I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 706 705. A New Title Acquired

"Pope… If I can kill you, will I rule the world?" 

"Do I rule the world?" 

"…Leyon—please remember this name, Your Holiness."

The first time Sylvester met Leyon was some time ago on that battlefield. Just a young soldier conscripted into the army to fight a battle he didn't want to take part in, for a man who was their King, but in reality, a greedy bastard. 

On the surface, the talks happened, but in Leyon's mind, he saw visions that came from Sylvester himself. Visions of all the atrocities across the world that Sylvester had seen personally, atrocities that may happen in the future too. It was proof that as long as there were noble lords, there would be mindless violence for some land, women, or gold. 

With his teeth clenched, Leyon silently retreated back to his brothers, but with a greater, new aim—an aim to eradicate nobility from the world, an aim to bring peace. 

Yet, history would remember him as a great Conqueror, a great mind that brought all of Sol to its knees. 

Present Time,


Leyon's head was severed away and fell on the floor, while blood sprayed everywhere. 

Every noble, commoner, and Clergyman felt their breaths were stuck in their throats at the sight. Just like that, it was over. How quickly and easily, the man who had spread fear and chaos across Sol was now dead. The great military campaign ended with a single swing of the spear. 

"All hail Emperor S—"

"Silence!" Sylvester roared before someone from the crowds could foolishly complete his chant. "I am no emperor! There shall be no emperor, ever again! Only light and its servants fulfilling the Lord's will—that is the true direction this realm will take. One law, enforced and overseen by the Holy Land, holding Solis as witness."

He looked at the still kneeling four monarchs of East Sol, and raised his bloodied spear at them. "Speak, kings and queens of the East. Do you surrender your rule to this holy authority?"

Sylvester's golden gaze felt so heavy and overbearing that Isabella, Kaecilius, King Highland, and Xylena felt utterly small and powerless. 

"I surrender my authority to His Holiness." Queen Isabella was the first to salute with crossed arms. 

"I accept the rule of the lord." Kaecilius did the same. 

King Highland did the same after that. "My wife will be upset if I don't do this."

Sylvester opened his table drawer and placed sheets upon sheets of paper on the desk. "There is no social hierarchy, Gab. Solis made everyone from the same blood and flesh as all others, so we are born equal. The difference is what we made, not God. So, from today, be it me, the commoners, or any ex-noble, are all equal in the eyes of the law. But of course, some people are important and may require extra protection. 

"As for the nobility, they are all now commoners. All the noble lords are allowed to retain five percent of their lands, their castles, and five percent of the businesses operating on their territory—the limit is equal from Baron to Duke." 

Just then, Julius raised his hands. "What of the monarchs? Do you really want to turn them into commoners?"

"No, they will remain kings and queens, just their titles will be ceremonial. I believe the ruling families have legacies that go thousands of years in history, so it's unwise to remove them. Even the other noble lords will retain their titles, but will hold no power. But different from them, the kings and queens possess a vast number of properties that require management, so they will receive a little amount from their Kingdom's taxes to maintain their livelihoods." Sylvester elaborated on the basic structure of the ruling class that was now powerless. "Everything is detailed in this paper, so read them carefully afterward." 


Inquisitor High Lord stood up from his seat, his staff making a heavy sound. His aura was still as fearsome as ever. "Your Holiness, this new achievement of yours has brought the faith to a new height. But at the same time, you must select a new title for yourself that will resound right. You are more than the Pope now—a leader of mankind to whom all bow." 

Sylvester agreed, and rubbed his chin while trying to think about a word for himself. After all, he was going to be the first and the last of whatever title he would choose. "It cannot be related to a King, Emperor, or something similar."

'President? But it holds no meaning to this world.' He tried to brainstorm. 

"May I?" A hand made of bone raised high in the crowded room. It was none other than the Emperor Lich, Raz. "I have a suggestion."

As every eye looked towards the undead Lich, Sylvester allowed him. "Go on, First Guardian." 

Scratching his skull face, the stylish lich rose from his chair and jovially spoke. "Since you are still the Pope, and only your rule has extended, why not title be… Holy Sovereign?" 

"Holy Sovereign?" 



"I can feel the goosebumps…"

The members discussed it among themselves and finally waited for Sylvester's decision. 

But Sylvester remained silent for a long time, as he was busy hearing the little fluff ball on his shoulder whispering a suggestion into his ears.

"Maxy, since you're above everyone, why not just be Big Pope? Like Big Mum?" 


"Approved!" Sylvester abruptly bellowed. 


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