's lips as she took Godhand's hand in return.

"Let's think it over together."


"We have many days ahead of us, right? I'll adjust more to you. Whether it's having children or an elven-style wedding... I'll consider it positively. Let's think it over together."

Soon after, Lilly shook her head vehemently.

"...No. Even so, setting up a bridal room in a tree is too much. That can't happen."

"It's supposed to be really fun. There's this magnificent tree I've been eyeing on the southwest side of the city-"

"I said no! Not doing it!"

As Lilly vehemently shook her head, Godhand's face fell.

Seeing this, Lilly couldn't help but let out a laugh and leaned in closer to Godhand.

"I like you, Godhand."

"...Lady Lilly."

"I want us to get along well for a long, long time... So, you need to be careful in this upcoming battle."

Lilly exclaimed "Yah!" and clenched her fist tightly.

"If you find yourself in danger, call my name. I'll fly to your rescue. And burn all the enemies to a crisp."

Godhand let out a hearty laugh.

"I'll trust only in you, Lady Lilly."

Lilly's head then came to rest on Godhand's shoulder. Godhand gently pressed his cheek against her fiery red hair.

The lovers, leaning on each other, quietly gazed up at the stars in the southern sky.


...Night was passing.

Time flowed equitably for everyone.

At the forward base's makeshift barracks,

Even for Kuilan, who slept soundly, scratching his belly despite tomorrow's big battle, and the Penal Squad,

At the refugee camp in Crossroad,

For Dusk Bringar and her knights, who patrolled to ensure their people weathered the late winter night,

At the dungeon base camp,

For Verdandi and the Holy Grail Seekers, tense about joining the battle on the surface,

Near the city by Crossroad,

For Serenade and her Merchant Guild, who had arrived here following the refugee caravan,

To all the heroes, soldiers, workers, and citizens, and also.

"...Oh, God, please."

At the temple.

For Saintess Margarita, who finished her daily routine at dawn and prayed in front of the goddess statue before sleeping,

"Grant me the strength to save as many patients, as many lives as possible..."

And, again,

At the Leprosy Extermination Squad's barracks.

For Thorkell, who couldn't even remove his helmet before sleep.

Without offering his usual prayers to the goddess before a battle. Instead, he gazed up at the pallid moon until dawn.

Time flows impartially, ruthlessly fair.

And, far in the east-

The sun began to rise.

Burning away the darkness and the reprieve, the day of war... was dawning.



In the makeshift quarters of the great Goblin God-King.

"Great Kali-Alexander."

A subordinate goblin, Amir, entered just as Kali-Alexander had finished dressing in his official attire, cloak and all.

"The day of invasion is upon us." "Hmm."

Kali-Alexander, after fastening his scimitar to his waist, nodded his head.



As Kali-Alexander stepped out of the makeshift quarters, he found himself in the central square.

There, his legion of 50,000 was orderly and ready to march.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The goblins simultaneously slammed their weapons into the ground. The earth trembled as the sounds of their arms striking the ground echoed in unison.

It was a chilling spectacle.

Suddenly, the faces of the sorcerer couple who had taken him in and raised him flashed through Kali-Alexander's mind.

A bitter smile flickered across Kali-Alexander's lips.

'Ah, Mother, Father.'

It would have been better if, back then, when you found me in the field, you had killed me...

Then this monster would never have been born—

"To war! Slay all humans, and burn their world to ashes!"

Adjusting the helmet that combined a mask with a crown, the Goblin God-King uttered tersely.

"We were born for this very purpose."

And so, the war began.

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