Chapter 359: Chapter 359

The leader of the Leprosy Extermination Squad, Torkel, stood in front of the temple.

As usual, his helmet pushed down over his eyes and his body wrapped in bandages, he could only gaze at the temple from a distance, unable to enter.

He flinched, unable to step forward.

"Oh, Torkel?"

Damien, who had been sweeping around the temple, noticed him. They had grown familiar with each other from exploring dungeons together these past few days.

"What brings you here? Do you have business with the temple?"


Torkel hesitated before answering honestly.

"I feel troubled, wanting to ask the Goddess something. That's why I came."

"Then why not come in?"

"...But I am a leper. A body forsaken by the Goddess. I'm not sure if I should be praying in the temple..."

"Come on. Of course, you can. Were you worried about that?"

Damien smiled and gestured towards the inside of the temple.

"Please, come in! I'll show you around."


Torkel shook his head and slowly brought his hands together in front of his chest.

"If I am permitted to pray, I will do it here."

"Why not come inside? There's even a statue of the Goddess there."

"I can see the statue of the Goddess from here."

Torkel clenched his hands tightly and bowed his head. Damien stood by his side, keeping him company.

At that moment, Saintess Margarita came out of the temple entrance. She also appeared to be in the midst of cleaning, holding a broom in her hand.

"Damien! Why is the front cleaning taking so long!"

"Whoa, Saintess!"

"You've been slacking off these days, and if you continue, I'll increase your morning cleaning area— Oh."

Margarita, having just noticed Torkel in prayer, fell silent.

Damien smiled awkwardly, and Torkel slowly unwound his praying hands and lifted his head.

Torkel and Margarita awkwardly nodded to each other. The flustered Margarita asked Torkel,

"It's rare to see you here unharmed, Torkel. What prayer did you offer today?"

"...Truthfully, I didn't pray."


"I didn't know what to pray for."

Torkel continued in his distinct blunt voice.

"Ever since I contracted this disease long ago. I have lived praying secretly to the Goddess every day. Begging for forgiveness."


"Seeking absolution. Begging just this once to take this disease away."

Torkel looked down at his bandaged hands.

"But last time, the Saintess said to me. This disease is not a divine punishment. It's not because of any sin I committed."

His hands clenched tightly.

"Then what now? What should I pray for to the Goddess? Whose forgiveness should I seek? If not that, then who should I resent?"


"I was more at peace before. Just thinking it was a disease I deserved for my wrongdoings. That I deserved this divine punishment. I only had to resent myself... But now."

Torkel shook his head.

"I don't know anything. Nothing at all..."

Silence fell.

Damien rolled his large eyes, not knowing what to do.

Just as Margarita, after a moment of thought, was about to say something to Torkel,

Clatter! Clatter!

Down the road, a carriage carrying Ash appeared.


Ash, who had abruptly stopped the carriage, poked his head out and waved.

"Torkel! Damien! Good, you're all here. You're the last ones!"

"Your Highness."

"Prince, what's the matter?"

"It's a summons! We'll have a strategy meeting over lunch, so come to my residence by noon! Oh, the Saintess is here too. Please, join us!"

Following that, Ash stuck out his tongue, panting, and slumped back onto the carriage seat.

"Ah, I should've just sent someone, instead of personally setting out early in the morning and getting worn out from gathering everyone... Anyway, see you later~!"

Ash waved a hand, and the carriage started off again. Clip-clop, clip-clop...

As the carriage grew distant, Torkel nodded to Damien and Saintess Margarita.

"...Well, I should be off as well."

"Torkel, sir!"

Saintess Margarita called out to the departing Torkel.

"I'll ponder over that issue as well. So next time, don't get hurt and make sure to visit the temple, okay?"


"Understand? I'll be waiting. You must come."

Torkel nodded silently once more and then trudged away towards the other end of the city.

The two priests watched his retreating figure in silence.


"Phew, this is surprisingly exhausting."

I loosened the front of my shirt and fanned myself with my hand.

Having rounded up the heroes throughout the city since morning was grueling... I should've delegated this task. Why did I have to personally endure this hardship?

As I headed back to the lord's mansion, I noticed the bustling city and abruptly instructed the coachman.

"Wait! Stop the carriage!"

The carriage halted, and where I got off was right in front of the Silver Winter Merchant Guild's branch.

The guild's people were busily packing their belongings.

Because I had issued an evacuation order, civilians within the city were being sent to nearby cities as much as possible.

True to the guild's reputation, their packages were neatly wrapped.

Is it because they move so often? The skill in their packing was extraordinary. They could make a fortune running a moving company.

"Your Highness!"

Serenade, who had spotted me, rushed over.

She too had been working since morning, sweat beading on her forehead, and her aquamarine hair tied at the back of her neck. Her exposed white nape glistened with sweat.

"I was planning to visit you this afternoon. But you've come to us first."

I didn't want to upset her by saying I just happened to be passing by, so I just offered an awkward laugh. Ha ha.

"Are you heading out today?"

"Yes. Most of the guild has finished evacuating, and today, I and the last group will head to the northern city."

Serenade then gestured to someone at her side.

"Ah, Elize! Come here! Protect His Highness's side, as I told you before."


Dragging her Sword Coffin on the ground, Elize appeared reluctantly and murmured a half-hearted 'yes.'

I grimaced with a smile. Though unhappy about leaving her master's side, an SSR-grade swordsman is indeed invaluable. I'll make good use of her in the upcoming battle.

Elize, with a sullen face, stood behind me. Serenade nodded at the sight.

"We may be leaving Crossroad for now, but we will continue to send military supplies from the nearby cities to Crossroad."

"Thank you. It's just you, really."

By the way, I had requested reinforcements from the neighboring cities and nations... but not a single one had responded yet.

The only support coming from outside the city were the mercenaries who arrived of their own accord, and the military supplies brought in by the Silver Winter Merchant Guild. Everyone else was stingy...

"And, this time, we've managed to procure quite a significant shipment of military supplies."

Serenade smiled coyly.

"We'll send it here as quickly as possible. I hope it will be of help to you."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it."

I don't know what it is, but if the Silver Winter Merchant Guild claims it's significant, it must be something quite substantial. Perhaps an SSR-grade artifact.

Serenade then stepped closer to me, looking up with concern.

"Your Highness, I sincerely wish you good luck. You mustn't get hurt."

"Thank you. You be careful too."

Facing this young lady who had come all this way because of me, and now was evacuating to the next city, I gave her a bitter smile.

Serenade gazed at me for a moment before reaching out to take my hand, and then lightly pressed her lips to the back of it.

Her soft lips left a fleeting sensation on my skin before she pulled away.

I watched dumbly for a moment before snapping back to reality.

"Uh... does that mean something?"

Was there some significance to this kiss on the back of my hand, like a blessing or something?

"No, it has no meaning whatsoever."

Serenade answered confidently, her silver eyes curving like the crescent moon as she smiled.

"I just wanted to do it."


My face heated up first, and Serenade, her cheeks turning red as well, slowly bowed.

"Then, Your Highness, let's make sure we meet again safely."

"...Yes, let's."

There's no way I intend to game over in a place like this.

I replied with certainty in my voice.

"Let's meet again, Serenade. Definitely."


Noon. The lord's mansion.

Even though I had only gathered the key heroes and the leaders of the reserve party, the reception room was full.

'I'll have to build a large hall to accommodate all the heroes together.'

Since there were many of us and it was lunchtime, we substituted a meal with a simple tea and sandwiches.

"Eat while you listen. First off, there's something I need to tell you... For this defensive battle, we're going to change the composition of some parties."

Lucas and Evangeline, munching on sandwiches, looked at me in surprise.

I nodded. Yes, this concerns you.

"I'm disbanding the main party."



"Lucas, Evangeline, Damien, Junior. You will each become party leaders and command your respective parties."

Lucas would lead the swordsman and knight party.

Evangeline, the shield tank party.

Damien, the archer and sniper party.

Junior, the mage party.

I had sifted through the reserve party members to find usable hero characters. They were to be assigned to each of their respective parties.

"We'll call them Lucas's party, Evangeline's party, Damien's party, and Junior's party."

Evangeline shook her head in disbelief.

"You really have a knack for naming things, senior."

"Quiet. It's a temporary party, so let's keep it intuitive."

This battle would be on a scale unlike any we've faced before.

The enemies are goblins.

A legion that overwhelms with numbers, though each individual is not that strong.

That's why we also need to spread our forces broadly while maintaining a combat power advantage.

The main party is undoubtedly powerful, but too formidable to be clumped into one.

For this battle, it seemed better to split and manage them in smaller units.

"Once today's meeting is over, sync up with your party members. I've organized them by similar combat styles, so it shouldn't be difficult."

By the way, I've assigned Elize to Lucas's party. The synergy of the SSR grade knight & swordsman duo is already something to look forward to.

"I'll now call out the roster for each newly formed party. Sit at the same table with your party to get acquainted."

I called out the names of the members of the newly formed parties, and soon the heroes were bustling around, taking seats at their respective tables.

They glanced at each other like a group of university students meeting for a group project for the first time...

I'm expecting to dish out A+ grades, so I hope they overcome the initial awkwardness and get along well.

As Lucas was exchanging greetings with his party members, he suddenly looked my way, as if he had just remembered something.

"Then who will guard our lord?"

"I don't need a guard. I'm not planning to go to the front lines if I can help it."

...I mean, what's with those looks? Their eyes were filled with doubt, as if they didn't trust me at all.

Since none of them seemed to put away their skeptical gazes, I reluctantly added.

"After all, I'll always have at least one party with me, so don't worry about my safety."

Despite the party members still shooting worried glances... Tsk! These people! I ignored them and continued speaking.

"Likewise. We'll also add two more to the Shadow Squad. This is also a temporary arrangement just for this defense battle."

The Shadow Squad, currently only three strong, struggled to function as a full party. Therefore, a shield warrior and an archer were added to the lineup.

The selection criteria were primarily 'how mild is their animosity towards elves.'

The composition of the group is such that as long as the three members of the Shadow Squad are providing firepower, the rest can just support.

The Penal Squad, Dragonblood Knights, Leprosy Extermination Squad, and the Holy Grail Seekers, who promised to support, will stick with their original formation.

This is because they are already a complete party, and each has their own affiliations to consider.

Then I turned to look at Margarita and said,

"Saintess. You will not enter combat this time. Please devote yourself to treating the injured at the temple."

"I understand."

"Instead, we'll build a teleportation gate at the temple. This will make transporting the injured more efficient."

If it were feasible to fight with heroes at the forefront, I would bring Margarita to the front lines to serve as a field medic.

However, this time, we anticipate substantial casualties among the regular soldiers. It seemed better to respond from the temple where the healing facilities were well equipped.

Margarita nodded.

"We have finished expanding the infirmary and stocking up on medical supplies. All the priests are prepared for the upcoming battle."

"Thank you, as always. Let's just get through this one with a little effort."

I also announced various party reorganizations, and decided to post the restructured party list outside.

"Well, I've said this and that, but in truth, such changes in formation might end up being meaningless."

I smirked.

"I've dug a gigantic trap that might just capture them all."


All the heroes looked surprised.

Lucas asked,

"A trap?"

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