180 Shredded Chicken Shaved Noodles

In the end, Ji Zhao bought this enameled porcelain snuff bottle for nine taels.

In addition, she specially bought an exquisite brocade box.

Shen Ji Pastry Shop.

Ji Zhao chose six snacks in a row and asked Eldest Brother Shen to wrap them up.

“Ah Tao, where are you visiting?” Eldest Sister-in-law Shen asked curiously as she ate the peanuts.

“I want to give a gift to an esteemed guest,” Ji Zhao explained concisely before making a trip to the Ma Residence.

Ma Tong warmly welcomed the two of them. After all, other than giving him some snacks, Ji Zhao had also given him a heavy pouch. He estimated that it was at least four to five taels of silver.

With Ma Tong’s help, Ji Zhao’s gift was successfully delivered to Old Madam Ma.

The next day, the county magistrate personally came to the pastry shop and bought a few pastries!

Shen Ji Pastry Shop’s business welcomed another small climax.

When Eldest Sister-in-law Shen found out that all of this was Ji Zhao’s good luck, she wished she could worship Ji Zhao!

“Eldest Sister-in-law, do you know where there’s an oil workshop nearby?” Ji Zhao’s gaze inadvertently landed on the five-spice peanut in Sister-in-law Shen’s hand.

If she could extract peanut oil and use it to make fried skewers or fried chicken, it would definitely be delicious!

“Oil-extraction workshop? Isn’t there one in our village? I heard from my mother that the village chief’s family used to run an oil-extraction workshop.”


Ji Zhao was extremely excited after receiving accurate news!

She had already found what she should do next.

First, she would look for the oil extraction workshop. Then, she would buy high-quality peanuts and extract the most refined peanut oil!

Shanghe Village.

Zhao Lanhua, who was washing Zhuang Zhuang’s diapers, was surprised when she heard Ji Zhao’s words. “Ah Tao, are you kidding me? You can extract oil out of these peanuts?”

“Of course!” Ji Zhao nodded without hesitation. “Mother, the most important thing now is to find an oil press. We can give it a try first!”

“Alright.” Zhao Lanhua thought for a while and immediately nodded. “But it’s already late. It’s not good for us to disturb the village chief so late at night. Why don’t you go back to your room and think about it? You and Third Brother can discuss the plan together. I’ll accompany you to look for the village chief tomorrow morning.”

“Okay!” Ji Zhao nodded hurriedly, not forgetting to smile brightly at Zhao Lanhua. “Mother, thank you!”

“Have you and Third Brother eaten tonight? The chicken soup is still warmed in the earthen jar. Mother will roll out noodles for you.”

“Mother, I’ll wash the remaining diapers later. You should go back to your room and rest!” Ji Zhao took the diapers from her hand and personally sent her back to the main house.

Fifteen minutes later, in the Shen family’s kitchen.

Shen Yao was helping to start the fire. When the fire was strong, he immediately poked half his head out of the furnace. “Ah Tao, it’s already medium fire.”

“Alright!” Ji Zhao, who was making the dough, smiled faintly.

She held a knife in one hand and a ball of dough in the other.

The way she shaved the noodles was smooth and comfortable, pleasing to the eye.

Half an hour later, the shredded chicken shaved noodles was brought to Shen Yao.

“The noodles will be even more fragrant if you add oil and chili powder.” Ji Zhao could not help but sigh when she smelled the fragrance.

“It’s already very fragrant now.” Shen Yao picked up his chopsticks and took a bite impatiently.

The noodles were as thin as snow, but the texture was extremely flexible.

With a bite, the soup completely exploded in his mouth!

Second Sister-in-law Shen, who was already sleepy, smelled the fragrance and immediately swallowed her saliva.

“Husband, go to the kitchen quickly. Ah Tao must have made something delicious again. Get her to make me a bowl too!” Second Sister-in-law Shen hurriedly grabbed Second Brother Shen’s arm and said anxiously.

If not for the fact that she was still in postpartum recovery, she would have dashed into the kitchen.

“But wife, you just drank a big bowl of chicken soup an hour ago. Are you hungry again?”

“I’m not that hungry. I’m just craving!” Second Sister-in-law Shen said frankly. “Aiya, hurry up and go to the kitchen to take a look. Perhaps Ah Tao has already made me a bowl!”

As Second Sister-in-law Shen had expected, Ji Zhao had indeed prepared a bowl of shredded chicken shaved noodles for her.

“Speaking of which, Ah Tao is really amazing!” Second Sister-in-law Shen could not help but sigh. “Husband, you don’t know, when I was giving birth to Zhuang Zhuang, I almost fainted from the pain. Fortunately, Ah Tao accompanied me and encouraged me. She even told me the story of the white snake, which made me forget the pain of giving birth!”

“In that case, Third Sister-in-law is your and Zhuang Zhuang’s savior?”

“Yes.” Second Sister-in-law Shen immediately nodded. “Husband, why don’t we give Ah Tao a thank-you gift?”

“Although we’re a family and don’t have to be too polite, I think Mother was right before. It’s not wrong to give gifts!” Second Sister-in-law Shen seemed to have a carefree personality, but she was actually very meticulous.


Just as Second Brother Shen and his wife were worried about what kind of thank-you gift they should give Ji Zhao, Ji Zhao also began to worry.

She had many plans, but none of them were good. But no matter which one it was, she could not realize it immediately because—

She was out of money.

When Shen Yao walked in with hot water, he saw Ji Zhao counting the silver with a frown. He couldn’t help but laugh. “Ah Tao, you’re the first person I’ve seen who would frown when counting silver.”

“Shen Yao, don’t tease me.” Ji Zhao shrugged her shoulders helplessly and said aggrievedly, “I finally understand what it means to have full dreams, but reality is very harsh.”

There were many thoughts in her mind.

No matter which one it was, she would definitely make a huge profit.

Unfortunately, she had no money now, so every plan had failed.

After soaking her feet, Ji Zhao felt much more relaxed.

“When I saw Eldest Sister-in-law eating peanuts today, I had a flash of inspiration. If we can extract peanut oil, there will definitely be many benefits!”

“Unfortunately, reality is crueler than we imagined,” Ji Zhao said with a bitter smile. “It’s not easy to open an oil extraction workshop. Moreover, I’ve asked around. If we really want to open an oil press, we have to report to the county office.”

“Ah Tao.” Shen Yao thought for a moment and advised softly, “I think you can put aside what you’re doing first. Actually, sometimes, too many thoughts will affect a person’s initial judgment.”

“That’s right.” Ji Zhao immediately snapped her fingers. “Shen Yao, you’re right!”

One shouldn’t bite off more than one could chew. Furthermore, a fatty was fed one bite at a time!

Opening an oil extraction workshop was extremely difficult for her, but what about the richest family, the Qin family?

“Shen Yao, will you accompany me to look for Young Master Qin tomorrow morning?”

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