Chapter 296: Chapter 296

A few days ago,

"Young Prince, do you know how the teleportation magic works?"

When I had ordered the second and third teleport gates, the Witch of Severance, Coco, had suddenly asked this. I casually responded,

"I'm pretty much clueless about magic. Isn't it just a matter of whooshing in and out?"

Teleportation is just that, isn't it? Perhaps some tips from the game director during the process, but that's about it.

"To put it simply, teleportation cuts through space, pushes the target into another dimension, and then 'pulls' them out at the destination," Coco explained seriously, contrary to my casual demeanor.

"So, while inside the teleport gate... when you step into the magic portal, you're briefly stepping into 'another world'."

"Oh, I see."

I half-listened. Being constantly in another world in my everyday life, another brief trip wouldn't be much of a shock.

"The challenge isn't entering another world. It's returning to reality."

Yet, Coco leaned in, her eyes narrowed and intense, urging me to pay close attention.

"You must have a firm beacon of light, a sense of 'self', to emerge back into this reality."

"Hmm... I see?"

I played along, not quite grasping her point. But Coco squinted at me.

"That's why occasionally, those who don't possess a firm sense of self often go missing during teleportation. They lose the light of their beacon and drift away."

I swallowed hard.

She wasn't giving me a subtle warning, was she? It was just a user manual, right?

"For the same reason, beings born from nightmares can't use teleportation magic. If they enter a teleport gate, they'll be swept away to the other side, into oblivion."

"So, the monster bastards can't use the gates? That's reassuring."

"But they can destroy the teleport gates themselves."

Tapping the stone structure that made up the teleport gate, Coco clarified that it was a destructible object.

"The reason the gates inside the dungeon remain intact is because Nameless illuminated them with a 'light' taken from her soul, preventing monsters from approaching. I further reinforced them with a barrier."

I blinked in surprise. So, that's how our safe points were established.

"I don't know where you're going to set up these gates in the outside world, but remember this: gates can be destroyed, they're not safe."

With an uncharacteristically heavy voice, Coco spoke slowly, emphasizing every word,

"And if one loses their own light, they might lose their way inside."

Her words were kind, but they sent a shiver down my spine. I gulped nervously.

Regardless of her warning, I'm still going to set up more gates!


Present time,

Between Crossroad and the Black Lake, we moved as a small guerrilla group using the teleport gates we had set up.

Ambushing the northward-moving monster horde, pouring firepower onto them, and then quickly retreating became our repetitive strategy.

A few days earlier.

The Skeleton Legion wasn't exactly the most agile of monsters, so it was possible to safely strike and retreat.

With Junior's magic and Damien's sniping barrage, we unleashed a barrage on them. Before the severely damaged monsters could retaliate in their rage, we quickly retreated to the teleport gates.

"But, Your Highness, the monsters can't use these gates, can they?"

Damien tilted his head as we used one of the teleport gates, discreetly hidden in a secluded forest path.

After summarizing the explanation I had heard from Coco a few days ago, Damien nodded in understanding.

"So, while the monsters can't use these teleport gates, they can destroy them?"

"Exactly. But we don't have any magical means to create safe points... our best strategy is to hide these gates as well as we can."

"And if they find out?"

In an innocent tone, Damien posed the painful question. I answered with a grimace.

"Well, they'd just destroy it..."

While the construction cost for the teleport gates was steep, it was a price worth paying if it meant effectively dealing damage to the monster bastards. Even if they ended up being used once and destroyed.

"The most important thing is to ensure a safe environment where our side's heroes and soldiers can fight without being injured or killed."

That was the ultimate goal.

Junior, who had been listening to our conversation, chuckled, "Your Highness truly values your subordinates."


I hesitated.

Did I?

Did I truly value my subordinates, or was it just that I couldn't bear the guilt of losing them?

"No matter what motivates you, Your Highness, you're taking action. You value human life above all."

As she entered the teleport gate, Junior flashed a knowing smile, "Isn't that enough?"

With that, she disappeared into the magical portal.


As Damien stepped forward, he exclaimed, "We've almost gotten rid of all the monster bastards! Let's finish this, Your Highness!"


Damien, with a flash, disappeared into the teleport gate's light.

Taking a deep breath, I followed, pushing myself into the gate.

"Let's go!"

We were nearing the end of this stage!



With the counter-attack at the forward base and two guerrilla attacks over three days, we effectively reduced the number of the Skeleton Legion.

By the day of the defensive battle, the monsters that reached the walls of Crossroad were a pitiful group, a mere tenth of the size of the original horde we encountered at the lake.

Not only were their numbers reduced, but these creatures were also battered from our guerrilla attacks. They bore the scars of Junior's magic and Damien's sniping, making them ragged and worn.

From atop the walls, as I gazed down at these creatures, I slowly raised my hand.


Clink! Clink!

The soldiers, on standby, moved swiftly.

The well-trained soldiers aimed the already loaded cannons with precision. A row of cannons, aligned on the steel walls, were set alight simultaneously.

The Skeleton horde was precisely within range. I thrust my hand forward.


Boom! Kaboom!

As I swung my hand down, dozens of cannonballs rained down onto the monsters' ranks.


The fiery explosion swept over the area where the Skeleton horde once stood.

Immediately after, a flurry of ballistae and various throwing artifacts followed. The skeletons were shattered under the crossfire from our side.

After the first salvo, I clenched my fist in mid-air. The soldiers immediately halted their actions, and the shooting stopped.

When the thick smoke cleared, no moving creature was in sight.

All that remained were burnt husks...

I opened the enemy status window to check for any living monsters. As expected, none were alive.

"No casualties. No injuries."

Lucas, who came up beside me, grinned, "A complete victory, my lord."


I turned and smiled at my heroes and soldiers.

"These damn monster bastards! They're too scared to even approach our walls now! Right?!"

At my shout, the heroes and soldiers erupted in cheers.

I waited for the cheering and applause to subside, then nodded.

"Everyone! You've done well! Let's keep this up!"


"Now, let's eat and rest!"

The soldiers began tidying up the equipment on the walls, their faces gleaming with the joy of victory and relief of survival.


I scanned the battlefield littered with monster remains.

Although there were no casualties, the physical exhaustion was greater than the previous battles.

From the forward base battle, the guerrilla operation, to the recent defense, I had been involved in operations for over three days.

'Had I overdone it?'

Being my first time conducting operations this way, I personally supervised every battle.

I had to ensure the operation went as planned and be ready to intervene in case of unforeseen events.

While the other heroes took turns, I sustained myself with short naps and rest, staying awake for three consecutive days. It was no wonder I was fatigued.

But if I had to suffer a bit more to prevent potential losses, I'd gladly do it.

'I need to keep moving, find new methods, and stockpile contingency plans. To secure complete victory...'

With these thoughts, I turned around.

To my surprise, the main members of my party were standing behind me, waiting.

Evangeline, with a playful smile, said, "Let's go, senior! You've worked hard these past few days! After a victory, you should rest!"

As she spoke, Damien and Junior grabbed me by the arms, leading me into the walls.

Evangeline led the way, with Lucas following leisurely behind.

The sight of the four of them escorting me made me chuckle.

"Alright, you rascals. I'm not going anywhere. Let go. I'll walk!"

Damien and Junior released me, chuckling. Ugh, these brats.

Just as they let go of me and I set my feet on the castle floor, a wave of dizziness hit.

'What the...?'

Everything began to spin, and a numbing cold enveloped me. Nausea welled up inside, and heat rushed to my face.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Doubling over, I coughed dryly and wiped beneath my dripping nose.



I murmured, dumbfounded.

Simultaneously, I lost feeling in my toes. Strength drained from my body, and I collapsed.

The shocked faces of my party members spun around the edges of my vision. Their urgent voices echoed in my ears.

My lord, senior, emperor, your majesty...!

Between the frantic hands trying to grab hold of me and the fading familiar voices, I lost consciousness and sank into a deep abyss.



[STAGE MVP - Evangeline(SSR)]

[Level-Up Characters]

>Main Party:

- Ash(EX) Lv.49 (↑1)

- Lucas(SSR) Lv.52 (↑1)

- Evangeline(SSR) Lv.52 (↑1)

- Damien(EX) Lv.52 (↑1)

>Sub Party 1:

- Kuilan(SR) Lv.51 (↑1)

- Tuesday(R) Lv.44 (↑1)

- Wednesday(R) Lv.44 (↑1)

- Becky(R) Lv.44 (↑1)

- OnTheRock(R) Lv.42 (↑1)

>Sub Party 2:

- GodHand(SR) Lv.46 (↑1)

- BodyBag(R) Lv.41 (↑1)

- Burnout(SR) Lv.40 (↑1)

[Deceased and Injured Characters]

- None

[Acquired Items]

- Skeleton Legion Magic Stones: 189

- Skeleton Mage Magic Core(R): 3

- Skeleton Marshal Magic Core(SR): 2

[Your stage clear reward has been given. Please check your inventory.]

- R-grade Reward Box: 3

- SR-grade Reward Box: 1

>> Get Ready For The Next STAGE

>> [STAGE 12: Winter is Coming]

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