The entire hall erupted in audible murmurs as they digested the announcement. A crusade was a massive matter because it could be violent and vast. So many people participate in it, and it could last for years at a time. Besides, the Crusade gives the church absolute power over the ruling of Kingdoms. Except for the Kings and Dukes, the Church can at any time kill a noble as long as they are proven to be heretics at the order of an Archbishop.

"Silence!" The Pope boomed this time, appearing serious as his eyes seemed bloodshot red for some reason.

In response, those sitting at the front shuddered, and the others shut up quickly. The Pope then elaborated on the reasons behind the Crusade and its implications.

"All of you must learn why we have taken such a step first. This time, the Crusade is not against heresy, which means no crusader shall be allowed to harm any human or believer. But, do not forget, this time, the Crusade is against the Bloodlings.

"As you all may know, the Bloodlings appear at the places of death, where once a large war took place, and dead bodies got buried. Unfortunately, there are plenty of such sites due to the thousand-year war. Hence, we must kill as many bloodlings as possible because if they are left, they will only get stronger in time and be a hurdle in our fight against the Anti-Light and the heathens of the East. In fact, the war has already begun!

"We have received a confirmed report that the Anti-Light's head and his minions ambushed the Eight Guardian of Light, Lady Melina Blackborn, and killed her in a devastating fight. Naturally, this is a direct challenge to the church, and we must give a befitting reply. But we cannot leave issues such as bloodlings behind for that."

The Pope looked at a few faces in the hall, Sylvester being one of them. Then he made the next announcement. "But, as we all know, the past crusades have been a shame on our names. They have tainted the faith like no other--as crusaders thought they could do anything with their emergency powers. They left a trail of death wherever they went--pillaging, r*ping, and destroying the towns and villages they desired.

"But no more! The Sanctum Inspectors shall be given special oversight authority over the Crusades. They shall investigate any report of wrongdoing, and if found guilty, they shall have the authority to invoke justice in my name and deal with the perpetrators. If necessary, they shall kill a single crusader... or a thousand. So remember this and be sure to spread the word for I will not tolerate any indecency."

The Pope scanned the hall with a threatening gaze. "I say this only once. We are the faith of Solis, and our duty is to spread the light--Our duty is to stay upright and help those in plight. So you must stand for what is right--or don't mind me when you fail to wake up from that dark night."

A few souls hiding some darkness within that hall shuddered at the Pope's proclamation. Indeed, this time the Crusade was different. They were not meant to interact with people. Hence, if they inflicted any harm to a town or a village, then by default, the crusaders would pay the price.

Saint Wazir walks forward again. "Now, you must return to your departments and brief your subordinates about what you heard here. Be clear and precise, ensure they don't get the wrong idea, and know the slight's price--Dismissed!"

Everyone started to get up quickly and move out. But when Sylvester looked around, it turned out none of the Sanctum Inspectors stood up. He reckoned there was something more for them here.

Sure enough, only the Pope, Guardians, Sanctum Council, and Sanctum Inspectors were left after the hall was emptied.

Saint Wazir, as the overall head of the Inspectors, called them forward towards the stage. "All of you have a much greater task now than before. But, you must still keep doing your regular duties since they are essential.

"And, simultaneously, you need to handle the Crusaders. Inquisitor High Lord will be directing the overall Crusade, but he can't have eyes and ears everywhere. So, from now, you will write two reports in case of an accident with a crusader. One report shall reach me, and the other shall reach the Inquisitor High Lord. Any questions?"

Sylvester raised his hand instantly. "Respected Saint, how are we to fight if we encounter a large group of unruly crusaders? Let's say... a hundred?"

Saint Wazir chuckled. "If anything, they need to fear you, Archpriest. But I understand your concerns. That is why, for the duration of the Crusade, all of you are allowed to form a team of 20 knights and wizards. You shall lead them around and instill justice. If you feel that the situation is still out of your control, you merely need to order the nearest Inquisitor camps."

Sylvester was already thinking about the names of those he would take with him. After all, he knew a few old God's Favored kids from his school days. They were still talented even if they had dropped out of the class.

The Pope gave them his blessings after that, as well as a parchment each. "This parchment holds my seal, and you shall be working in my name. I hope I hear no words of you tarnishing my reputation--or else, the one to deal with you won't be Saint Wazir."

A few inspectors gulped their saliva and saluted quickly. Then they all received the parchments and were let go.

"Wait, Archpriest Sylvester." The Pope called suddenly. "Rest of you, leave! Including the Guardians and the Saints."

Sylvester looked around and noticed the gazes of envy from other Inspectors, even the smell of jealousy. While from Guardians, the Inquisitor High Lord nodded at him, the old Grandpa Monk showed him a thumbs up with a grin, Lady Aurora winked at him, and only the first Guardian showed hostility for some reason.

Soon, only Sylvester and the Pope were left in the giant hall where now their voices echoed.

"Congratulations, young bard. You finally stepped up a ladder, and I hope you step up magic rank too." The Pope walked up to Sylvester and patted his shoulder.

'What does he want now? What are you plotting now, old boy?' Sylvester wondered as he smiled falsely.

"Thank you, your holiness. I believe I am just half a step away from a rank-up. And, with more challenges so apparent now, I think I will get better soon."

The Pope nodded and walked around, looking at the various beautiful carvings on the hall's walls. "Faith is going through a tough time, son. We need you more than any time before."


"Darkness is shrouding the world. Anti-Light, Bloodlings, Heathens of the East, some nobles on the brink of wars, the internal schemes, and plots. As the Pope, I try to balance everything and ensure one does not become such a big problem that all others are forced to be ignored.

"This Crusade could either be the best thing in a century or the worst. It all depends on how the crusaders work. For this, I need your help as it's a known fact your hymns can soothe souls and remind one of their vows to Solis. So, from now on, every time you meet with a crusader group or camp, please try to bask them in your warmth of light and hymns. Maybe--it will remind them not to lose their way--not let their hearts sway."

'A good idea. I can surely get some followers and spread my name with this opportunity.'

"For the lord chose me as his bard, it's my duty to be the light's guard. I will do my best, your holiness." He saluted.

"Nicely spoken, young bard. I reckon you were on your way out just now. I wish you success in your assignment. We cannot afford a war between two duchies of the same kingdom."

Sylvester left silently. He found Sir Dolorem and Felix waiting for him out there.

"Let's go. We're already delayed by hours now." He quickened his steps towards the School of Dawn.

"What did the Holy Father say to you?" Felix asked curiously, not to mention a hint of envy in the air.

So Sylvester truthfully replied. "Not much. He just wants me to sing some songs to crusaders from time to time, so they don't sway and get reminded of their oaths."

"Pfft... Archpriest Sylvester, the singer of the church. If you were not a clergyman, you could have been so famous and surrounded by pretty ladies. Just imagine."

Sylvester rolled his eyes as he had no interest in women. His only lust was for power. "Stop imposing your fetishes onto me, young man. Also, I am an Archpriest now, so you better respect my authority!"

Sir Dolorem sang the exact words as Sylvester. "Archpriest is correct, Priest Felix. At least in public, you can no longer call him by his direct name or short name. Or that would send the wrong message."

Felix scowled, the jealousy increasing more. But it was not a threatening type of jealousy. "Yeah yeah, our rich fat lord bard shall get his due respect now. Hmph... I should have filed for a promotion as well."

"You'd have likely gotten it." Sir Dolorem blurted.


Instantly, Felix stopped in his tracks and got left behind a few steps. Sylvester laughed and looked back. "You truly are one stupid lad. I thought you got rejected, so you never told me in shame--but you didn't even try?"

"Nobody told me to try!"

"Nobody told me either," Sylvester exclaimed as he held his laughter. "Let's go. You will receive the promotion once we return. Let's hurry now; we need to reach a small town to spend the night on our way."

"That won't be necessary, Archpriest." Sir Dolorem interjected.

And the man was absolutely right. When Sylvester finally arrived at the location of their carriage, he was shocked to see the monstrosity of a carriage in front of him. It was less like a carriage and more like a small house, with wooden walls and windows, a roof, and tons of storage. It even had six wheels, along with four horses tied to pull.

"What's this? Pimp my ride?" Sylvester muttered in question.


Lady Aurora jumped from the carriage's roof and landed in front of Sylvester. She boomed excitedly. "Behold! My beautiful personal carriage--The Beast is the name. Let's move now. We're locked and loaded with tons of food and water."


Sylvester just stared at the thing in wonder. 'Isn't this too big for muddy roads?'

[A/N: See the carriage in this para comment.]


[A/N: Sorry for the delay, there was some problem.]

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