Chapter 350: Chapter 350


The horn sounded,

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The rhythmic beats of leather drums resonated.

Through the swirling clouds of dust, the orderly advancing monsters were green-skinned.

Green Skin.

This derogatory term used for lumping Orcs and Goblins together also simultaneously carried an aura of dread.

For the average citizen living in this world, these frequently appearing monsters were the closest form of disaster.

Locust swarms, tsunamis, plagues, and forest fires.

The flowing green death. That was the Green Skin.

However, to be honest,

For me, who had encountered them through games in a world completely unrelated to this one, Green Skin was nothing more than the image of 'trash mobs.'

Just early game trash mobs that are numerous in number but hardly give any decent items. Mere bundles of experience points.

However, when it became a reality, the sensation was different.

'What the fuck.'

I felt the cold sweat trickling down my spine as I surveyed the endlessly advancing hordes.

'Why are there so many?'

The number of this Goblin army standing before the Colosseum was, at the very least, around a thousand.

This is weird. Isn't this a number you'd expect in the defense of Crossroad?

'Who cares about numbers! They're just Goblins!'

Each unit had the absolute lowest stats. Among all the monster armies in the game, Goblins had the worst stats and potential.

Just mow them down with AoE attacks!

I hastily scattered mana cores to build defense towers and summoned all my captured monsters.

Most importantly, right now we are the attackers, seizing the enemy's territory.

If worst comes to worst, there are teleport gates and emergency escape scrolls. If things go south, we can always run.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The Goblin army, donned in medieval Middle Eastern-style armor, finished their formation.

So thoroughly trained, not a single gap was visible among the thousand Goblins who formed ranks and stood still.

Clippity-clop, clippity-clop—

A tall Goblin mounted on a mountain goat stepped forward.

Wearing leather armor, draped in a golden cloak, and wearing a helmet that was a combination of a mask and a crown.

The overlord governing the Green Skins. The Goblin God-King who enslaved Orcs.

Kali-Alexander had personally graced the battlefield.

'I didn't expect to meet him this soon.'

I curled the corners of my mouth upwards.

I had encountered the commanders of their armies whenever I entered dungeons with a boss stage. It was the same with Celendion and Lunared.

So I had somewhat expected that this guy would make a personal appearance this time, too.

And there's a decisive difference between the Vampire King, the Wolf King, and the Goblin God-King. That's the strength of the boss unit.

Vampire King and Wolf King were ridiculous overbalanced monsters, nearly making up more than half of the total army's combat power.

However, the Goblin God-King is the complete opposite. His own combat power may be high for a Goblin, but it is much lower compared to other bosses.

The Goblin army solely relies on overwhelming numbers, numbers, and more numbers.

In other words—

'If I encounter him in the dungeon, I can definitely kill him!'

Killing him now during this occupation battle would be much easier than during a defense battle! Even if their numbers aren't small, it's worth a shot!

"Should I snipe him, Your Highness?"

Damien whispered to me. But I shook my head.

"...He has an item that nullifies ranged attacks. Even your sniping would be ineffective."

The Goblin God-King has the weakest physical abilities of any boss monster.

However, he is armed with several good items.

Especially, his armor and cloak were absurd cheat items that made the wearer immune to all ranged and magical attacks.

However—melee combat was his weak point.

And most of the party members I brought this time specialized in close combat.

If we could just get close, we could slice through his armor in one breath...!

I quietly passed this information on to my party members. They nodded in agreement.

Once the battle began, Junior's area magic and Damien's sniping would clear the way.

Penal Squad, Dragonblood Knights, along with Lucas and Evangeline, would charge toward the enemy leader. The strategy was to take his head off.

'Walking into your own grave! What a fool!'

I licked my drying lips as I waited for the occupation battle countdown.

I had even prepared to use [Gardis Blessing] here if needed. This was a prime opportunity to easily finish this defensive battle.

That's when it happened. Kali-Alexander stepped forward and spoke fluently.

"I did not come here to fight."

His voice was husky and weary, yet surprisingly, had a neutral beauty.

"Which among you is the guardian of humanity, the 'player' opposing the King of Kings?"

He was asking, but Kali-Alexander was staring straight at me. He seemed to already suspect that I was that player.

"I want to talk."


"I kindly request it. Let's converse."


A message appeared before my eyes.

[Enemy Commander 'Kali-Alexander' has requested a 'Commander Meeting.']


Commander Meeting.

It was the same special gimmick I once used against Celendion in Stage 5.

A special gimmick exclusive to boss stages. Both commander characters are disabled for 10 turns. Success rate 100 percent.

Thanks to it, I was able to bind Celendion for 10 turns. It's a really good gimmick if used correctly.

By the way, I couldn't use it in Stage 10 because Lunared was too far away and the situation elsewhere was too urgent.

'Who would have thought they'd initiate this...'

In disbelief, I let out a hollow laugh.

I didn't realize when I used it against Celendion.

"...Fine, I accept."

This is so damn annoying!

I had the enemy boss in kill range, and suddenly we can't touch each other for 10 turns while we talk. And you can't even refuse it.

Whether this is the manners of this world, or some kind of romance, it pisses me off.

As soon as I sent the OK signal, Kali-Alexander nodded and gestured behind him.

His subordinate goblins came out with a table and chairs and placed them in the open space between their camp and the magic fortress.


Annoyed, I flicked my hair back and flicked my fingers. In response to my will, the fortress gates creaked open.

"30 minutes."

Stepping outside the fortress, I winked at my party members.

"Once the meeting ends, immediately attack and kill that goblin. Understood?"

"Yes, my lord."

Lucas responded reliably, his eyes shining.

Dusk Bringar and Kuilan, looking anxious, rushed to my sides.

"Ash, are you going out there alone? Isn't it dangerous?"

"Captain! Let's just attack and wipe them out! My fists can make mincemeat out of them!"

I gently shook my head.

"It won't work like that... and I've had meetings with enemy commanders before. Don't worry too much."

From the fortress walls, Junior and Damien were sharply eyeing the goblin army. My safety was assured.


Meanwhile, the goblin army remained expressionless, simply holding their ground.

Even in front of the strange spectacle of their king going alone to converse with the enemy commander, they showed no emotional disturbance.

Step by step. Step by step.

I walked toward the table.


The Goblin King lightly dismounted from the saddle of his mountain goat and stood next to the table.

We stood across from each other at the table. Kali-Alexander was the first to bow his head slightly, showing courtesy.

"Kali-Alexander. Legion Commander of the Goblin Army."

I gave a slight nod in return.

"Ash. Commander of the Southern Front of the Everblack Empire."


So saying, Kali-Alexander was the first to take a seat. I followed suit.



An awkward silence ensued.

The Goblin King seemed to be scrutinizing me through the eyes hidden within his mask. I stared right back without flinching.

He was dressed in clothes reminiscent of medieval Middle Eastern attire, down to the scimitar hanging at his waist, curved like a crescent moon. Even the patterns engraved on his golden cape and the leather armor he wore seemed Middle Eastern.

After staring at me for what seemed like an eternity, I finally tapped on the table, irritated.

"Hey, you call me here to talk and then just stare at my face?"

"Ah... I apologize. It's been a long time since I've seen a living human."

Kali-Alexander bowed his head awkwardly.

"In my lifetime, I hadn't spoken to humans since the war broke out. After I died and was resurrected here, I was in a destroyed darkness... I haven't encountered a living human since."


"Speaking to a living human again has been centuries in the making. I got lost in the moment. I apologize."

Annoyed, I leaned back against the chair's backrest.

"Fine, what's your business calling me here? Hope it's not something stupid. I don't particularly have anything to discuss with you."

I want to end this fast and slit your throat, you Goblin freak.

Then, Kali-Alexander hesitantly spoke.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. Actually, I called you here for a very stupid reason."

"A very stupid reason?"

"That is, if it's okay with you..."

Hesitating for a moment, Kali-Alexander lifted his head to look at me.

"...Could you recite a poem for me?"

...He had made an utterly unexpected request.

I was briefly stunned.

Almost a minute passed before I managed to ask, "...What? A poem? You want me to recite a poem?"

"Yes, a poem. Or it doesn't have to be a poem; song lyrics are fine, or even a short story."

Kali-Alexander was practically begging with his hands clasped.

"Please. The last time I heard a human poem was before I started the war. Now, it's a distant old memory."


"If you know a line of poetry, could you please share it? Just one line would be enough. Please..."

I was utterly baffled.

A Goblin? Wanting a poem? Why? And so desperately?

Rejecting him outright seemed pointless, and I happened to know a fair number of Earth's poems.

I lifted my head and beyond the darkness of the Lake Kingdom, the black water surface dimly glittered as if it had caught the sunlight.

For a moment, it looked like a star rising in the pitch-black winter sky.


Taking a deep breath, I recited a stanza from an English poem that came to mind.

Years go, dreams go, and youth goes too,

The world's heart breaks beneath its wars,

All things are changed, save in the east,

The faithful beauty of the stars.

The short recitation came to an end.


Kali-Alexander fell silent.

I felt a bit awkward. What's going on? He asked me to recite the poem, and now there's no reaction?

"Hey, are you going to react or..."

Just as I was about to break the silence,

Drip. Drip.

That's when I noticed.

The droplets flowing down from beneath Kali-Alexander's masked helmet.

'What the, what is this?'

Could it be that he's...

"Are you crying right now?"


Kali-Alexander slowly lowered his head, and in a voice laden with moisture, he mumbled.

"It's so beautiful that, without even realizing it, I just..."

Confused, I stared at the Goblin King before me.

Am I seeing things?

A goblin moved to tears by poetry?

"The way the transparent sunlight filters through a clear lens, bursting forth a halo of pure light... How can one not be moved when such pure language is refined to create such beautiful verses?"

Not bothering to wipe away his tears, Kali-Alexander spoke.

"How beautiful and great human culture is. A few words stir the soul and wet even this old heart with emotion."

Kali-Alexander took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

"My kind have neither poetry, song, nor drama. I, too, am by nature violent, capable only of leading an army to kill and burn."


"What a pity! Why was I born a goblin?"

I just quietly listened to the Goblin King's mutterings.

"All I can do is kill and burn."

For some reason, this monster, who should be my sworn enemy,

"All I can do is kill and burn..."

Looked, for just a moment, quite pitiable.

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