Chapter 19

Cahir called on her and told her to pay more attention to the children. The children were cute, but Ella had no idea of what to do or how to treat them. It was hard to force her to sacrifice her own love to look after them. She felt betrayed by Cahir, who showered his kids with love and attention. Her possessiveness went to the extremes, demanding him to love only her, not the children.

The relationship between the two gradually fell apart, but he didn’t let go of Ella. Ella’s mental health deteriorated due to her dissatisfaction with Cahir and she began searching for fulfillment elsewhere.

When Ella reached middle age, her need for luxury and tyranny reached its climax. People went out of their way to avoid making eye contact with her. The Imperial Palace was on thin ice.

That night, Ella saw Cahir with another woman. As soon as Ella slapped the ungrateful maid, she tore into Cahir. He tried to explain to her that it was a misunderstanding, but Ella refused to listen. Instead, she got angier because Cahir insisted on defending the girl from her.

She slapped him harder than one would a horse.

The next day, the nobles rose to their feet. They could no longer sit back and tolerate Ella’s atrocities, which called for special measures. The call for violence had been increasing.

Cahir could not abandon Ella. Instead, he locked her up in the Third Star Palace. She ended up dying there. It was such a miserable death for the heroine of a novel.

But then she came back.

She didn’t know why she got a second chance. This time, Ella vowed to do it right.

Everything would follow the flow of the novel. She thought she could do even better since she already did it once. However, she later realized that something was off.

At the banquet where they were supposed to have their first meeting, Cahir was supposed to wear a black suit that would match well with Ella’s dress. However, this time he wore a white suit instead. Frustrated, Ella ran away.

Then, after a whole year, she looked into what had changed. Even more things had, and there was one person who seemed to be behind it all.


She was called the tyrant’s tranquilizer and an experienced mediator among the aristocrats. Rosaline, an angel and self-proclaimed judge, was glued to Cahir’s side.

Ella had no choice but to hold Azela’s hand in order to meet Cahir again. At first, she would be hated by Cahir, but Ella believed that one day he would understand her. But that was all Ella’s delusions. Cahir’s eyes showed no emotions after seeing Ella.

“It’s all her fault. It’s all because of her.” Ella clenched her fists, crumpling the page that described Roasline’s death.

Destiny was fixed. It couldn’t be changed recklessly. People who are destined for death will die one day.

Ella’s eyes glowed brightly. (pg 4-5)


Derek felt sorry for Cahir. He sat at his desk with his hands on his forehead without facing the light gleaming off of his back. Cahir seemed deeply distressed by the weight of marriage hanging on his shoulders.

Derek knew better than anyone why Cahir had put off getting married. He was a man who couldn’t love anyone wholeheartedly. He had never been loved, nor seen any true forms of love throughout his life.

“Your Majesty, it’s getting late. If you don’t want to be late for the breakfast meeting with Berlos’ new priest tomorrow morning, you’d better go to bed early.”

Cahir looked at Derek with a slight tilt of his head. His scarlet eyes were deeply sunken. Who knew what he was thinking about.

“Derek, are you getting married?”

Derek was startled at Cahir’s sudden question, but grinned when he thought of Hui.

“Yes, I will.”

“Is it Hui?”


Cahir frowned as he listened to Derek’s answer. He could feel the affection Derek had towards Hui. Would it be possible for him to be like that? Cahir couldn’t understand it at all.

“Why are you getting married?”

“Are you talking about marriage in general, or Your Majesty’s own marriage?”

Dereked asked back. Cahir went silent. Cahir was already well aware. He only asked because he didn’t want to get married.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to move on this time.”

Derek seemed to be adding fuel to the fire, placing the proposal from the Council of Nobles on Cahir’s desk. Cahir turned on the small mana stone lamp on his desk.

His face darkened dramatically. That’s why the Duke of Pasita had forced himself to come. The proposal from the Council of Noble was an urge for Cahir to marry.

“Darn it,” Cahir growled.

Now he really couldn’t put it off. (pg 6-9)


Rosaline washed herself in cold water as soon as she came in. She suddenly came to her senses. Even after telling off Ella, she didn’t feel any better. On the contrary, her mind became a jumbled mess.

‘But Ella is the heroine….’

Did she make a mistake?


Rosaline recalled Anthony’s words. She had a hunch. Plus, wasn’t Ella a transmigrator like Rosaline?

This wasn’t Ella, the perfect half who would help to fill the void of Cahir’s heart. Nevertheless, as luck would have it, the author constantly emphasized the fact that Ella and Cahir were “fated lovers’. They mentioned it hundreds of times throughout the novel…

‘Is this how a mother feels? Can I change that too?’

Rosaline changed many parts of the novel. She even took a stand against Ella, the heroine, who gave off negative vibes.

“Haah, I don’t know.”

Rosaline dipped her head of lavender hair into the washbasin of cold water.


When Rosaline arrived at Cahir’s bedroom the next morning, he was all set, dressed in a white suit with golden embroidery.

When she saw Cahir, her heart pounded and an unknown source of pride filled her heart.

‘It’s my motherly heart.’

Rosaline recalled her mother’s eyes looking at her brother when he got into a good university in the past.

Her lips involuntarily raised into a smile.

“What is the schedule for today?” asked Cahir, who had seen Rosaline grinning. He handed over the crown.

Rosaline came back to her senses. She shifted through Cahir’s schedule at once.

“At dawn, you’ll have to look at documents on tax adjustments near the border, and there is a meeting with the priest from Berlos. Afterwards, there will be a meeting with administrators on securing funds for the construction of the temple. You have an appointment with the head of the Imperial Knights, Sir Hamburg, for lunch. You can take a tea break for 30 minutes after eating, then immediately…”

“Stop it, I’m becoming light-headed from just listening to you talk.”

Rosaline raised her eyebrows for a moment in surprise. He’s really become much more mature. In the past, Cahir would have made a fuss about how nobody would endure this kind of schedule and clear out all his appointments…

‘Five years have changed this man.’

“Hey, Rosaline.” Cahir frowned.

It must have been her strong maternal instincts, but even looking at such a grim face made her want to laugh. Rosaline smiled.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Taxation issues on the border were serious. It was partly because the continent was so vast that the royal family could not pay attention to it, but it was more due to the greedy tendency of individuals.

“I should have left it half done. Send the knights. No, I want to see your face, I’ll go there myself.”

“Your Majesty? No, we’ll take care of it on our own.”

The administrator who managed the knights belonging to the royal family was very surprised. It was obvious that countries adjacent to the border would be very nervous to hear the emperor was leading and moving knights directly to the far border. At last, the situation on the continent, which was caught up in the atmosphere of peace, was once again on the eve of a storm.

“Why? Is there a reason I shouldn’t go?”

There were many reasons. However, the administrator swallowed his words and couldn’t answer. If he made a mistake, then his head would go flying and get trampled under the Empire’s flag.

The administrator’s eyes turned to Rosaline. He shot her a pleading look. Cahir’s eyes narrowed. He began drumming the desk with his long fingers.

The atmosphere of the conference room changed when he became upset. Even though the windows were tightly closed, a chilling wind blew in from somewhere. His scarlet eyes were as cold as ice.

As time went by, more eyes fell on Rosaline. They became more mournful and desperate.

“Rosaline.” Cahir stared at his secretary sitting next to him.

Why did people keep looking at Rosaline?

Was Rosaline special?

It didn’t seem like anything had changed about her.

Rosaline was the same as usual. She wore a light purple dress that reached the ground and had little embellishments. No corsage, no gemstones, only a little bit of lace.

Round, soft eyes, gentle curves from forehead to nose, thick lips, and fair skin. She looked just as she usually did.

“Yes, Your Majesty, let me know if you’ve called.”

Rosaline was burdened by Cahir’s stare. Now everyone in the conference room was watching her.

Cahir flung himself up onto the desk. Little Rosaline’s body was obscured by Cahir’s body. The people sitting on the side of Cahir had their vision blocked.

“People keep looking at you. It’s disgusting.”

Rosaline knew why people were watching. It was a look pleading for help, but Cahir would never know. He was the reason why people looked towards her in the first place.

She couldn’t decide what to say. It was irritating, but the reason why people looked at her was to save themselves. What did he want her to do?

Rolling her eyes, she tried to think of something to say. Cahir reached out one hand and grabbed her by the chin. With her chin in his grasp, he turned Rosaline’s face around in all directions. Rosaline puffed up her cheeks at the sudden touch.

“Did… you get prettier? Is that why everyone’s looking at you? I don’t think so. I’m annoyed. That’s it for today’s meeting.” Cahir leapt to his feet after releasing Rosaline, who had become as hard as a stone statue. “Get a record of all the tax-evading nobles, go inside and report everything to Rosaline. Meeting adjourned.”

Cahir quickly completed his work order. Administrators moved in unison, fearing Cahir would lead the knights back to the border.


“Rosaline, do you have anything to eat these days?”

“Rosaline, did you change your makeup?”


“Your Majesty, stop asking! It’s the same. Nothing has changed!”

On their way to the breakfast hall, Cahir constantly asked questions. The common point of the repeated questions was, “Why did you change and when did you change?”

“Nothing’s changed?”

“Yes, not at all. Nothing!” Rosaline said with all her might.

Cahir snorted and slowly looked around Rosaline with his hands behind him.

Rosaline’s head naturally turned along Cahir. “Your Majesty, what are you doing?”

“I’m just making sure nothing has really changed. That’s very strange.”

“What? Are people looking at me? Your Majesty, I’m asking you to stop.” she retorted coolly.

She thought he would be angry, but Cahir took it unexpectedly.

“Let’s just say they are.”

“Is there anything left?”

Cahir was the type to ensure he saw the end of a flower once it bloomed. If one liked fruits from foreign countries, you had to conquer the area in order to obtain them. The library of the Aetheus Empire became the best library on the continent because Cahir was interested in books. He was born with talent, but he also had to learn everything. As such, Cahir began to pay attention to Rosaline’s personal information. It must have been frustrating.

“Why do I keep looking at you?”

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