I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 696 695. The Great Harvest Festival




"What are you eating?" Sylvester looked at his personal furball sitting near the window in his office room. 

"Nyothing." Miraj ignored it and began to munch sneakily. But still, the sounds were loud. 

Sylvester glared at the cat and walked over. He could feel Miraj being on alert and not chewing anymore. The furball also hid something under his body right then. 

"I… I smell something," Sylvester sniffed the air. "It's like… You greedy cat!" 

"Nyoooo~" Miraj meowed. "It's my cookie! Big Mum gave it to me!" 

"She probably asked you to share it with me." Sylvester tried to move Miraj. "Don't be greedy and give me some." 

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Miraj tried to eat quickly and gulp it all down. "It's mine!" 

"You know honey cookies are my favorite. So give me some." Sylvester nudged him, shoving his hand into the cat's mouth so he couldn't eat anymore. 

"Nnnn… Noh-th honeyh…" Miraj tried to speak while nibbling on Sylvester's hand. "Bahnana-h cookie."

"Banana cookie?" Sylvester retreated his hand and shrugged before walking back. "Ah, then I don't want it. Go on, eat slowly, Chonky."

"Meanie!" Miraj growled and relaxed on his window seat again, bathing in sunlight and eating. 

Sylvester chuckled and got to work again. He simply liked messing with Miraj since both of them had spent so many years together, and no matter what, they just couldn't get angry with one another. On top of that, they knew they had a few more centuries of companionship, so acting crazy was the only option to pass the time. 

Knock! Knock!

"Your Holiness." Gabriel peeked into the room. "It's time to go. The Great Harvest Festival is going to start. It will take us days to reach River City." 

Sylvester shrugged and kept reading the reports and writing some more plans. For example, he was planning on adding massive clock towers to all monasteries from now on. "You can go. I'll leave an hour before it starts and fly there."

"You can't fly."


Sylvester felt a string tugging at his heart. "Salary deducted for a month." 


"You don't pay me," Gabriel barked back. 

"Really?" Sylvester had no idea. "That's not possible. How do you even survive?" 

"Food is free for me from the Bard's. Living is also free since I have my office, and travel expenses are borne by the Holy Land's Administration—my department. I had foregone my salary years ago when I became a Bishop, Your Holiness. That money is better used on something better," Gabriel revealed. 

Sylvester silently looked at his friend, impressed by his faith. "Only if every other Clergyman was like you. I'll see you at River City, Gab. You can go first." 

Noticing Gabriel had gone, Miraj flew from his place and landed on the table. "What's the Great Horny Festival? Will Felix be there?" 

"Even if it was a Horny Festival, I don't think Felix can go there. But this one is the Harvest Festival. It's a new thing, a day meant to celebrate the start of the harvest season across East Sol. It takes place in most of the cities, towns, and villages. People come together. Free food is cooked in massive cauldrons and eaten by everyone," Sylvester explained, thinking about the idea behind proposing such festivals. 

'Yet, I feel a great deal of solarium oozing from this building.' Sylvester felt alert and utilized Elder Magic to do Solarium Imaging and look through the walls. He looked up and similarly found a mostly empty gambling floor. But then he looked down, and he just kept looking. 

"A cry for help." 

"Maxy, who's throat should I slit?" Miraj also took to the air, revealing his claws. 

Sylvester shook his head and snapped his fingers. "Anyone who tries to escape the building."

Thud! Clack! Clack!

In response to Sylvester's snap, all the doors of the establishment closed up, and then the windows shut fully, making the inside of the eatery seem as if it was night. The three men drinking, and the four bartenders, servers, and the manager were alerted. 

Sylvester sighed and walked to the man in fine silk clothes. "Lead me downstairs if you don't want to die." 

"Who are you? Do you know who owns this place? Count B—"


Sylvester didn't even move. It was Chonky who flew by the man's neck. A moment later, his head fell onto the floor, rolling aside with blood spraying everywhere. 

"Counts, Dukes, Kings—Flesh that can be stabbed and slit, that's all I see." Sylvester walked to the next best-clothed man. "Lead me downstairs, or die."

"Y-Yes… Sire," the middle-aged, brown-haired waiter agreed and meekly walked to the back of the bar, into the kitchen, and then into the magical pantry with freezing runes. Inside, from the secret door on the floor, the man led Sylvester ten or so meters downstairs into the brightly lit room. 

"Who is he?" There were two armored knights standing guard before an ivory-white door with a golden knob. 


Once again, Sylvester didn't move. But, with a simple overload of solarium he produced in their bodies made their hearts explode, leaving their lips covered with blood and their bodies dead. 

"Lead me in," Sylvester ordered the waiter. "What's your name?"

"M-My name is Eric, Sire," the waiter replied, his legs shivering already. "P-Please don't kill me. I have a family."

"And those being exploited don't?" Sylvester returned the words and followed him in through the door. 

Right away, loud music was audible, a mix of guitars, pianos, and even someone singing in a soothing, womanly voice. 

As he passed through a corridor, with every single soldier dropping dead on their own, he eventually found himself in a massive hall. There were dozens of round sofas with tables in the middle, a stage at one end of the hall with a few utterly beautiful women playing the instruments and singing—completely naked. 

More women were walking around the tables, similarly naked, with big serving saucers to hand over food and drinks. There were also handsome men, equally naked, doing the serving. Following that, he noticed the men and women sitting on the sofas.

Most were questionably dressed. Some without their upper clothes, some without their lower, and others completely naked. But what they were doing was the cause of anger. 

'Once again, I'm reminded of how similar our worlds are.'

The guests were being sexually pleasured by attractive women and men, and at some tables, he saw a few tearful faces that clearly didn't belong there. 

They belonged to schools, playgrounds, and homes, smiling and playing. Not clutched in the arms of unsightly men and women.

"Who are the guests?" Sylvester asked the waiter again. "I'll kill you if you don't answer."

"B-But… they will also kil…"

Sylvester clutched the waiter's neck from behind and brought his face closer to his own, gaining a few gazes from the disgusting audience. "Look at my eyes and hair—I am the Pope! Now speak, or you will definitely die alongside them."

"D-Duke L-Longwin, Marquis Ignis, Count Lenord… Many more… rich merchants, Y-Your M-Majesty!"

Sylvester sighed after hearing the names and released the waiter. He gazed at the nobles laughing there, not even knowing they were already dead.

"Nothing of value will be lost."


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